Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

D-Dagen got META 11/10


D-Dagen got META 11/10. If you want to heat your food, go to Nymble (or V, U, etc).

METAdorerna hosts Kickoff-TB

METAdorerna hosts a kickoff and you are welcome! Meet us in a more relaxed context then a official lunchmeeting!

To attend you need to sign up in this form: http://bit.ly/tbmetadorerna

We'll cook and eat together!

Requitment of year representatives for D-18

The Studyboard is looking for two year representatives for D-18. As a year representative, you represent the class views on the studies for KTH. Contact me at sno@d.kth.se if you are interested!

METAspexet 2019 recruitment has begun!

The recrution to METAspexet 2019 has begun. For more information, and the form to apply, visit metaspexet.se/sok!

Anmälan till Studs19 har öppnat!


Studs är ett årligt studentprojekt som arrangeras av ca 30 masterstudenter. På hösten planerar studenterna företagsevent som sker under våren, vilka finansierar en studieresa till ett resmål som bestäms gemensamt av projektets medlemmar. Förutom att vara en unik chans att knyta värdefulla kontakter inom näringslivet är Studs även en kurs på 15 HP som ges av KTH.

Läs om vilka grupper du kan söka på studieresan.se/student Sök i formuläret studieresan.se/ansok

Projektledare Studs 2019 Andreas Heiskanen & Emma Nimstad

Make D-dagen 2018 happen with us!

The application for working on D-dagen 2018 is now open!

Do you want to get connections with cool companies and have tha chance to meet other students? We are now seeking for enthusiastic people as Business Host, Lounge and Task Force to make D-dagen 2018 happen.

The application is open until October 3rd and you can find it and more information HERE

Don't hesitate and apply now!

Make D-dagen 2018 happen with us!

The application for working on D-dagen 2018 is now open!

Do you want to get connections with cool companies and have tha chance to meet other students? We are now seeking for enthusiastic people as Business Host, Lounge and Task Force to make D-dagen 2018 happen.

The application is open until October 3rd and you can find it and more information HERE

Don't hesitate and apply now!

EECS service center is looking for student workers on a hourly basis

(probably only for swedish students)

EECS service center is looking for student workers on a hourly basis!

See the link below for more information. Last date to apply is the 31 of august! :D

(Du need to log in with your KTH-id and be enrolled in the master of science in computer science and engineering program (civilingenjör datateknik).


Apply for the management team for Studs 2019

The application for the management team of Studs 2019 is now open! Apply at https://goo.gl/forms/riB7Sw8ggqllQwo12. // Emma Nimstad och Andreas Heiskanen

Minutes for Election Chapter Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

DESC invites you to a Night Gibb!

DESC invites you to a "night gibb" to celebrate the end of the semster! :D

What is a night gibb? A night gibb is when a group of people gather in an internet café and play computer games until the sun goes up! We will be at the popular internet café Inferno Online from 22:00 - 08:00

How/Where/When? Where: Inferno Online Stockholm (Odengatan 60) When: 2018-06-08 22:00 Price: DESC pays for your seat for as long we have the money (and as long as you're a member of the chapter). Otherwise it's 130 SEK.

How do I know if I'm a member of the chapter? You're a member of the Computer Science Chapter if you study computer science at KTH and have paid the THS membership fee.

Do I have to stay all night? Of course not, you can leave whenever you like. I'll be there all night.

Can I bring a friend who's not a comp sci student? Yes :D The more the merrier. However, DESC can't pay for their seat if they're not members of the Computer Science Chapter.

Agenda for A Shifting-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Audit report for 2017

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Election documents Election-SM 2018

Kontakta valberedning@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

DESC --> DreamHack!

Better late than never!

DESC is going to DreamHack Summer for the first time! Perhaps the first time in the history of the Computer Science Chapter? As usual, we have about 5000 SEK of the chapter's money to use on travel expenses, but you have to buy tickets yourselves ;)

We will be there on the 16th of June --> Mon 18th June. Be sure to ask for leave from the summer job in time.

Please wait a few days to buy a ticket (I got exciting news coming ;) ). If you already have a ticket, do not lock your seat position until we know where we wanna be seated.

Do you just want to attend the event but not sit with us in the BYOC section? You are very welcome to hitch a ride down with us. Do you have a friend outside the Computer Science chapter who wants to join us? That's absolutely fine as long as there's space in the car, and there's usually space (chapter members have first priority).

We meet early on Saturday at 10:00 am outside of META and travel down to Jönköping from there.

Tickets: https://shop.dreamhack.com/

Agenda for Election Chapter Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Agenda for A Chosen-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Minutes for A Hexadecimal-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

KTH is recruiting student ambassadors (only swedish students)

This is only right now for swedish programs at KTH. But take a look if you want to read more about it in the link below.
