Speakers' Presidium
The Speaker's Presidium is tasked with organizing Chapter Meetings (SM) and Electoral Meetings (VM) held throughout the year. The Presidium consists of the Speaker, Vice Speaker, and the Secretary.
Chapter Meetings (SM) and Electoral Meetings (VM)
The Chapter Meeting, SM, is the highest decision-making body in the Chapter. Before SM's, all members are free to submit motions, proposals, and interpellations.
Section 3 of our Chapter's statutes state (translated): "At the SM, all regular section members have the right to attend, speak, propose and vote. The section's auditors according to §10.1 have the right to attend, speak and propose. Honorary members, alumni members and members of the THS board have the right to attend and speak. In addition, the SM can co-opt outsiders with the right to attend and possibly also the right of expression."