The Chapter

Konglig Datasektionen

Datasektionen, or the Computer Science Chapter is a non-profit student chapter under THS which exists to give all CS students at KTH the best study time possible. We achieve this in part by monitoring the courses in the programme, and in part by organizing activities outside of the studies themselves. We're a bit like a watchdog, and a bit like a fraternity (but more open). In the chapter there are several groups doing specific stuff that interests them. Read more about the chapters clubs at Clubs.

Discussion Forums

The chapter has a Discord server, a chat platform where chapter members can discuss both study-related topics and extracurricular chapter-related activities. The server hosts course channels for the program's courses where students can get help. Events that fall under the activity categories below are also advertised there. All students at KTH are welcome to join the server via the following link:


We have an international student coordinator who knows the most about the CS chapter's international projects. More information can be found at the International Committee's page or by sending an email.

Party activities

Few engineering students could go longer than a few days without partying. To satisty this need, we have multiple clubs including D-Festeriet and DKM, or the Club Masters of Data.

DKM, is made up of a few nice people who organize totally incredible parties. You must think they are awesome. They are. Parties are held at META almost every wednesday.

Keeping an eye on the studies...

The study council makes sure that all CS students get the best education possible. We meet at least once a period and discuss how things are going in all the different courses and programmes. If you're experiencing problems with the faculty or a course, you should contact us! The study council is open for all CS students, so anyone can come to our meetings. Studienämnden

Activities and entertainment

There are many ways to have fun at the CS chater. Apart from interesting studies and epic parties, qultural events are sometimes organized. This could be film- or gaming evenings. We also collaborate with other groups to spread qulture all around the campus. Looking for company? We can help! QN

Industry contact

The Business relations group takes care of the chapter's contact with the professional world. We organize events together with interested companies, such as the yearly, company pubs, lunch lectures, and other events. We also help companies advertize jobs and sometimes organize something special.

The chapter also hold an annual career fare, D-Dagen, each October where you can meet over 100 companies in the union building, Nymble.

META, our Chapter Hall

META is the hall where CS and Media students can meet, eat and party. The address is Osquars Backe 21 and the heroes taking care of the place are METAdorerna.

Student Reception

The reception is very important for welcoming new students and making sure they feel good coming here. The schedule and other information can be found at the reception website.