Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Female and non binary sittning!

Hello chapter!

In less than two hours, 18:00, we will release the form for the first female and non binary dinner since like forever! Hope to see you there, link for facebook event and tickets is here!!

Friday Sale

A regualr old friday sale during lunch. Come check it out, we got patches, overalls and other fun stuff :)

✨ Become a Studs-backup today! ✨

Hi! Do you want to meet a bunch of interesting companies by attending exclusive company events? There is a way! Fill out the following form and become a back-up for Studs! 🐸 https://studs.se/inhoppare.

But what is a back-up? 🤔 If anyone of the 31 original members of Studs are unable to attend an event, there is a chance that (if you have entered your name to the back-up-list) you will be offered to attend instead. The events are usually ~3h and there is always food and drinks. 🍕🥤✨

🥳 Sign up now, and maybe we'll meet at an event in the future! 🥳

Supplemental recruiting for the Study Board

Hello Chapter Members!

Are you interested in education issues? Do you wish to improve the D-Programme?

The study board is holding a supplemental recruiting to fill the year representative posts. We are searching for:

  • A year 1-representantive
  • A year 3-representantive

Fill in the linked form before the 20th November if you are interested.

Don't miss the opportunity!

Application for Titel 2022

Hello! The recruitment for the project group (Titel 2022) of the reception has finally opened and you can find the sign-up form here: https://forms.gle/hg6RMSLPmK2NK2Gm8

Register for food at the Budget chapter meeting

Hello everyone!

At the Budget chapter meeting we will be offering food to those attending, to do this we need to know who is going to attend. Therefore we ask you to fill out the form below if you wish to recieve food, the deadline for this is on sunday 7/11 at 23:59

D-21 patch

It's finally time for D-21 to create their own patch, meant to symbolise who they are. Everyone can submit patches, but only D-21 will be able to vote. The deadline for submitting is 22/11, and the winner will be decided on 24/11. We will also decide the text meant to be on the patch.

Send your questions and submissions to prylis@d.kth.se. The website damm has pictures of all old patches.

Extra recruitment for the arrangement group in METAspexet 2022

Because of late defections METAspexet is opening up for extra recruitment for the arrangement group!

The application closes Thursday the 11th at 23:59.

Apply using the link below.

Tickets BFS

You have not missed that there is a ticket release to BFS in type 1h?!?! LKl. 19:00 it slams! This time we are testing something new! Go to this link: https://countdown.dkm.io/ already now. The form will be posted there and you do not even have to refresh the page! Thank you DKM for the nice page ❤️ We will therefore NOT release the form in the event on fb 😄 Tagggaaaa !!!!!!

Glögg-SM's election nominations are open!

Nominate yourself or your friends for any of the fun positions available at chapters election website

Study board meeting November 1st


The study board is having a meeting tomorrow at 12:15! The meeting will be held in the meeting room in META.

The meetings are of course open to all chapter members. We have free fika to bribe you with. So if you have any opinions regarding your studies at kth, come join us!

Take care! ❤️

TentaP-survival group hug

Hi Chapter Members! Are you tired of studying? Taking exams? Do you want some more Love in your life?

Then come by Maskinparken at 12:00 (academic quarter applies) tomorrow, Friday the 29th of October. There will be a grand group hug to celebrate the passing of the Exam period together.

There will be some fika available, sponsored by your favourite Study Board <3

Annual reports for 2020

It's time to close the year of 2020. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2020!

Unfortunately, the reports are only available in Swedish.

Annual report 2020

Annual record 2020

Economic report 2020

Economic report 2020 updated

Equity Committee's discussion forum

Hello chapter members! Did you know that the equity committe has a dicussion forum on facebook? You might not have, because it has been dead the last few years 🙈.

Dead no more, we say! Now there is a post there that you are more than welcome to respond to and more posts are coming!

The point of the discussion forum is to discuss JML-related topics from media and/or hypothetical cases. We will not discuss any particular chapter members (we might praise them if they've done something particularly well, however).

Please join if you are interested in JML-topics and want to discuss them or if you want to learn more about JML! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1443204672624961

Application for dJulkalendern 2021

Ho ho ho!

It is soon time to start building dJulkalendern 2021! If you want to be part of the team and help make it happen, check out the form for further details: https://forms.gle/AWjSENSZrQ4sekmR7

The application form closes 28 October 18:10

Ettans Fest!!

The time has come for the year one students to host a banquet!! 🎩

Date: Saturday, 13 November!

The event will be held on a boat at Kajplats 16, Söder Mälarstrand, M/S Borgila 🚢

Dresscode: banquet. Time to dust off the evening clothes! 💃

The theme will be Oscars and you will be served a three-course vegetarian meal.

The tickets will be released Thursday 28 October 18:00. A google-forms link will be posted on facebook where you can sign up. Make sure to be ready because the tickets may sell out fast!

Price: 320 kr for tickets with alcohol 300 for ticket without alcohol

This will be so much fun so save the date and make sure to get your tickets! Time to show us first-year students what a banquet should look like!

By-Election för Budget-SM 2021 is now open!

Once again time för elections! Please nominame a friend or yourself for any of the positions before 2-11 here.

19th October: Complain time with the Study Board!

Hello chapter members!

Is there any course you are dissatisfied with? If so, swing on by META on Tuesday (19/10). The Study Board will be there between 17:00 and 19:00 to listen to all of your complaints!

Furthermore, by the end of next week, we will have a "länkmöte", which is a meeting where the board members meet with the head of the D-programme and all teachers for year 1-3. We bring them all the feedback you give us, so if you have even the slightest opinion regarding your studies, seize the opportunity and come talk to us on Tuesday!

We will, of course, provide fika!

A report from the EduCouncil of 13/10-2021

Good evening! Today an EduCouncil was held by THS. The EduCouncil is a forum where representatives from each chapter meet to discuss questions related to the education at KTH. As a representative from the CS Chapter I'll briefly summarize the proceedings below.

There were two main points of discussion during the meeting:

  1. How we can monitor the Master's programmes studies and involve international students
  2. What THS and their Heads of Educational Affairs can do for students.

For the first discussion point most chapters felt like the monitoring of their Master's programmes was lacking compared to the monitoring of the Bachelor's. Every chapter who attended found it particularly hard to get the opinions of international students. At the CS chapter we, too, would very much like a closer connection to our international students. **If you are an international student interested in discussing topics of education, we would love if you got in contact **with me (d-uf@d.kth.se) or the Chairman of the Study Board (sno@d.kth.se). You can also show up at any of the Study Board's meetings. We are also looking for a student to help monitor the ML master, the same contact details apply.

As for the second point we mainly discussed how THS could become more visible for the students and in particular students that are not active in their respective chapters.

Sjöslaget sale

Friday at lunch I will sell patches and overalls to those going to Sjöslaget

Study board meeting October 12


The study board is having a meeting today at 12:15! The meeting will be held in the meeting room in META.

The meetings are of course open to all chapter members. We have free fika to bribe you with, so if you have any opinions regarding your studies at kth, come join us!

Take care! ❤️

Closing of META tomorrow

Hello Chapter members!

Tomorrow the Chapter hall (META) will be closed during the day as a place of study. This is because the hall will be used by D-Dagen as a lounge. If you want to microwave your food you can do so on bottom level in Nymble.

Overalls are coming

The overalls are finally on their way. They should arrive this Wednesday, and will be sold Friday 8/10 during lunch. There will probably not be time to test them, only buying!

For those attendning todays META-häng, the remaining overalls will be sold. First come first served

Extended recruitment period for METAspexet 2022!

Hi chapter!

METAspexet will extend the recruitment period to October 5th! It’s therefore a week left of the recruitment period and the end of the recruitment will be celebrated with a pub in META so make sure to join if you want to know more about the spex! SpexM (the spex’s party planning group) will keep their recruitment open until November 10th.

But maybe you are still wondering what a spex is? It’s a theatre show that also includes musical numbers and improv. We will be working together all school year with everything you need to put up a show. Acting, music, dance, scenery, script, cool lighting, cool costumes. The possibilities are many and it will be so much fun!

You can apply at the link below!

Study board meeting 28/9


The study board is having a meeting September 28th at 12:15. The meeting will be digital and held over Zoom. https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/68673246494

The meetings are, as always, open to all chapter members. If you have any opinions regarding your studies at kth, come join us and speak your mind!

Take care! ❤️