Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Bake with Bakis

Now Bakis has finally sobered up and will for the first time hold a baking event digitally!

Because you have probably forgotten how to bake, you probably need to learn it again. Therefore, I have decided to have a small walkthrough of pastries that are easy to bake. Be sure to have common ingredients such as oatmeal, butter, cocoa, sugar, flour, eggs and other standard ingredients.

The event itself will be held on Computer Science's Discord, so see you there at 17:17! Unfortunately, the section will not be able to sponsor ingredients because the tax authorities do not like that we have fun at a distance.

P. S

If you would like to join Baknämnden, it is good to bake something of your own before and show it during the event. Be sure to sign up for the interest form before doing so.



Hello Chapter!

On wednesday we will have a chess tournament to decide the chapter's best strategist. This week we will see you in gathertown, a social platform that can be compared to Habbo's forgotten nephew. The link to gathertown will be the same as during the chapter fair (ie https://gather.town/app/uu7HqOH2jkNM1Izn/sektionsmassa).

See you as always at 17:17 but the tournament itself will probably start around 18:00, so make sure you jump into gathertown before then.

To make it easier for us, we would appreciate if you could sign up in this form (https://forms.gle/nZQ8VnF3bHNq7hv57) before Wednesday, and create an account on chess.com. Prylis has also promised a prize to the winner. Calling the prize legendary is, to say the least, an understatement, according to prylis that is.

We can also take the opportunity to say that METAspexet will arrange a theme release pub in the same gathertown room, so if you have a little downtime between the matches, there will be a lot of other things to do.

Have a good time and see you on Wednesday.

Motion writing session

On monday the 26:th of April the D-directorate will arrange a motion writing session.

What is a motion writing session?

It is a opportunity for you that want to write motions for Val-SM to discuss motion ideas with the board. The session can also be used to get feedback for a motion that you have written.

Should i write a motion?

Good question! If you have an idea of a change that you think will make the chapter that little bit nicer, then it could be that it is a motion that you want to write. Attend the motion writing session so we can discuss it!

The motion writing session will take place digitally via Zoom. A link to the meeting can be found here.

Lunch lecture with Ericsson!

Sign up through this link: nlg.bz/ericsson

Every attendee will receive a lunchcoupon! 😍


The future looks bright, in addition to the fact that we are investing heavily in hiring more new graduate and young professionals, we also want to take you all no matter how far you have come in your education on a journey about what we have done, what we do and what we plan for the future at Ericsson.

Dead Poets Society

We continue our Afterschool tradition with another movie night.

Today we will be wathcing Dead Poets Society at 18, but feel free to join us at 17:17 to just hang out. This will take place on Discord.

NOTE! If you are interested in watching the film, you should join the Computer Science Section's Discord https://discord.gg/wQA7G2KpDb and react to the message there, then you will be assigned a role that can see the channel.

See you soon 👀

Chapter Fair

🐋 Hello chapter! 🐋

**On the 15th of april it is time for the Chapter fair! **

The fair will be ongoing between 12 and 15 (and afterwards there might be some activities with QN & DESC) with committee presentations around 12:30.

During the fair you will be able to learn more about the different committees of the chapter, as well as what the different volunteers do within the chapter. The fair will be held in the 𝛿-hallen, a meeting place that we’ve constructed in Gather.town, a web-based 2D pixel-art game where you can walk around and speak to others using proximity voice-chat and video 📷. (Video is optional!)

During the fair there will be a scavenger hunt for the brand new Chapter fair-patch where you can compete by gathering points.

There will also be a collection of games to try, and rumors has it that DESC and QN will arrange something fun during the event 🎮

The schedule for the day looks like the following: 12-15: The fair will be ongoing: here you can explore our Committees booths. 12.30: Committees present themselves. 15-??: The Committee booths close, but the fair will be open for more activities and some fun events.

Have a good time and see you at the fair!

Rain Man

Tomorrow at the Afterschool event we will watch a movie. We'll start around 18-ish.

Since the film's Swedish premiere took place exactly 32 years ago, we'll watch "Rain Man".

NOTE! If you are interested in watching the film, you should join the Computer Science Section's Discord https://discord.gg/wQA7G2KpDb and react to the message there, then you will be assigned a role that can see the channel.

Have fun 🦔!

Movie-night with QN and JML

Do you miss events? Do you want to celebrate that the exams are over? Then join QN and JML for a joint Movie Night on the 26th of March!

With the internationals Women's Day just last week and Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death last fall, there is probably no movie more relevant than On the Basis of Sex, which is about none other then RBG herself.

We watch the movie, discuss it, and then we have a cozy time together playing games (or something :))!

Sign up before the 24th of March for Fika!

D-20 patch, workshop

This wednesday, 24/2, Prylis will hold a workshop to help with those designing D-20 patches. It will start at 19:00, zoom link is https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/4886969605. Hope i'll se you there

KF-fika in preperation for KF-meeting

Hi everybody!

Next week there will be a Student Union Council (KF) meeting. We KF-delegates will arrange a digital KF-fika as preperation for the KF-meeting. The KF-fika will take place on monday the 22:nd at 12:00-13:00.

For those of you that don't know, KF-meetings are basically a chapter meeting for THS. Only KF-delegates have voting rights on KF-meetings. Every chapter is represented by 1-4 delegates. How many delegates a chapter gets depends on its size.

All chapter members are welcome to attend the fika and discuss the KF-meeting agenda!

The Zoom-link to the KF-fika can be found here

The KF-meeting agenda that we will discuss can be found here

D-20 patch

Hello first year students! It's time for you to create your own patch 🔥. This patch is supposed to represent you as group, to show other student who you truly are. On the 24 of Febuary, Prylis will host a workshop, helping everyone to design their patches. 8/3 is the deadline for submission, and on the 10 of March you guys get to decide who is the winner.

dbuggen annual start-up meeting!

Hey all!

Now on Friday at 12:00 it is time for dbuggen's annual start-up meeting. We start the meeting at 12:05 already so no normal evening!

The idea is to give out some responsibilities and simply get started with the new year!

It will be chill and very niicceee.

Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/65659106530 Meeting ID: 656 5910 6530

ZOOm-pub: Last day to apply to the Reception2021

The day we have been waiting for is soon here, the first pub for this year!! However, it is not just any pub, but it is a pub held by Titel and it is your LAST chance to take the FANTASTIC opportunity to APPLY to the reception in 2021! ❤️ The pub will of course be digital via ZOOm. The different branches will each have a break-out room and it will be possible for you to ask all your questions, hang out with each other, play games and enjoy movies from previous years' receptions. The theme is ZOOm and we in titel will make sure to have fantastic ZOO costumes and incredible backgrounds. We hope you do the same! During the pub, different activities are planned and we will have a main room where different exciting things happen every quarter. It will all end with a competition where the winner will receive a fantastic prize! We can promise you that you will not want to miss it!

If you can only come for a little while, or can not be there right from the start, no danger! Come when you can, but we can promise that this is something you want to plan into the calendar, and you will regret it if you are not from the start!

So bring out your best ZOOm outfits, choose a fantastic and creative background, and join an evening with titel you will soon forget !!

See you at ZOOm! Big hugs from Titel 21❤️ (And of course do not forget to apply to the reception in 2021 at https://datasektionen.se/mottagningen/janifattar)

Motion writing session

On Monday the 8:th of February the D-directorate will arrange a motion writing session.

What is a motion writing session?

It is a opportunity for you that want to write motions for Revisions-SM to discuss motion ideas with the board. The session can also be used to get feedback for a motion that you have written.

Should i write a motion?

Good question! If you have an idea of a change that you think will make the chapter that little bit nicer, then it could be that it is a motion that you want to write. Attend the motion writing session so we can discuss it!

The motion writing session will take place digitally via Zoom. A link to the meeting can be found here.

Extra Chapter Meeting

On January 26th, Extra Chapter Meeting (Extra-SM) will be held on Zoom at 17:30.

All chapter members are welcome!

Zoomlink can be found here


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

Action minutes can be found here

Complete minutes can be found here

dJulmiddagen 2020 Zoom Edition

It's time for DKM's yearly Christmas Dinner but this time it will be hosted on Zoom. During the evening we will get christmas greetings from DREK and Titel2021, but there will also be time to just hang!

Link will be published in this event!

So grab some christmas candy and of course GLÖGG, and hang with us this saturday at 6pm!🌟

Lunch lecture with the Swedish Police & the Swedish Security Service

Skriv upp er här: http://www.nlg.bz/polisen

Varje närvarande kommer få en lunchkupong!

NLG anordnar tillsammans med Polismyndigheten och Säkerhetspolisens ett spännande karriärwebbinarium för studenter inom IT. Representanter för Polismyndigheten och Säkerhetspolisens IT-avdelningar berättar om sina verksamheter och det gemensamma traineeprogrammet som lanseras 2021. På webbinariet deltar även en före detta trainee som idag arbetar hos Polismyndigheten.


On December 10th at 17:30 a DM will be held remotely.

At the DM, the board will, among other things, discuss giving financial accesses to the new financial officers of METAspexet 2021 and review two already made per capsulam-decisions.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom-link to the meeting can be found here


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

KF-fika in preperation for KF-meeting

Hi everybody!

Next week there will be a Student Union Council (KF) meeting. We KF-delegates will arrange a digital KF-fika as preperation for the KF-meeting. The KF-fika will take place on wednsday at 17:30.

For those of you that don't know, KF-meetings are basically a chapter meeting for THS. Only KF-delegates have voting rights on KF-meetings. Every chapter is represented by 1-4 delegates. How many delegates a chapter gets depends on its size.

All chapter members are welcome to attend the fika and discuss the KF-meeting agenda!

The Zoom-link to the KF-fika can be found here

The KF-meeting agenda that we will discuss can be found here

Google Q&A with Malvina

Malvina, along with Google, are organizing a Q&A on the 2nd of December. The Q&A will consist of a female software engineer talking about her experiences at Google. At the end, there will be time for questions.

Where? Digitally

When? 2nd of December 17:30

How? To participate, you have to sign up. The sign up link is in the facebook event.

Candidate questioning - Mulled Wine Chapter-Meeting

It is time to elect a new Chapter President, Chapter Vice-President and Treasurer, which will be done before the Mulled Wine Chapter-Meeting. This event is to give the candidates a chance to present themself and for chapter members to ask them questions.

The event will be held online on the 18/11 at 17:30, so be on the lookout for the link!

The elections itself will open on the 18th of november, after this event.

Zoom-link for the event: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/66245721748

Motion writing session

On monday the 9:th of november the D-directorate will arrange a motion writing session.

What is a motion writing session?

It is a opportunity for you that want to write motions for Glögg-SM to discuss motion ideas with the board. The session can also be used to get feedback for a motion that you have written.

Should i write a motion?

Good question! If you have an idea of a change that you think will make the chapter that little bit nicer, then it could be that it is a motion that you want to write. Attend the motion writing session so we can discuss it!

The motion writing session will take place digitally via Zoom. A link to the meeting can be found here.

D-Dagen hans out coffee, drinks and flyers

Tomorrow D-Dagen will stand outside of KTH Entré at 07.00-10.30 and hand out coffee and non-alcoholic mimosas. Come and have a chat with us, this is a perfect opportunity to ask us any questions you might have about the digital fair that take place next week on November 5. See you there!

Smash Bros Tournament!

CANCELLED!! Due to new recommendations by FHM this event will no longer be taking place.

Dear Data and Media, it is finally here, the time has come for QN to invite everyone to a smashbros tournament! On november 3, the doors to META open up for the competition of the year begins. Bring a friend or play by yourself. There will be fika!

Spooky Boardgame Night

This Tuesday QN will be doing a regular boardgame night with halloween-feeling in META, 17.17. Tag monkeys will also be carving pumpkins in META at the same time!