Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Prylmångleriet sale on Friday

Wow it has been a while but Prylmångleriet is back to sell another patches and clothing for you on Friday from 12.15 to 13.00.

There might be something new for you to buy then 👁👀

There will be special patches for those that participated in the Chapter Fair available to buy.

I hope I see you guys there :D

Sewing Teambuilding with Prylmångleriet

It is time for Prylmångleriets first teambuilding event for the year and it is going to be a chill sewing night with dinner included!

We will be in META from 18:30 tomorrow (the 25th) and it is a perfect moment to see if you're interested in Prylmångleriet and join. It's also fitting for you that feel like you have too many patches to sew and need an excuse to do just that :D

So if you're interested be there tomorrow or fill this form: https://forms.gle/kYjK1QADTY5nmknW8

See ya there <3!


All students of the computer science and media chapters, look here! 🤩

Have you choreographed your own dance but never gotten the chance to show it? Tired of all the boomers that don't understand your TikTok references? Or are you a boomer that is desperately trying to understand the younger generation?

SpexM has the solution! The TikTok-gasque! All members of the computer science and media technology chapters are welcome to a gasque beyond your wildest dreams!

Tickets will be released in the facebook event at 18.00 on Friday the 29th of April!

💃 Where? META 💃 When? Friday the 13th of May at 19.00 💃 After-party? HELL YES! 💃 Price? TBA 💃 Dresscode? Ovve, B-frack or similar 💃 Nice patch? OFC

After party!

Hello chapter!

Tomorrows afterparty for GEEK's qasque will be open for everybode, not just women and non binary.

Hope to see you there <3

D-directorate meeting before Election Chapter Meeting

Hello Chapter members!

On the 28th of April a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30, in preparation for the Election Chapter Meeting. At the DM, the board will, among other things, respond to all the motions submitted for the Chapter Meeting, and discuss all the propositions to be made.

All chapter members are welcome!

Summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

The complementary agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Motion writing session

On monday April the 25th the D-direcorate will host a motion writing session.

What is a motion writing session?

It is a an opportunity for you who want to write a motion for the upcoming election chapter meeting to talk through your ideas with the board.

Should I write a motion?

Thats a very good question! If you have an idea about something you think would make the chapter better then a motion might just be the tool you are looking for. So come on by and we can talk about it!

The motion writing session will take place in the chapter room in Nymble.

Nominations to by-election

Greetings, chapter friends. The nominations for the by-election are now open here!

Today is also the last day for nominations for the regular elections, so nominate people noooooow!

Election Chapter Meeting

On the 10th of May an SM will be held in V1 at 17:30. The reserve date is the 12th of May, at the same time and place. The last day for submitting motions is the 26th of April.

At the SM all motions and propositions, a second read-through of a proposition regarding decision-making power as well as the postponed reviewing of last year’s reports and summaries will be discussed. Elections will also be held for about half of the mandates of the chapter.

All chapter members are welcome!

Summons can be found here.

Agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Open spots for the gasque!

Hello again all lovely women and non binaries in the chapter!

We still have som spots open for the GEEK-gasque next friday, and we'd love to see them filled. Sign up using this form.

META booked on monday

Hi chapter! We want to inform you that META is booked for rehearsals of METAspexet on monday and it will not be available as a study space. We recommend you to study in Nymble or in the E or D house instead!


Support union democracy!

The last day in the KF-election is closing in!

We would like for all memebers of the Chapter to go and vote. Voting is quick and easy.

Place your vote here: https://ths.voteit.se/register

The election closes Monday 18/4!

Happy Easter!

Planned maintenance of Cashflow

Tomorrow Cashflow will be down for maintenance from 18.00 to 24.00 at the latest.

EDIT 20.04: Cashflow is now up

LGBTQ Movie screening

Hello everyone!

Get ready for popcorn and a cinema atmosphere, because it's movie time!! Project Pride will, together with QN, have a film screening with an LGBTQ theme on April 26 in Meta. Drop in starts at 17:30 and the movie will start at 18:00. It will be a great atmosphere so you do not want to miss this!

But what kind of film will it be? You can take part in deciding this by voting in this form: https://forms.gle/bksEpotnq7R5eVso7

Hope to see you there!!🤩

Emptying of lost and found in META

Greetings members of the chapter! I just wanted too inform you that the lost and found baskets of META will be emptied the following weeks. Be sure to take a look at it if you know you've lost something. You can find the baskets standing below the stairs to the catwalk.

Elections for Election-CM open!

It's soon time for Election-CM, and as you can hear from the name, there are a lot of positions to elect.

Go to val.datasektionen.se right awat and nominate everybody you know, or maybe yourself!?

If you're wondering what the posts do, you can check out dfunkt or the statutes for descriptions (only in Swedish for now, sorry). Or maybe talk to the current holder (if you dare).

Women and non binary sittning!

Hello! The time has come for the second GEEK-event of the year, another sittning! We want to fill the chapter hall with women and non binaries for a really awesome evening!!

We are also hearing some rumors that the afterparty will be totally open, so when the sittning is done all members of the chapter are wolcome to join the afterparty.

Check out the facebook event for more info and tickets!!

Company pub with Netcompany

How we have waited! The time has come at last for a sponsored pub with NLG and DKM! 🤩 This time Netcompany 🇩🇰 will be hosting! They will provide food and barbongs! They will also host a competition where you can win a free bicycle! 🚲🤯 See you there! 😍


Are you ready, kids? Aye, aye, Captain! I can't hear you! AYE, AYE, CAPTAIN! Ooooooooooooooh! PLUNTZ! ❤ It's time for the wettest event of the year, Plum... No... Not Plums, PLUNTZ! 🤔 As you might have noticed was Plums 2022 cancelled due to the pandemic, but we felt that we wanted to do something plums-alike. Introducing... Pluntz! The most awesome wet dinner you will ever attend. Pluntz has a lot in common with Plums, minus the bathhouse. Get the chance to enjoy the famous PLUMSSANDWICH with extra yummy and creamy yellow sauce! 💛 After the dinner, we will host the most awesome after party which will be open to everyone that didn't get a ticket to the dinner. Our very own Oliva will also be DJ during the after-party! ❤ Tickets will be released during the pub on the 6th of April 2022 at 20:00 on countdown.

https://countdown.dkm.io <<

Closing of META 2022-04-07

Hello Chapter!

During next week MBD will close META earlier, the closing is in effect 2022-04-07T15:00 until 17 the same day.

Student Health Workshop: Worry and anxiety in difficult times

Greetings dear Computer Science students! Below is a message from the Student Health office:

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it might affect us emotionally, the Student Health Services in Stockholm gives a lecture on how to manage worry and anxiety. The lecture covers, among other things, strategies on how to deal with worry and anxiety and how to increase our well-being. By learning to distinguish between what we can influence and what is beyond our control, we increase our ability to make constructive choices. The University Church will participate and inform about their activities for students.

A lecture in swedish will be held on april 4th between 4.15 - 5.15 pm over zoom. Link to the lecture: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68687048266

Additionally, a lecture in english will also be held on april 7th, 4.15 - 5.15 pm, this one is also on zoom. Link can be found here: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/63789791559

Should you also wish to learn more there is a facebook event where you can find out more here: https://fb.me/e/6h7wIsL5W

Chapter Fair

It is time for the Chapter Fair!

Come, have some awesome fika with us, meet all the wonderful officials and committees and find what interests you!

The section fair will be held at KTH Entré between 12:00 and 16:00, on Monday, the 4th of April.

For more info, see the Facebook event.

D-directorate meeting after Audit Chapter Meeting

Hello Chapter Members!

On the 6th of April a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30. At the DM, the board will, among other things, discuss providing D-Dagen 2022 with powers of attorney, a contract for The Study Trip 2022, as well as possibly closing some projects.

All chapter members are welcome!

The summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

The complementary agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.

Application for the project group of Magenta

Hello Chapter!

Revisions-SM (Chapter Meeting) this Thursday marked an important day. It was the day that project Magenta was born. Magenta is a project that aims to create a greater sense of community among girls and non-binary all over all campuses of KTH. This is to be done through the greatest event (gasque, party with food, drinks and songs :) ) of the year.

This gasque will be sometime during the fall of 2022 and the plan is to be in Nymble.

Do you want to help out to plan this event and make sure that it is achievable? Amazing! Because that is exactly who I'm looking for right now! A project group of a few excited souls is needed to create the best event KTH has ever seen. Is that you? Apply apply apply in this form https://forms.gle/nk475cuL9yuPo7Km6

Do you want to attend the event? Fun! Remember that we exist and stay up to date with this feed so that you don't miss more info!

Do you want to work at the event? Also fun! There will be future info on that as well!

XOXO Project leader for Magenta Amanda Berg

Lunch lecture with Etimo

Welcome to a lunch lecture with Etimo! 🤩

Etimo will talk about "Software development in differently sized organizations". You will listen to Erik Malm from Etimo talk about differences between working with startups and large comanies with several thousands of employees - the focus will be on startup, scale up, and large companies.

When? 1st of April 12.15 Where? Info about location will be provided later, check out the facebook event for more details!

There will be free food and drinks provided! 🥳 You will need to sign up, first come first first served! Sign up here: http://nlg.bz/etimo

Pottery with TM and QN!

Have you ever wanted to create a plate, or maybe a beautiful vase? Your time is now! Come and work with clay with Tag Monkeys and Qulturnämnden!

More information is available in the facebook-event :)