Nya regler för META under pandemin

Hej alla Sektionsmedlemmar!

I och med den nya pandemilagen och tillkommande rekommendationerna har KTH och THS beslutat sig för följande gällande META:

  • Nya öppettider för META kommer vara mellan 8-22.
  • Nya maxgränsen i META är 26 personer.
  • Möbleringen kommer att anpassas efter detta så snart som möjligt, vänligen möblera inte om.
  • Lokalen är öppen i studiesyfte, ej för Sektionsaktiviteter.

Utöver detta finns det ny information om Nymble och THS från Kårordförande Charley:


  • We will continue having no events in Nymble or Osqvik.
  • The previous rule about administrators for crucial democratic meetings being allowed to book rooms in Nymble is no longer in effect.

Public areas in Nymble:

  • Nymble, the Bookstore and the Restaurant will still be open, but with new updated safety information posted around the building and even stricter restrictions in the number of seats and tables in their respective areas.
  • Only 4 people per table is allowed, and we ask that people do not move any furniture. If you happen to be in Nymble we ask that we all help out to remind people of these restrictions when necessary. For example, if you see a table with too many people, ask them to move apart.
  • KårX will continue to be physically open only Monday-Wednesday, but will still be reachable by phone: 08-790 98 51 and by mail: karx@ths.kth.se during their regular office hours.
  • THS Café is closed and the Restaurant will instead be open 9-15 for the foreseeable future. Lunch will still be served as usual in the restaurant, with some extension of its supply in order to offer what THS Café usually does.
  • We will regularly evaluate the situation and the above is subject to change.

What do we know right now about KTH?

  • KTH library will open again on January 25th.
  • Study places are kept open as usual.

Fortsätt att ta hand om er och varandra <3