Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Extra Chapter Meeting

Hello Chapter Members! On January 27th a chapter meeting will be heldremotely at 17:30. In case the meeting gets postponed,the meeting will be held remotely on February 2nd at 17:30.

During the chapter meeting motions regarding the purchase of a new car and the subsidy of dÅre, and a proposition regarding antigen tests will be dealt with. The second reading of the motion regardingurn-elections at Extra-SM will also take place. During the chapter meeting by-elections for Vice Treasurer, Secretary, Election Official and International Student Coordinator will be held.

The summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

All chapter members arewelcome!

Songbook Gasque

Welcome to the one and only gasque by Prylmångleriet.

The gasque will be in META, 25/2 18:30. The main highlight during the gasque will be the Song writing competition during the gasque where you can write your own song or rewrite your favourite song's lyrics! Send these songs to prylis@d.kth.se to participate.

You can also write during the gasque and perform your songs!

Bring your ovve and your old songbooks and let us sing together!

Bachelor thesis viewing

Hi there Chapter!

The Study Board would like to invite those of you who are to start working on your Bachelor thesis, or just have an interest in general, to a Bachelor thesis viewing.

During this event, you will get to meet older CS-chapter members and see what you can do during the thesis work, get some tips and recieve answers to your questions regarding the Bachelor Thesis.

When? 12/1 kl 12:15 Where? Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/62558826953

Check out the facebook event for more information!

If you are an older student who would like to do a short presentation of your work, send us an email at sno@d.kth.se


In accordance with our statutes §4.4 Brådskande ärenden and §4.8 D-rektiv I hereby issue a D-rektiv.

It’s about drive, it’s about power, we stay hungry, we devour

Put in the work, put in the hours, and take what’s ours

I wish to thank everyone who has been a part of our chapter during 2021, both our electees and project leaders who have done an amazing job, and all our members who have participated in the activities that the chapter has held during the year. Despite the current situation in society, you have shown an amazing drive to create the best community for all of us to enjoy together. I’m looking forward to seeing what those who are staying on or just starting their elected period will achieve, and I 100% fully trust that it will be great!

With those words I whish you all a happy new year!

See you in the ring – Johan Hamredahl, President 2021

DKM x Musikhjälpen

Hey hey!

According to tradition, DKM has a collection together with musikhjälpen every year. This year we will, however, not have a musikhjälpen-pub as we usually arrange. Instead, everyone who donates will be allowed to queue a song during the first pub of next year, the THEMEPUB on the 26/1. In order to donate, click here ♥️ This year, musikhjälpen aims to create a better would, without child labour.

Thank you!

Last board game night of the year!

Standard board game tuesday! Come and play some games and have some fika!

Where? META

When? 17.17

Complaint meeting with SN and JN

Hiya Chapter members!

Have you had any problems with your studies in the last year? Do you long for some fika? Has Santa not brought the presents yet?

Come to L21 during lunch on Wednesday in that case! SN and JN hold a complaint cottage (i.e open meeting) there and in addition to the opportunity to complain about ** everything**, there is also fika and a gift for the first 30 who come.

Check out the FB event for more info!


As the semester comes to an end, so does the chapter events... but not before Skiftes!! Skiftes is an awsome party where all computer science students are welcome. We celebrate old and new "funktionärer", plz help me translate :)

Check the FB event for more info and sign up using the google form

dJulmiddagen info & FFA

Ho ho ho 🎅!

For people who have not payed their tickets, pay them or let us know that you will not be attending or pay in the door via eg. mail. At 19:30 we will release FFA tickets if their are seats that have not yet been taken. So keep an eye on the facebook for info!


On December 16th a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30.

All chapter members are welcome!

METAcraft grand opening


In two days, the Minecraft server of Konglig Datasektionen and Sektionen för Medieteknik will have its launch. On Friday 10th of December 19.00 the server will go live with a big creeper style BANG!

Wanna join the server? Join the whitelist here: https://forms.gle/2BPqCdwURCDgwPwi6

You can also join our home, the Qulturnämnden Discordserver: https://discord.gg/dxeWrXh

See you on Friday!

Last sale of the yeah

A long year is coming to an end, but not before the last Friday sale. Don't miss this chance to buy some patches to procrastinate instead of studying for the upcoming exams. During lunch as always, see you there <3

Review of the financial year 2020

This material is unfortunately only available in Swedish.

Vaccination certificates at the mulled wine chapter meeting

Hi again.

At the Mulled wine chapter meeting tomorrow we will have to validate vaccination certificates for all attendees, in accordance with the new guidelines from THS.

You can get your vaccine certificate at covidbevis.se.

If you are not vaccinated or you recieved your vaccine outside of the EU and therefore cannot get a vaccination certificate you will only be able to attend the chapter meeting if less than 100 people attend.

If you for medical reasons cannot get vaccinated you need to provide a medical certificate instead.

New guidelines from THS regarding COVID-19

Hi everyone!

THS has recently released new guidelines for COVID-19 based on the new restrictions from the Public Health Agency of Sweden. THS has concluded that all events within THS (including chapter activities) fall under general gatherings and we therefore need to follow these restriktions.

Ofcourse the previous restrictions still apply, which can be read about in detail here.

Besides these we want to emphasise the new requirements for vaccination certificates for attendees of events with more than 100 attendats. This means that for all events and activities hosted by the chapter where the number of attendats exceed 100 all attendants must show a valid vaccination certificate.

If you are vaccinated, and recieved your vaccine within EU, you can acquire your vaccine certificate at covidbevis.se. If you recieved your vaccine outside of the EU there is no way to currently get a vaccination certificate in Sweden and you can therefore not participate in events with more than 100 attendants. Persons who for medical reasons are unable to get vaccinated must be able to provide a medical certificate instead, as seen here

Election Documents for Glögg-SM

Here are the election documents for the election in the uppcoming Glögg-SM
Don't forget to vote in the Urnval!
Standard Election Documents
Urnval Election Documents

Deadline to submit autumms expenses i cashflow

Hello chapter! The year is the year is almost at an end and this means that a financial statement for the year 2021 must be made within a reasonable time and hopefully not be postponed a lot. In order for a financial statement to be made, all bookkeping must be done, including all the year's expenses in cashflow. The D-directorate has therefore specified some deadlines for when you must register your receipts in cashflow at the latest

Deadlines are as follows: Expenses from November or earlier must be registered in cashflow and reciepts put in the folder no later than January 16:th. Expenses from December must be registered in cashflow and reciepts put in the folder no later than January 31:st

New year skiftes

The D-directorate and D-fest proudly present ... New year skiftes!

Skiftes is a gasque and takes place at the end of each semester and is the event where newly elected d-officials can meet old d-officials and have fun together.

The theme is pirates of the bahamas.

Skiftes is for d-officials, but all chapter members are welcome.

INFORMATION Date: December 17th at 7pm. Dress code: ovve / b-frack. Pirate attire is also nice. Ticket release: December 8 at 18:30. The prices for tickets will be 80kr for without alcohol and 120kr for with alcohol There will be around 60 seats at the gasque

The link to the tickets will be published on the event's facebookpage

Storträff (grand meeting) today

Hello, today KTH will hold a so-called "Storträff" (grand meeting) between 12:30 and 16:30 on Zoom. This meeting is divided into a number of parallell discussion rooms that deal with a number of topics relating to education and equality.

For the schedule and zoom links, see this link (in Swedish): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uv07s6JTMQJ_vxIr-znFNZNz31D0i5MS6boZlsyLfIc/edit#heading=h.kkhcbq3fr1wj

Note: I am not sure if there will be discussions in English or not.

Urnval voting

Due to some technical difficulties the Urnval voting will be held fysically.

Every day in META up to the Glögg-SM between 12:00-13:00 there will be an opportunity to place your vote.

To be allowed to vote you need proof that you are a part of the chapter (mecenatkort) and a valid form of ID.

Glögg-SM Candidate presentation

Due to some teknikal difficulties the candidate presentations will be available here instead:
David Puustinen for chapter president
Pontus Söderlund for vice chapter president
Adam Sjöberg for paymaster
Fabian Andréasson for paymaster

Board games with QN?

Standard board game tuesday! Come and play some games and have some fika! Where? META When? 17.17

Christmas themed art with Tag Monkeys!

Tag Monkeys is back! Yay!! Even better, there's an event this tuesday where we are going to make art to decorate META and make it beautiful in time for Christmas. Be there!

Improvments to META

Hello! Next saturday the chapter hall group will have fix-stuff-in-the-chapter-hall-day therefore we are gathering suggestions for META. Do you feel like something is missing in the chapter hall or if something is broken then you can fill out this form and the chapterhall group will look into it.

After party!

Hello chapter! Tonight after the sittning we will open the doors for the entire chapter, not just women and non binarys. Hope to see you there at the after party!