Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

New overalls!

The wait is finally over! The new overalls are here! ❤ Everyone who doesn't already have one is welcome to swing by META tomorrow during QNs sewing event (17:00 - ) to try sizes and buy one! After this they will be sold in META during lunch this Friday and every second Friday after that as usual!

The Wednesday pub is cancelled!

The Wednesday pub is cancelled! KTH has decided not to approve any more party registrations, which for us means that we unfortunately can not hold Wednesday pubs or other events in KTH's premises. In the current situation, it is unclear how long it will apply. However, we are waiting for more information about the decision and will update you when we know more! We know it feels like piss and we were so heavenly excite before a comeback !!! However, DKM keeps its hopes up and continues to discuss alternative solutions! Keep an eye on our social media and take care of yourselves ❤

The application for dÅrestaben 2021 is now open!

I've been thinking, and I feel like it would be awesome to have some cool people to help me arrange a trip to Åre (and have a lot of fun together while we're at it!)

Therefore I have now opened the application for dÅrestaben 2021. WOOOOOOO!!!

So what are you waiting for? Apply over at https://forms.gle/7nQW1rdeGeXSYr9b8, and I'll see you for an interview. The last day to apply is 20/9 (next sunday).

Apply to NLG 20/21!

NLG is looking for new members, send in your application on cutt.ly/NLG!

See you at the interview!

THS | form about KTH and Covid-19 during autumn 2020

The student union at KTH (THS) represents all students when KTH makes decisions that affect the students or the education. This has been more important than ever during Covid-19.

We want to know how Covid-19 will impact your studies during the autumn. Your opinion is valuable to THS and KTH.

Feel free to answer any question in Swedish or English, depending on what you are most comfortable with. All answers are of course anonymous.

If you have any questions, e-mail studentinflytande@ths.kth.se.

Link to the form: bit.ly/KTH-autumn2020

Apply to DKM!

The application for DKM 20/21 is now open!

Apply at dkm.io/ansok!

Students who can work during the conference NU2020 in October

On 7-9 / 10, the pedagogical conference NU2020 will be arranged (https://nu2020.se/). The conference is arranged by the universities that house Campus Flemingsberg, including KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The conference will be given completely digitally and for that we need a number of students who can work during the conference with general support in Zoom and another tool that we will use, for example around simple things like sound, screen sharing and more. The students who work with support during the conference will be on site at Södertörn högskola in Flemingsberg. If you are interested, you can contact Ulf.larsson@sh.se for more information. The salary is SEK 125 / hour.

Application for Studs 2021 is now open!

Are you a masters student excited to get to know more students? Do you want to get closer to buissnesses in Stockhom? Do you also want to join an amazing trip in the summer 2021?

The application for Studs 2021 is now open! Apply at studs.se/apply

Application project management group for Stud 21 is now open

Have you started your masters or are doing so this coming semester? Are keen on developing your leadership skills and establish contacts within our industry as well as with other students? If so we think you should apply to Studs 2021!

Read more and apply here: cutt.ly/studs21

/ Axel och Albin

Auditors' management report for Val-SM

The Auditors' management report for Val-SM 2020 is available here (in Swedish).

Summary of the program council and link meetings

This wednesday the 13:th of May, the study board attended the program council for the Computer Science program and link meetings for years 1-3.

During the link meetings, period four's courses were discussed and we conveyed the opinions of the students. The main talking point was the effects of covid-19 on the courses. It was also made clear that several courses require more assistants in order to grade assignments quicker, a situation which EECS will try to improve for future course offerings.

The program council was dominated by information regarding specific prerequisites, which have now been finalized for the autumn. We hope to provide more information regarding this matter shortly. We were also informed that KTH is currently working towards further incorporating equality, diversity, and sustainability into their educational offerings. Finally it was also mentioned that the computer science program is discussing Canvas guidelines.

//Program-responsible student

Election documents (finally)

The election documents for the upcoming election are now published and can be read here.

These documents might be updated with additional information later.

Extended Elections

Since some posts still lack candidates a new nomination-period has opened for those posts.

Nominations for Head of Communications, Board member of Educational Issues, Head of Business Relations, Project Leader for METAspexet, Qulturattaché, and Öfvermatrona are open until 12/5. Nominations can be accepted until 18/5.


It's time for another election. Nominate someone or announce your candidacy at val.datasektionen.se.

Information meeting with the project leaders for METAspexet

Have you thought about becoming the next project leader (direqteur) for METAspexet? Do you want to know more about what the work entails?

The current project leaders for METAspexet 2020, Anton and Felix, invite you to an information meeting where we will talk about what one does as a project leader for a spex and where you can ask us questions. It’s also a good opportunity to see who else is interested and maybe find someone to candidate together with.

The meeting will be held on tuesday 7th of April at 17:30 on Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/172325236

Student union council election open for voting

Once a year the members of THS elect their representatives in the Student Union Council, the highest governing body of THS. Now it’s time again! Contribute to a democratic Student Union, vote before 12th of April 23:59 at: ths.kth.se/vote

Link to the Audit Chapter Meeting

The link is: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/319121315

Best wishes, the D-directorate

Concerning method of attendance on Revisions-SM

Revisions-SM is around the corner. The meeting will be held using the digitally using the software Zoom. A link to the Zoom meeting will be published in this post and in the facebook post of this meeting at 17:00 at the 26:th of march.

Sincerely, the D-directorate.

The board meeting tomorrow

Hello, all Chapter members, the board has decided how the board meeting will be held tomorrow. The conclusion was that the possibility to attend in person will be preserved but we recommend digital attendance. The board will be physically represented tomorrow but the meeting will primarily be hosted digitally, which is the option that we encourage. To attend tomorrow’s meeting, you send an email to vordf@d.kth.se, then you'll get a document consisting of an invitation link as well as the rules. The other option is that you attend physically. Sincerely the D-rectorate.

Regarding the novel corona virus (covid-19)

Announcement from the D-directorate.

Because of the circumstances in the world due to the covid-19 (The coronavirus) outbreak, D-directorate has decided the following:

  • All larger and longer events, pubs and seatings within the scope of the chapters operations, are cancelled until further notice.
  • We discourage all committees and projects from having physical activities in META, on KTH campus or at other locations. We encourage digital activities however.
  • If physical events are performed the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendations for public gatherings must be followed.
  • No new expenses or purchases without consulting with the board beforehand.
  • We encourage everyone that has cold symptoms (respiratory symptoms, cough, fever or similar) to stay at home.

Why have we made this decision?

Updates about the covid-19 outbreak are published continuously and we don’t know what the next step is. We have chosen to act on the information we have received from KTH, THS and the Public Health Agency of Sweden. According to the Public Health Agency, the risk of spreading the virus increases with a large number of participants and long-lasting events, such as pubs and seatings. We don’t know how the situation will develop. Therefore, we want to be careful about new expenses since events might get cancelled.

The social pressure. When we arrange an event, the fear of missing out affects many members. Someone feels a little bit ill but doesn’t want to miss the seating and decides to attend anyway. That kind of reasoning is something that people make and we don’t want to encourage behaviour of this sort.

The decision has been incredibly hard to make and there are plenty of factors that have been considered before making this decision.

We will be reevaluating our decisions on a continuous basis and change the recommendations based on the current state.

If you have any questions don’t be afraid to contact the D-directorate at drek@d.kth.se.

Information from Program Responsible because of COVID-19.

In case you missed the anouncment from our Program Responsible you can read it below.

"Dear CDATE students.

In line with KTH's guidelines concerning covid-19 we're working on temporarily moving courses that start now, or are continuing in period 4, online to some extent, with digital materials and activities. Right now it's recommended for 'courses over 100 participants to offer distance education or other forms of teaching that avoid gatherings of large groups (and therefore not to cancel the usual education). In smaller courses this will happen whenever it is practically possible.'

Soon you will get concrete information from course responsible staff.

For the latest informaion from KTH about the spreading of covid-19, please visit kth.se/corona.

Pawel Herman, Program Responsible for CDATE"

Student Union Council Application

Until the 16th of March you can sign up candidate as delegate of the Student Union Council. What you do is basically decide what THS is going to do, who is elected to positions there, etc, as a representative of the computer science chapter.

If you are interested the link is sadly in Swedish only, but you can mail the person responsible for the elections to learn more about how to apply.


Study Board in search of Master students

Are you currently taking a Masters in Computer Science? Are you tired of Peer Reviewing everything? Do you like fika?

The Study Board is looking for Master students to join us since our old representatives are currently abroad. Participate in making courses better, instructions clearer and lectures more understandable.

Interested? Email sno@d.kth.se.

CANCELLED: Konglig Datasektionens Spring Ball

This event is cancelled due to the covid-19 epidemic.

Spring Greetings Royal Data Section! "Winter" is beginning to end, white whips are pushing out of the ground, the Thunder Devil is out of his idea, Douglas has taken on another responsibility and soon the gulls have laid eggs outside Meta. But the biggest spring sign of all is, of course, that it's time for the Royal Data Section's spring ball!

This year's spring ball will take place on April 25. The ticket release will take place on March 11 at 7pm. Hope you are as tagged as us! More information coming soon. Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram.

So make sure to dust off the checkers, polish the fine shoes, chop up your closest friend / partner and prepare for a wonderfully enjoyable evening!

Where? The Göran Terrace

When? April 25 Mingle from 5 pm Seating is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.

How? Festive costume - coat, long dress or equivalent.

Why? It will be wonderful! Someone might get a medal or two ...

Who? Datalogues + 1 and alumni + 1

When will tickets be released? March 11 at 1 p.m. 19:00

How much do the tickets cost? Student alcohol, SEK 349, non-alcoholic SEK 299 Aluminum alcohol SEK 649, non-alcoholic SEK 599

Want to report fun? Email varbal@d.kth.se

See you on the Göran Terrace!

The Spring Ball Army 2020 consists of Douglas Fischer - Spring Ball General Axel Elmarsson - Public Relations Manager Adam Sjöberg - Finance Manager William Agnér - Mixed Juice Michael Morales Sundstedt - Ravens responsible Delta-Johnny - Brickmaster Google - Translate


Hello all girls and non-binary!

The workshop today gave me a bunch of thoughts and ideas that I would like to execute at CS Chapter. Mostly I learned that us girls* generally are bad at self promotion. This means that we are bad at telling other people about things we have accomplished or are proud of. Men* are generally better at this. Being good at self promotion helps you advance your career which means that women* advance their careers more slowly than men*. Therefore, this is something that needs practice.

To help with this I created the channel #remarkable_wednesday in the META-slack. All girls and non-binary are welcome to that channel. In it, we will every week write something that we have accomplished during that week, something that makes us remarkable or something that we are proud of. it's supposed to be a place where we celebrate each other for our accomplishments and somewhere where we can practice those self promotion skills!

* In the text I refer to girls/women and guys/men. The studies that we looked at didn't mention anything about non-binaries and I didn't want to write anything that might be incorrect, which is why I didn't want to include any information regarding non-binaries. Of course, you are welcome into the slack channel as a non-binary person!

TLDR; For all girls and non-binary there is now a channel in the META-slack ( #remarkable_wednesday ) where every Wednesday we write something that we are proud of or have accomplished during that week. We celebrate each other's achievements and get to practice our self promotion skills!