Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Election documents

The election documents for the upcoming election are now published and can be found here.

Audit for the 2019 fiscal year

The Auditors for 2019 have finished the audit for that fiscal year, and it is hereby provided to be used for evaluating the actions of the Board during 2019. It is unfortunately only available in Swedish... :(

Pancakes with QN

Next week we'll do something completely new*, namely Pancakenight! We'll make and eat pancakes, and watch a movie or two. You can also bring you frack/ovve and sew if you wish.

To get pancakes, sign up here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSchr.../viewform...

*not completely new

Where? Meta When? Tuesday 17:17

Arts and Crafts with TM: Fuse bead plates

This tuesday Tag Monkeys will do some fuse bead plates :):) There will be fika!!

How: Fuse bead plates!!

Where: Meta

When: This tuesday, 29/9, 17-ish

Application for D-Dagenstaff have oppen

Wait a second, a digital fair with recruitment? Yes, it is true! Recruitment for D-Dagen 2020 has now opened. Help us organize the first digital D-Dagen ever. During the fair day on November 5, we want your help to organize various events on the KTH campus, staff the D-Dagen lounge and much more. The last day to register your interest is Thursday, October 1, but we encourage you apply today!

The application form can be found at ddagen.se/sok More info about the different positions and the fair can be found in the form.

Last day to apply to NLG

Today is the LAST DAY to apply to Näringslivsgruppen! It's an awesome opportunity to grow both your resume and network of contacts. So what are you waiting for? Apply over at cutt.ly/NLG,

Still can't decide whether NLG is for you? You can always contact us over at our Facebook page. Or better yet, why not just book an interview and have a chat with us? :D :D

Onsdagspub: Fluid Pong-tournament

We're hosting a Fluid Pong-tournament!!! Food will be served at the beginning of the pub. Bring your friends, enjoy our non-alcoholic drinks and kick some ass at Fluid Pong!

• Register your team at 17:30-18:30 before the tournament. • The tournament starts after 18:30. • A team consists of 2-4 players and should have a funny name(!!!) • No drinking from the Fluid Pong-glasses!! • There's still a limit of 50 people in META so be there on time to sign up!

Applications for DKM 20/21 are closing 7/10. Apply at http://dkm.io/ansok!

Food ››››››››››››››› 30 kr Non-alcoholic ›››››› 10 kr+

There will be table service during the evening.

This pub is only open for members of the Computer Science chapter at KTH. Don't forget your ID and THS ID.

0th Meeting of The Semester!

Heyo! We at META International Group would like to invite you to a kick-off meeting for the semester! 🛎Join us over lunch to get a run-down of what we do and why you should join us! 🤔 This is a great opportunity to ask burning questions including but not limited to:

  • How do you say pineapple in English: Is it an-anas or a-nanas?
  • Why do we not speak more Danish at KTH?
  • 오늘이 무슨 요일이에요?
  • When is green? 📣 Important practicalities.
  • Bring your own lunch.
  • We will be in some Exercise room over lunch. Because of Covid-19 we cannot be more than 22 people in the room at any given time. In order to manage this, please signup in the following Google-form so that we have an ability to manage the attendees. All chapter memgers are welcome to join our group and this meeting! However, we will prioritise new KTH students because of the attendance limit. Safe-distance hugs, META International Group

Data till SSSB-loppet


Because of the covid situation we were thinking of having the SSSB-race at stadion. We will be doing laps with fellow computer science students until we reach 5 km.

Remember to have something to record your race, like the Strava app.

Annual report for 2019

It's time to close the year of 2019. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2019!

Annual report 2019

Annual record 2019

Economic report 2019

D-Dagen 2020

D-Dagen is an annual career fair organized by the Computer Science Chapter at KTH in Stockholm. The purpose of the fair is to bring students and the industry together. During D-Dagen, companies and students will be able to make contact with each other and make valuable connections. You might even find your next employer during D-Dagen. D-Dagen 2020 occurs on November 5 and will take place digitally. If you are on KTH campus at Vallhallavägen, it will also be possible to visit the D-Dagen lounge and participate in smaller competitions and events. This is a great opportunity you do not want to miss!

More info about sign-up will appear soon.

Are you interested in helping KTH to communicate with their students?

KTH are looking for students that are interested in participating in interviews and workshops regarding how they can communicate with their students in a better way. As thanks they will provide each participant with four lunch coupons for use at the campus.

For more information and to apply, see: https://www.kth.se/student/studentliv/hjalp-kth-att-kommunicera-battre-med-studenter-1.1011224

a Zoom-DM-before-Budget-SM

On September 29 a DM will be held remotely at 17:30, in preparation for the Budget Chapter Meeting.

At the DM, the board will, among other things, respond to all the motions submitted for the Chapter Meeting and review a matter regarding the closing of META during D-Dagen.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The complementary agenda can be found here

Boardgame night (evening) with QN

This week we are taking it a bit slower with a completely ordinary board game name. META 17.17, there will be fika.

Park party á la DKM

KTH:s new restrictions are not stopping DKM from having fun!!!

We’re therefore hosting a park party for you to hang out with your friends, eat som delizzzh food and partake in some fun activities.

When? 23/9, 17:17! Where? Picassoparken in Kungshamra, Bergshamra is the nearest subway station! How? BYOB and don’t forget to bring warm clothes!


Btw, the application for DKM 20/21 is still open! Do you want to practice your bartenderskills, host awesome parties and create memories for life? Apply to DKM! http://dkm.io/ansok

Budget Chapter Meeting

[SM adjourned after 6.8 in the agende and will be continued according to "reserve date"]

On October 8th Budget-SM will be held remotely at 17:30. The reserve date is the 13th of October at 17:30, which will also be held remotely. The last day for submitting motions is the 24th of september at 23:59.

On SM the budget for operation year 2021 will be determined. Furthermore, we will be reviewing the 2019 operation year reports and summaries as well as discussing the discharge of the D-directorate of 2019 and their duties. Finally, we will discuss motions and propositions and hold a by-election for several posts.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here


The summons for the meeting can be found here

The agende for the meeting can be found here

Elections in the Budget chapter meeting

Soon it is time for another chapter meeting! And that also means it is time for elections.

The nominations for the Budget chapter meeting are open. Visit val.datasektionen.se to nominate or run in the election.

Study board first year representatives

The Study board needs representatives for first year students! If you're interested, click the link and apply (in Swedish) or contact me at sno@d.kth.se!

New overalls!

The wait is finally over! The new overalls are here! ❤ Everyone who doesn't already have one is welcome to swing by META tomorrow during QNs sewing event (17:00 - ) to try sizes and buy one! After this they will be sold in META during lunch this Friday and every second Friday after that as usual!

Movie Night with QN

Join us for a movie night in META, starting 17.17. Bring your overalls and you sewing kit, and we will bring fika and snacks.

The chapter's Prylis will also be at the event to represent Prylmångleriet, the nr.1 source of patches on all of Data

Do puzzle with Tag Monkeys!

This tuesday Tag Monkeys will have their first event for this fall. We will be puzzling!!

How: puzzling Where: some classroom WHEN: at 17 oclock Ticket: you don't need one

There will be fika ofc :):):) see you there.

The Wednesday pub is cancelled!

The Wednesday pub is cancelled! KTH has decided not to approve any more party registrations, which for us means that we unfortunately can not hold Wednesday pubs or other events in KTH's premises. In the current situation, it is unclear how long it will apply. However, we are waiting for more information about the decision and will update you when we know more! We know it feels like piss and we were so heavenly excite before a comeback !!! However, DKM keeps its hopes up and continues to discuss alternative solutions! Keep an eye on our social media and take care of yourselves ❤

Night Gaming Session with DESC

Attention gamers! During the last six months, we have been tied to our chairs at home. Time is beginning to change and that is why DESC is offering you to join on a "Nattgibb"

What is nattgibb? Nattgibb is when you gather towards the evening and play games til morning. We will be playing at the internet café Inferno Online Stockholm (IO), you get to use one of their computers during the nattgibb. IO also sells food and snacks during the whole night.

How/where/when How: Fill out the following form, so we can book accordingly: https://forms.gle/vRxr1XFUFYcPx6MQA

Where: Inferno Online, Odengatan 60, 113 22 Stockholm

When: 2020/09/18 (10pm to 7am). We plan to gather outside Inferno Online 9:30pm. If you are to arrive late, make sure to contact DESCTOP (DESCTOPEN@d.kth.se) or contact IO directly.

Price Desc will pay for all chapter members, as long as it fits the budget. Otherwise there Inferno Online has a entry fee of 150kr. It is totally OK to bring a friend from outside the chapter, but they has to pay their own entry.

NOTE If you want to guarantee a spot at the event, make sure to not wait to register until the last day. Because there is a risk that IO will be fully booked by then

Inferno Online Find more info: https://www.infernoonline.com/odenplan/

The application for dÅrestaben 2021 is now open!

I've been thinking, and I feel like it would be awesome to have some cool people to help me arrange a trip to Åre (and have a lot of fun together while we're at it!)

Therefore I have now opened the application for dÅrestaben 2021. WOOOOOOO!!!

So what are you waiting for? Apply over at https://forms.gle/7nQW1rdeGeXSYr9b8, and I'll see you for an interview. The last day to apply is 20/9 (next sunday).

*CANCELLED* Onsdagspub: Return of the DKM

The onsdagspubar are back and we've missed you like crazy! Food is served as usual from 17:17, so grab your friends, enjoy something to drink and get to know DKM! Hope to see you there! Applications for DKM 20/21 are now open! Apply at http://dkm.io/ansok! And psst, a little bird whispered in my ear yesterday about tickets for Reclaim (only one of the greatest events at the D section) being released very soon! Keep an eye out on our social medias because you really don't want to miss this!!! Food ››››››››››››››› 30 kr Beer & cider ››››››› 20 kr+ Drinks & shots ››››› 35 kr+ Non-alcoholic ›››››› 10 kr+ There's a limit of 50 people allowed in META so make sure to be there on time. During the evening there will be tableservice.

This pub is only open for members of the Computer Science chapter at KTH. Don't forget your ID and THS ID.