
Having issues or questions related to your studies? Check the answers in the study FAQ. Or email one of the people below. They all love being able to help!

Not sure who to email? Email


Here is a list of conctact detail regarding issues or questions related to your studies.

Chairman of the Study Council

Contact me if you have questions about your studies, for example, if there are problems in a course. All courses should also have a course representative (student who represents all the students in talks with the faculty) and you might be able to find your representative here.

Student Safety Officers (Studerandeskyddsombud)

The chapter has two Student Safety Officers (SSO), the Study Environment Representative and the Head of the Equality Committee. Contact us if you have issues regarding the study environment. This includes both physical and psychosocial problems. We have professional secrecy.

Study Environment Representative

Contact me if you have questions about the physical study environment.

Head of Equality, Diversity and Equal Treatment

Contact me if with questions or comments about the psychosocial environment.

You can also contact me anonymously through

Last updated 17 November 2024