Event Calendar


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D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Extra recruitment for the management team for Studs 2024 is now open!

Hello chapter!

The recruitment for the management team of Studs 24 is almost complete, but we are still missing two roles, Head of IT and Head of Finance. Therefore, we are extending the recruitment process for a little longer to give everyone a chance to apply for this unique project.

But what is Studs then you might ask. Studs is a project where 30 master students get the chance to visit interesting companies in the IT industry. It will provide you the opportunity to connect with companies that you are really interested in and give you insight into what working with IT actually looks like. At the end of the project we all go on a study trip together, to a destination chosen by the whole group.

As a member of the management team, you will be in charge of one of the project's areas of responsibility, lead a team working towards that goal, and thus develop your leadership skills. Anyone studying a master's degree and a programme linked to the EECS school is welcome to apply! Just email pl24@studs.se if you have any questions!

Read more and apply in this form, the last day to apply is Sunday, July 16.

Best Regards Erik Hedlund & Erik Nordlöf Project managers Studs 2024

Supplementary recruitment managers METAspexet 2024

Hej Sektionen!

Metaspexet 2024 is now recruiting more managers since we didn't fill all roles we wanted to. The form is available in swedish at dsekt.se/chef and will be open until 6/7.

Spex on! (This message partly sponsored by the Chapter for Media Technology)

More tickets for the djubileumsbanquette

Hello all ticket-less people!

There are more tickets for the djubileumsbanquette available at https://banquette.djubileet.se/

Recruitment managers METAspexet 2024

Hej Sektionen!

Metaspexet 2024 is now recruiting managers for next years production. The form is available at dsekt.se/chef and will be open until 25/6.

Spex on! (This message partly sponsored by the Chapter for Media Technology)

Increased seats for the anniversary banquet

Hello all banquet enthusiasts!

We have fantastic news for you, and that is that the committee has voted to increase the number of seats for the banquet! It's so exciting that so many of you want to come and celebrate our beloved section, and we are thrilled to be able to give more people the opportunity to participate!

This also brings another piece of news - we will be moving the banquet to the fantastic MÜNCHENBRYGGERIET! So, it's on September 30th where we will meet, and we hope you're looking forward to it as much as we are. ❤️

Of course, this means that we will start sending out emails to those who have signed up on the waiting list and have secured a spot, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox.

If there are any tickets left after everyone on the waiting list has had a chance to purchase one, they will be available for everyone to buy on June 20th.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@djubileet.se


/dJubileet ❤️


On the 13th of June, Checka läget is organising Lägesqvik at Osqvik. Lägesqvik is an event where you mainly socialize and relax after an exhausting exam period. We will serve dinner but make sure to eat a proper lunch before. Estimated price is 200kr, but may change depending on how many sign up. We'll meet up at 12:30pm at the buses at Slussen and will arrive at 1:30pm. Traveling there by yourself is also fine. Signup is done through the following form before 11:59pm on sunday the 11th. Form in English: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKTeM_aMpmGMd3HNhicihwvCKrN1574OM2qZM1tUzyBxXR5Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

Be a part of improving dHöstkalendern 2023!

Hello there Chapter!

dHöstkalendern (the Autumn calendar), which is for our newly admitted students during the reception is (objectively speaking) fun. Of course, this also applies to preparing it!

For mer information, and to apply , se the form!

Yearbook 2022-2023

Chapter Historian has almost finished the yearbook for this past achademic year to have as a momento of all the fun events at data. A few copies ar being ordered for the chapter to enjoy in META but now is the chance to order one if you would like one to keep. The books will cost between 50-100 sek/per and will be available for pickup around the beginning of next semester. If you are interested please fill out the form and tell your friends!

Application for Studs management team is closing

Application for Studs management team is closing tomorrow at 23:59 o'clock, so don't miss your chance to apply! If you missed the previous post, you can find details here and the form to apply here.

So what are you waiting for? Apply now so that you do not forget, you do not want to miss this opportunity!

Best, Erik and Erik

Summer closing of META

On June 19th, 2023 (2023-06-19), META closes for the summer. META will reopen on July 23rd, 2023 (2023-07-23) for the reception, and on August 25th, 2023 (2023-08-25) for the general public.

During the actual closure, only 5 people in the section will have access to META, so if you NEED to enter, please contact lokalchef@datasektionen.se. You can enter during the reception weeks, but refrain from doing so if you haven't contacted storasyskon@datasektionen.se in advance.

The Resurrection of the Läskkyl

Hello everyone! We are happy to announce that the Läskkyl will once again be open.

Starting Tuesday (5/23), you can simply swing by and purchase goodies at extremely affordable prices. Perfect for keeping your blood sugar up during the upcoming exam period.

Moreover, this Tuesday we will have a fantastic opening event in META together with QN, DESC, TM, and Prylmångleriet. Drop by to play board games, game on the Nintendo Switch, do crafts, draw something, or sew on your ovve/frack.

In addition to the Läskkyl, there will also be fika!

General läskkyl info:

Where? One of the many corners of META. When? All 8 days of the week. Money? Yes. How? Swish! Cash? Only if you don't say anything to kassör 🤫

How long will the fridge be open? The Läskkyl will be open throughout the entire exam period! (Or until someone pulls a Jack Nicholson and breaks into the spritis with an axe again).

What can you buy in the fridge? A little bit of everything! If there's something specific you'd like to see in the fridge, you can email doufis@datasektionen.se.

Did you plagiarize this post from what was written in 2018? Yes.

The application for the management team for Studs 2024 is now open!

Hello chapter!

The application for the management team for Studs 2024 is now open!

But what is Studs then you might ask. Studs is a project where 30 master students get the chance to visit interesting companies in the IT industry. It will provide you the opportunity to connect with companies that you are really interested in and give you insight into what working with IT actually looks like. At the end of the project we all go on a study trip together, to a destination chosen by the whole group.

As a member of the management team, you will be in charge of one of the project's areas of responsibility, lead a team working towards that goal, and thus develop your leadership skills. Anyone studying a master's degree and a programme linked to the EECS school is welcome to apply! Just email pl24@studs.se if you have any questions!

Read more and apply in this form, the last day to apply is Sunday, June 4.

Best Regards Erik Hedlund & Erik Nordlöf Project managers Studs 2024

Plask 2023

It is finally time to wash the overall and it's of course done by bathing in it. On Friday 16th June, Plask is organized at Ekhagen strandbad (Lappis beach).

Reminder of the moved backup date for the Election Chapter Meeting

Here is a little reminder that SM decided to move the first reserve date for the Val-SM (The electione chapter meeting) to 17:30 on May 17th (today). Val-SM will take place in D1, and everyone is welcome!

Emptying of keeping- and free shelves and refrigerators

On June 4th (4/6), we will clean out the keeping and free shelves, as well as the keeping- and free refrigerators. Basically, everything remaining in all areas will be discarded so that nothing is left in META over the summer. Until then, everyone is requested to take care of their belongings themselves, as otherwise, they may lose them. From June 4th until META reopens on July 23rd, it is requested not to store anything new in the storage areas.

Reminder: Running race registration

Hi! Registration for Blodomloppet 14e juni with the sports club is now open. It is possible for clubs and projects to participate as teams and compete!

Register through the following form:


Educational News VT23 SN

Hello Chapter!❤️

Below you can read the educational news for VT23.

The application for program courses and master programmes closes on May 15th! The application for program courses and master programmes closes on 15th of May. Don't forget to register in time. Do not worry about eligibility when you register for the master programmes, eligibility is checked automatically and manually.

Security It happens that unauthorized persons stay on KTH premises when they do not have access. Therefore, be careful about who you let into KTH's premises after 5 PM when the public does not have access.

Canvas will replace the software web HT23 This autumn, KTH will work in a new way with program communication and students will be able to access current information about their program in a more accessible way as the program web will now be moved to Canvas. The program rooms will be available to the students from HT 2023 and will be moved on May 31st.

Feedback on courses We want to remind students to keep a good tone and to give constructive feedback about the education and courses. We would love to hear your feedback and develop the education together. If you experience problems and difficulties in courses or the study environment, please contact our representatives or volunteers. You will find all contact information here.

To read the whole educational news, click here.

Summaries Summary of Program Council VT23 here. Summary of link meetings year 1-3 VT23 here . Summary of Education Council VT23 here.

Lost and Found in META will be emptied soon

It is once again time for the two Lost-and-Found bins in META to be emptied. If you know that you've lost something in META that might be there, now's the time to check. The bin will be emptied in a few weeks.

The Lost-and-Found bins can be found by the stairs in the back of META.

AW with Accenture Security

Welcome to the meze buffet and AW at Accenture Security next week! 🤩

Are you curious about what it's like to work as a consultant, with cybersecurity, at Accenture - or all three? Come to Accenture's office at Fridhemsplan next week on May 16th, and you will have the opportunity to get to know Accenture, get answers to your questions and tips on what you can do to start your career in cyber security. There will be a meze buffet, drinks and a trivia and film quiz. Apply today to explore future opportunities – this is a chance you don't want to miss. Accenture looks forward to meeting you! ✨

Location: Alströmergatan 12 (Subway Fridhemsplan)

Date and time: 16/5 17.30

Sign up: http://nlg.bz/accenture

Election Documents Val-SM

Hello again, Chapter!

And so it is time to once more post election documents, one last time as Bluewhale. They're two days late since apparently there's a festival in town that soaks up a bit of time from some.

Make sure to read them ahead of SM, to think of suitable questions and to keep SM flowing.


Signing off, Bluewhale

DESC x SPACE Free Ascension Day LAN!

Huge news, gamers! DESC is co-operating with SPACE to organize a FREE LAN on Ascension day (which is a holiday!) 18/5 15:00-23:00! There are a limited number of seats so sign up quickly to ensure you get to go!

Sign up here: (full!)

About SPACE: "You find SPACE at Stockholm’s most central address – next to the fountain at Sergels Torg. Under our roof, there are 400 fully equipped gaming setups, four bootcamp rooms, a bar, and a breathtaking e-sports arena with a capacity of 450 people. This makes us the greatest permanent gaming center in the world." Read more at https://space.cc/en/

All participants are required to download SPACE's app in order to get access to the LAN: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/se/app/space-gaming/id1587848948 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.epti.space.prod&hl=sv&gl=US&pli=1

Please note that bringing food and drinks to the LAN is not allowed, but there's a café and restaurants there!

See you there!😎

Audit report to Val-SM for financial year 2022

You can find the audit report for the board's work and financial management during the financial year 2022 here.

Summerskiftes: Leta i META

Hello hello chapter!💖

The time has come for the juiciest gasque ever! Summerskiftes is coming on the 19th of May, and this time the theme will be Leta i META, a detective investigation without equal!🕵️🕵️🕵️

So, donn your best Sherlock Holmes clothes and prepare for a night you won't forget! Don't miss the ticket release on the wednesday pub (10/5 20:00)! The tickets will be available via the linked Facebook event. 🔍🕵️🔎

Event with the police IT department

Welcome to an event with the police IT department! 🥳🤩

On May 24th, it is time for an event at the police in collaboration with NLG data and NLG media technology. The police will hold a lecture, which will then be followed by an AW mingling. There will also be free food! 😋

There is a limited number of places and registration takes place here: https://forms.gle/5Ccyom9szco6J81j8

When? May 24, 5 p.m

Where? Main entrance of the police station, Kungsholmen

NOTE: Valid ID is required to be admitted to the event. It is also forbidden to take pictures inside them.

More info about the police: Are you ready for a bigger task? You don't have to be a police officer to work in the police force. The police's IT department has approximately 1,200 employees and is responsible for all IT used by the agency's approximately 36,000 employees. We are part of the crime-fighting work, we provide service to the citizens and make it easier for the authority's employees to carry out their tasks. As digitization increases, the police must be able to handle increasingly large amounts of data, take greater advantage of new technologies and constantly stay one step ahead of the criminals, without compromising security and legal certainty. To work in the police's IT department is to be a crucial part of the police's operations. Regardless of whether it is about developing new forensic technology, communicating via the police radio, simplifying citizens' contact with the authority, collecting digital evidence or paying salaries, well-functioning IT solutions are required. Welcome to the police IT department! Read more about what we offer you as a student and recent graduate https://polisen.se/IT

Annual report for 2022

It's time to close the year of 2022. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2022!

Unfortunately the reports are only available in swedish.

Annual report 2022

Annual record 2022

Economic report 2022