The Clubs of the CS chapter
In the menu to the left you can read more about the CS chapters clubs/committees and projects, as well as get a quick overview below. All chapter officials, clubs and projects are united under different organs, which are led by organ leaders.
Group for helping girls at the CS chapter network with each other.
Takes care of the chapter car, Cerise, so it stays on the road.
DEMON - Music group
DEMON are the music enthusiasts of the CS chapter. Meet to jam together!
DESC - Computer Science E-sports community
DESC organizes gaming nights and other events for gaming enthusiasts in the chapter.
The chapter's yearly CTF competition.
DKM - Party organizers
What would a Chapter be without parties? DKM has been organizing parties as long as the Chapter has existed.
Equality Committee
We want everyone to feel safe and welcome.
Election Committee
Manages elections within the chapter to elect people to official positions.
Is responsible for safekeeping and rediscovering the Data Chapters long history.
International Committee
Makes sure international students are welcome by arranging events for both Swedish and international students to get to know each other through.
Our common Chapter Hall is named META and can be found at Osquars Backe 21. We are the ones taking care of the place.
Prylmångleriet - pathces and merch
Prylis sells the stuff CS students want to buy
Qulture Committee - Qulturnämnden
Film nights, eating candy, and other forms of qulture.
Redaqtionen - dbuggen
dbuggen is the Chapter's own paper. It's released whenever any possible editors have the time or the will. This actually sometimes happens! Nowadays you can also read it online.
The chapter choir for everyone who likes to sing.
Study Board - Studienämnden
Keeping an eye on the studies, the courses and the faculty.
Tag Monkeys
Graphic design <3
The Baking Committee
Bakes pastries for chapter meetings and other occasions.
The Business Relations Group
We handle the chapter's professional contacts, organizes job fairs, lunch lectures, study visits, and other kids of sponsoring.
Systems Group
We develop and maintain the chapter's websites. Including the one you're looking at now!
The Reception
Here is all the info about the reception, the schedule, etc.
The Sports Committee - Idrottsnämnden
We do whatever we want.
Speakers' Presidium
Organizes and runs the SM/VM's and ensures the democratic process at the chapter.
Recurring projects
- dåre - The chapters trip the the ski resort: Åre
- Studs - The Study Visit, a course organised by students of the Chapter
- METAspexet - The Spex shared between the CS chapter and the Media Technology Chapter - An interactive student musical theater.
- Project Pride
- Vårbalen - The CS chapters spring ball
Current projects
- dÅre 2025
- Studs 2025
- METAspexet 2025
- Project Pride 2024
- Vårbalen 2025
- Project Dive
- Groda 2024 - GRön hållbarhet Och DAtasektionen (Green sustainability and Datasektionen)
- Projekt dAlumn (dAlumni)
Operational plans for all current projects are uploaded to Google Drive.
How to start a project
To start a project, there has to be an interest on the part of the chapter since we'll be using the chapter's money. So you have to get a motion passed at an SM.
Earlier groups/committees and projects
- Spexmästeriet: Was responsible for creating new spex. Closed Budget-SM 2013.
- Fenixorden: Awarded the "Årets Fenix". Closed at Budget-SM 2013.
- Cerise Siren: Choir of the CS chapter. (Merged with Spexmästeriet 2005)
- Dataspelet: Data's own spex. Now exists as a common spex together with Media, METAspexet.
- Dart Vader: CS Dart group.
- Jong: CS Juggling group.
- SHFF: Sektionshusfondsföreningen (untranslatable - sorry to the one international student that got this far. Thanks for reading tho!).
- Sångboksgruppen: The Chapter songbook group.
- Bröllopet - Our Wedding with the Media chapter
- Stack Overbowl: CS Bowling group.