Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Equality Forum

Hello! KTH Equality Office is hosting the next installment of Equality Forum. It will unfortunately only be held in Swedish, so I will add the swedish information below.

Equality Forum 1 juni För första gången har svenska universitet och högskolor genomfört en gemensam och nationell enkät om hur vanligt det är med genusbaserad utsatthet och sexuella trakasserier inom akademin. Totalt har nästan 39 000 anställda, doktorander och studenter svarat. För att fånga genusbaserad utsatthet ur ett situationsbaserat perspektiv under en längre tid har elva frågor ställts som beskriver olika former av icke önskvärda sexuella beteenden. Här uppger totalt 38 procent av de svarande att de upplevt något av dessa beteenden minst en gång under sitt arbets-/studieliv. Med detta mått redovisar gruppen doktorander som är kvinnor högst andel utsatta, 53 procent. Enkäten innehöll, förutom frågor om förekomst av sexuella trakasserier, också frågor om organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö, hälsa, utsatthet för mobbning, hat och hot. På Equality Forum 1 juni presenterar vicerektor Anna Wahl och lektor Åsa-Karin Engstrand ett utdrag ur KTH:s resultat. Presentationen ges på svenska kl. 10:00 – 11:00 på zoom och fram till 11:30 är zoomchatten öppen för frågor. Anmälan: Länk Den övergripande rapporten finns att läsa här: Länk

Complaint Lodge with SN, JN and the Baking Committee 24/5

Hiya chapter!

Tomorrow, on the 24rd of May, the Study Board and the Equality Board, together with the Baking Committee, will be holding yet another complaint lodge. If you have any thoughts and opinions regarding the studies at KTH or equality and inclusion, you are more than welcome to attend.

Our dear Baking Committee will be serving some fancy homemade fika, so seize the opportunity to come by!

There is of course also a digital alternative!

Where: Outside of META, and on Zoom (https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/62636878544) When: 12:15-13:00 How: Yes

Mästarnas Mästarpub

The end of DKMs current mästare is approaching and what is then more fitting than a... MÄSTARNAS MÄSTAR PUB! 😍

Get ready for an eventful pub with lots of hangout and competitions.

Anyone who wants join the competitions can sign up in groups during the pub to compete for who is better than DKM's current mästare and be named Mästarnas Mästare!❤

NOTE! If you want to compete, be on time😎


Register for food at the Extra chapter meeting

Hello everyone!

At the Extra chapter meeting we will be offering food, but to be able to do so we need to now who will attend. So if you wish to recieve food at the chapter meeting, register in the form below, no later than Monday may 23rd.

City walk "Queera Stockholm"

Project Pride and the JN are organizing the city walk "Queera Stockholm" which is held by the Stadsmuseet. 🌈 "Queera Stockholm" is a walk about sexual politics and LGBTQ culture from the 19th century onwards, about how the modern city both made it possible and limited people's sexuality. We examine some of the places in the capital that are loaded with sexual expectations, opportunities and obstacles - from nightclubs, bathhouses and parks to private homes and supervised public toilets. The focus is on the history of LGBTQ people and we tell, among other things, about the fear of "gay leagues," drag queens, liberation demonstrations and the so-called "lesbian tangle" in 1943.

When: Monday 23/5 at 17:30 Where: Around Östermalm How: ABSOLUTELY FREE! The hike is about 1.5 hours and approx. 2 km long. There is a limited number of places! Computer scientists are given priority in the first place, but medians are welcome, if places are still available.

A Markoolio DM

On May 23rd a DM will be held in Radiorummet in Nymble at 17:30. On DM, the board will, among other things, review a PC-decision, as well as take a decision regarding a guest-membership.

All chapter members are welcome!

Summons can be found here.

Agenda can be found here.

Complementary agenda can be found here.

Summer bowling

Hi everyone!

Before summer arrives Kingpin feels its time to teach you all how to los... WIN at bowling. You are all invited to bowl on Tuesday the 24/5. Sign up via the form, and check out the facebook event for morm info :)

See you there!

Extra Chapter Meeting

On May 25th an Extra CM will be held in B3 at 17:30, where motions regarding budgets for dÅre 2023, Studs 2023 and Vårbalen 2023, as well as the postponed motion regarding Studio-Spex will be discussed. A proposition regarding outsourcing of accounting will also be discussed.

By-elections will also be held for the posts: Board member of Student Issues, Board Member of Educational Affairs, Chairsperson of the Education Committee, Tomtemor/-far, Chairperson of the Election Committee, Royal chief of halls, Project manager for Studs, and Song-responsible

Lastly a Second reading will be held for the propositions "The Doomsday of the Läsdag", "Kallelse till Kansliet" and "Framflyttande av kallelsedeadline".

Summons can be found here.

Agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.

Lunch lecture with Deloitte

Welcome to the lunch lecture with Deloitte! 🤩

Deloitte is a multinational auditing and consulting company that provides services in areas such as auditing, accounting, risk management and tax consulting.

When: 18th May 12.15 Where: V1

Free food and drinks will be offered 🥳 Registration is required and it is first come, first served! Sign up here: http://www.nlg.bz/deloitte

Lunch lecture with Recorded Future

Welcome to a lunch lecture with Recorded Future! 🤩

Recorded Future is a security company that protects companies, organizations and countries from threats by offering real-time information about cyber attacks, physical threats and influence operations. During lunch you will meet Staffan Truvé, one of the founders and CTO, and Petter Eriksson, SVP of Engineering.

When: 16th May 12.15 Where: V1

Free food and drinks will be offered 🥳 Registration is required and it is first come, first served! Sign up here:http://nlg.bz/recorded-future

Discopub | DKM x Project Pride

Welcome to the disco pub with Project Pride and DKM!! 🌈🤩Travel back in time to a 70's disco with disco balls, vinyl records, fun glasses and great disco music.😎Show us your best disco moves on the dance floor! 🕺💃



QN and DESC invites you to the SICKEST Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament since 2018!!!

Tuesday 24 May starting 17:30 in META!

Everyone from the CS and Media chapters are welcome and every chapter member can also bring one additional external participant (+1)!

The tournament will be structured in a group stage followed by an elimination stage.

The ruleset for the matches themselves are the standard tournament ruleset

No DLC characters will be allowed!

Register your participation here

Feel free to come and watch (or play board games) if you don't want to play!

The JML-system is running

Hello CS Chapter! ❤️

The Equity Committee is here to make everyone feel included and welcome at the school and the chapter. As a person in the chapter you are always more than welcome to come talk to us about any questions that you might have around this. We can also offer support and guidance around reporting any incidents that might have occurred.

But we also understand that the questions which we talk about can be very sensitive. Sometimes you might want to ask a question or report that something has happened anonymously.

Therefore we now have a system in place where you can ask all your questions to JNO anonymously. We can then reply to this question even if we don't know who asked it to start with. You can also opt to sign your question with your name if you so wish.

LINK TO FORM Unfortunately, the form is only available in Swedish for the time being, english will be added eventually. You are, however, more than welcome to write in English if you so prefer.

All regular ways of contacting us are still in place, this just provides an extra way if you don't want to use the others.

XOXO Ebba and Amanda, JNO

Election documents "out"

Hello, chapter!

Since the election documents should be available for reading before SM but at the same time cannot be published without oversight one or more Election Committee Members will be available in META today and tomorrow.

Today until 16. Tomorrow 13 - 17

Bring your THS ID!

Whaley (Electiony) greetings, the Election Committee.

Bird Box Decorating!

Hello! The Datascience Chapter has received a bird box that will be shipped away to Osqvik in a short while. But!!! It look really boring! This will be remedied this Wednesday (11/5) during the day. If you are interested in helping out, contact DAD by PM on METAs Slack, a message to TagMonkeys FaceBook site, mail to dad@datasektionen.se, telepathy and so on.

Best regards /DAD

Städfesten 2022

After 2 years of waiting, it's finally time for the städfesten again!

städfesten is a gasque that METAdors usually holds to thank the people who helped keep META clean during the year. If you have cleaned META twice during the year during Monday cleaning or if you are a a part of the pubpersonel, you can go for free! (Except alcohol of course).

You can also come even if you have not cleaned twice but then have to pay full ticket price!

Theme: Pirates vs Ninjas! Date: Friday 27/5 Time: 18.30 Location: META Attire: Ovve or B-frack or both. Thematic attire is encouraged.

Note! If you have only cleaned once (or never), we will have two Mondays (9/5 and 16/5) where you can have the opportunity to clean a second time so that you too can go for free. If you only cleaned once when you fill this in but plan to clean a second time, choose the option that you have cleaned two times.

Sign up for the form below! :) Ticket link: https://forms.gle/kiCMLu2iVTjTHcqG9

Event link: https://dsekt.se/stadfest

Election document status

Greetings, chapter!

A candidate has asked for the election documents to be kept only for the eyes of chapter members. As such, they will not be posted digitally and will be available first at the chapter meeting.

Electiony greetings, The election committee (show up at SM!)

Survey about ticket releases

Hi Chapter!

During the Audit Chapter Meeting we in the D-directorate brought up the question regarding how ticket releases are done in the chapter. We had a very rewarding discussion, but since there were very few members present we would like to get more opinions. Fill in this form, so that we can get a better picture about the opinions regarding how ticket releases are done.

After Ski - Skiftes

Welcome computer scientists to the half-year skiftes!

This gasque takes place at the end of each semester and is the event where new officials can meet old officials and have fun together. The theme is After Ski! The school year is coming to an end, and the board wants to celebrate the skiing season before it is forgotten.

Open application for CPR-education

Hello chapter!

We who organize the CPR education have a few vacant spots on the upcoming training opportunities on the 3/5 and the 5/5, so we are opening up a first come first serve-style application form.

If you want to learn how to save lives, just hop on in and fill out our form! We will email you regarding whether or not you have got a spot!

Take care!

Tickets for METAspexet, out now!!

The tickets for the shows for METAspexet are out now! Take your chance to see what your study mates have created and take part of one of the biggest projects of the chapter. It will be something that you will never forget!

Read more about the shows at the facebook event or get tickets using the link below!


Extended election cycle Val-SM


There are still unfilled posts for Val-SM, so an additional election cycle has started for those posts.


Register for food at the Elections chapter meeting

Hello everyone!

At the Elections chapter meeting we will be offering food, but to be able to do so we need to now who will attend. So if you wish to recieve food at the chapter meeting, register in the form below, no later than Thursday may 5th.

Annual report for 2021

It's time to close the year of 2021. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2021!

Unfortunately the reports are only available in swedish.

Annual report 2021

Annual record 2021

Economic report 2021