Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Mentor Program for students

Get an insight into life after graduation – learn from alumni through our mentor program

The aim of the mentor program is to give you as a student inspiration for your future career. Your mentor will be a former student, i.e. an alumnus/alumna of KTH, with experiences and personal knowledge of how life after graduation can be. He/she may have a different educational background. Mentoring is about asking questions, listening, reflecting and discovering new perspectives. As a mentee in the program, you are expected to meet up with your mentor four times, of which two meetings are together with the other participants. The mentors and mentees will plan the other two meetings on their own. Please contact alumni@kth.se should you have any questions.

Register before 14 March 2021.

Nomination for the Delta of Honor and THS Kamratstipendium close soon!

Hi Chapter!

The last date for nomination to the Delta of Honor and THS Kamratstipendium is changed to February 17th (from February 28th). Take the chance now and nominate someone!

The Delta of Honor is awarded to members of the chapter who have exceptionally meritoriously worked voluntarily for the chapter. You can nominate here.

The Kamratstipendium is awarded at each chapter each year for exceptionally good displays of camaraderie. You can nominate here.

Best regards, The D-directorate

Elections - Audit Chapter Meeting

The elections for the Audit Chapter Meeting are now open and can be found here.

These elections include a brand new position: Vice-Treasurer!

Apply to D-Dagen 2021 projectgroup

🤙 https://ddagen.se/sok 👈 It's now one week until the application for D-Dagens projectgroup closes!😮 Apply for the bigest project within the chapter. It will be six months of teambuilding and community. Get experience in event planing🎉, PR📷, economy💰 and much more. You can read more about ther roles in the application form. Do you want to know even more just ask during the interview. D-Dagen is incredibly fun!🙌 Apply now! 👉 https://ddagen.se/sok 👈

Elections Documents - Extra Chapter Meeting

The election documents for the extra chapter meeting are now available, they can be found here.

Curtain talks from EECS

TL;DR EECS have four curtain talks during the spring. The first one is 27 January.

Read more on this link: https://www.digitalfutures.kth.se/event-category/curtain-talks/

Here are all the dates with the associated event link

Curtain talk: Shannon’s theorem, 27 January In the first Curtain lecture, Professor Mikael Skoglund, will talk about Shannon’s theorem. https://www.facebook.com/events/1238535359881447/

Curtain talk: Lambda calcul, 24 February Meet David Broman who can tell us about the origin of the Lambda calcul, what it means and how it has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of technology. facebook.com/events/131975562088541/

Curtain talk: Differential privacy equation, 28 April Meet Professor Sonja Buchegger, that will be talking about the Differential privacy equation. facebook.com/events/239543071028512/

Curtain talk: Bayes theorem, 23 June Meet Professor Patric Jensfeldt, that will be talking about the Bayes theorem. facebook.com/events/465276887819717/

New rules for META during the pandemic

Hi all Chapter Members!

Due to the new Pandemic law and restrictions, the following decisions have been made by KTH and THS.

  • New opening hours for META is between 8-22.
  • New maximum capacity for META is 26 persons.
  • The furniture arrangement will be adapted to this as soon as possible, please do not rearrange.
  • The premise is open for study purposes only, not for Chapter activities.

There is also some updated information regarding Nymble and THS from THS President Charley:


  • We will continue having no events in Nymble or Osqvik.
  • The previous rule about administrators for crucial democratic meetings being allowed to book rooms in Nymble is no longer in effect.

Public areas in Nymble:

  • Nymble, the Bookstore and the Restaurant will still be open, but with new updated safety information posted around the building and even stricter restrictions in the number of seats and tables in their respective areas.
  • Only 4 people per table is allowed, and we ask that people do not move any furniture. If you happen to be in Nymble we ask that we all help out to remind people of these restrictions when necessary. For example, if you see a table with too many people, ask them to move apart.
  • KårX will continue to be physically open only Monday-Wednesday, but will still be reachable by phone: 08-790 98 51 and by mail: karx@ths.kth.se during their regular office hours.
  • THS Café is closed and the Restaurant will instead be open 9-15 for the foreseeable future. Lunch will still be served as usual in the restaurant, with some extension of its supply in order to offer what THS Café usually does.
  • We will regularly evaluate the situation and the above is subject to change.

What do we know right now about KTH?

  • KTH library will open again on January 25th.
  • Study places are kept open as usual.

Take care of yourself and those around you <3


On January the 22nd there will be a D-directorate meeting!

At the DM, the board will, among other things, review two already made per capsulam-decisions, close two projects, and inform of the dismissal of two officials.

All chapter members are welcome!

Zoom link can be found here

The summons can be found here

Agenda can be found here

Supplementary documents can be found here

Meeting minutes can be found here

Nomination for THS Kamratstipendium

You can now nominate your friends to THS Kamratstipendium. The Kamratstipendium is awarded at each chapter each year for exceptionally good displays of camaraderie. Apart from the great honor of the award the receivers also get a modest amount of money.

Do you know anyone who has shown an exceptional friendship or camaraderie?

Nominate them now!

The form is open until February 17th.

Greetings, D-rektoratet

Nomination for the Delta of Honor

At the Audit Chapter Meeting we will present the recipients of the Delta of Honor and we would therefore like to remind you that you can nominate your friends for the chapters's most honorable badge of merit.

Use the link below to nominate!

The Delta of Honor is awarded to members of the chapter who have exceptionally meritoriously worked voluntarily for the chapter. Take you chance now to nominate someone deserving!

The last day for nomination is February 17th.

Salutations from the D-directorate!

Update of summons for Extra Chapter Meeting

Summons and agenda for Extra Chapter Meeting has been updated to include the election of International Student Coordinator, a very important role at the chapter!

The summons can be found here

And the agenda over here

Elections - Extra Chapter Meeting

It is time for elections once again!

The nominations for the Extra Chapter Meeting are available here: val.datasektionen.se


In accordance with our statutes §4.4 Brådskande ärenden and §4.8 D-rektiv I hereby issue a D-rektiv.

A year may be full of hardships. Sometimes they will feel so lighter after a run. In case they don't feel lighter, you hopefully become so fast that you can outrun your problems.

Thank you to everybody that has been part of the chapter during 2020! A special thank you to all who have developed and worked for the Computer Science Chapter during 2020, it has been so much fun to work with you. I also wish continued good luck for the coming year, you will do a fantastic job!

I wish you all a happy new year!

See you on Strava - Niklas Vatn, President 2020

Apply to D-Dagen 2021 projectgroup

Do you want to take part in something really fun? Be part of a rewarding group and truly make an effort for the chapter? Sounds interesting? Apply for the D-Dagen 2021 project group! It will be 8 months of teambuilding, exciting work and above all community. More information about the different roles can be found in the form. A new year, new possibilities, new D-Dagen. Apply! 👉https://ddagen.se/sok 👈


It is time for the musichelp charity week! This years theme is "No person should be left without healthcare"! A year like this many people have been affected negatively around the world , so every little penny helps ❤️ The computer science chapter has a collection so go and donate a penny or two! https://bossan.musikhjalpen.se/konglig-datasektionen-kth

This year there will be no pub with DKM where people who donated could queue songs 😥. For that reason you can send us screenshots that you have donated and add songs to a playlist which will be played at one of our pubs 2021!!🎉🎉


dJuliga greetings Chapter! 🎅

We are slowly approach christmas and dJulkalendern goes strong!

This year, over 200 hackers have chosen to take part in the Christmas calendar, which we think is really fun to see. But it is still not too late to participate in this fun and educational competition. 🥇

To give a little extra carrot 🥕 if you solve all windows before 2021 you can buy a cool patch. 🎆

You can then decorate your ovve with the patch and have it as proof that you are "bra på att data" (Good at data). 💻

Happy hunting dear solvers! 🦆🐤

attendance List to Mulled wine chapter meeting

For the second time/sitting of Glögg-SM there is a new attendeance form that we would like you to fill in before attending the chapter meeting. The link to the attendance form can be found here

Ballot box election - last day

Tomorrow is the last day to vote in the ballot box election for Chapter President, Chapter Vice-President and Treasurer.

The election can be found at durn.datasektionen.se.

The election closes at the begining of the Chapter Meeting tomorrow (1/12), so make sure to vote before then!

Apply for METAspexet 2021!

Hello chapter!

The recruitement for new people to METAspexet 2021 is finally open! Anyone can apply, even if you don't speak Swedish, but be prepared that most of what we do is in Swedish to begin with.

The application closes the 8th of january, and is done on the link metaspexet.se/sok!

Hope to see you there, stay safe!

THS: Prolonged corona restrictions

The following message is from the THS President.

Hi everyone! In response to the prolonged local restrictions in the Stockholm area, we will prolong THS restrictions accordingly. All of the following applies until December 13th. After that, we will reevaluate and send an update. Events:

  • We will continue having no events in Nymble or Osqvik until at least December 13th. Nymble:

  • Nymble, the Bookstore, THS Café and the Restaurant will still be open, but with new updated safety information posted around the building, and possibly even further restrictions than the past three weeks in the number of seats and tables in their respective areas. This because we still want to provide, for the students who really need it, a space to study.

  • Administrators for crucial democratic meetings, may still make use of premises in Nymble, but only the administrators. The meeting itself will still be needed to be completely on Zoom. You must contact ordf@ths.kth.se and ask permission if you wish to do this.

  • KårX will continue to be physically open Monday-Wednesday, but will still be reachable by phone: 08–790 98 51 and by mail: karx@ths.kth.se during their regular office hours. What will KTH do? The library will keep on being open just as it has been the last couple of weeks, but we don’t have any more information to give you right now on the subject. A formal decision will be made during next week, and we will keep you posted about that as soon as we receive more information.

Elections Documents - Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

The election documents for the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting are now available, they can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/199wcoE77i0e5XmvKGXxLDsjlo6twFYRG/view?usp=sharing

ballot-box election has opened

The ballot-box elections for for the posts of Chapter President, Chapter Vice-President and Treasurer are now open.

You can vote here: durn.datasektionen.se

Do you want to help KTH to get better at communicating with you as a student?


Do you seek to share your tips and ideas on how KTH can improve communication with you as a student and get a chance to test new proposals for KTH: s website?

We are now looking for students at KTH that want to be a part of a student group aimed at making KTH: s communication with students more comprehensible. We, the organisers of the group, work in communication, education and usability at KTH.

You will meet with us and other participants both digitally via Zoom and on campus, where we will provide “fika”. Do you want to help influence how students can receive better communication?

Submit your application and we will get back to you shortly.


For everyone uninitiated, EasyTappen is an event where brave METAdors gather to fix / pimp META the best they can.

Everyone using META have the opportunity to participate and decide. We have thus created a form in which you can express your opinions.

Almost no idea is too bad, so enter your opinions. https://forms.gle/xCK8iSGZqcDHFMwf6 If you want to be involved and fix / pimp, just sign up.

Have a good time and stay safe!

TL;DR: Fill in this form if you want to change/improve anything in META: https://forms.gle/xCK8iSGZqcDHFMwf6