Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

The JML-system is running

Hello CS Chapter! ❤️

The Equity Committee is here to make everyone feel included and welcome at the school and the chapter. As a person in the chapter you are always more than welcome to come talk to us about any questions that you might have around this. We can also offer support and guidance around reporting any incidents that might have occurred.

But we also understand that the questions which we talk about can be very sensitive. Sometimes you might want to ask a question or report that something has happened anonymously.

Therefore we now have a system in place where you can ask all your questions to JNO anonymously. We can then reply to this question even if we don't know who asked it to start with. You can also opt to sign your question with your name if you so wish.

LINK TO FORM Unfortunately, the form is only available in Swedish for the time being, english will be added eventually. You are, however, more than welcome to write in English if you so prefer.

All regular ways of contacting us are still in place, this just provides an extra way if you don't want to use the others.

XOXO Ebba and Amanda, JNO

Election documents "out"

Hello, chapter!

Since the election documents should be available for reading before SM but at the same time cannot be published without oversight one or more Election Committee Members will be available in META today and tomorrow.

Today until 16. Tomorrow 13 - 17

Bring your THS ID!

Whaley (Electiony) greetings, the Election Committee.

Bird Box Decorating!

Hello! The Datascience Chapter has received a bird box that will be shipped away to Osqvik in a short while. But!!! It look really boring! This will be remedied this Wednesday (11/5) during the day. If you are interested in helping out, contact DAD by PM on METAs Slack, a message to TagMonkeys FaceBook site, mail to dad@datasektionen.se, telepathy and so on.

Best regards /DAD

Election document status

Greetings, chapter!

A candidate has asked for the election documents to be kept only for the eyes of chapter members. As such, they will not be posted digitally and will be available first at the chapter meeting.

Electiony greetings, The election committee (show up at SM!)

Survey about ticket releases

Hi Chapter!

During the Audit Chapter Meeting we in the D-directorate brought up the question regarding how ticket releases are done in the chapter. We had a very rewarding discussion, but since there were very few members present we would like to get more opinions. Fill in this form, so that we can get a better picture about the opinions regarding how ticket releases are done.

Open application for CPR-education

Hello chapter!

We who organize the CPR education have a few vacant spots on the upcoming training opportunities on the 3/5 and the 5/5, so we are opening up a first come first serve-style application form.

If you want to learn how to save lives, just hop on in and fill out our form! We will email you regarding whether or not you have got a spot!

Take care!

Extended election cycle Val-SM


There are still unfilled posts for Val-SM, so an additional election cycle has started for those posts.


Register for food at the Elections chapter meeting

Hello everyone!

At the Elections chapter meeting we will be offering food, but to be able to do so we need to now who will attend. So if you wish to recieve food at the chapter meeting, register in the form below, no later than Thursday may 5th.

Annual report for 2021

It's time to close the year of 2021. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2021!

Unfortunately the reports are only available in swedish.

Annual report 2021

Annual record 2021

Economic report 2021

After party!

Hello chapter!

Tomorrows afterparty for GEEK's qasque will be open for everybode, not just women and non binary.

Hope to see you there <3

Nominations to by-election

Greetings, chapter friends. The nominations for the by-election are now open here!

Today is also the last day for nominations for the regular elections, so nominate people noooooow!

Open spots for the gasque!

Hello again all lovely women and non binaries in the chapter!

We still have som spots open for the GEEK-gasque next friday, and we'd love to see them filled. Sign up using this form.

META booked on monday

Hi chapter! We want to inform you that META is booked for rehearsals of METAspexet on monday and it will not be available as a study space. We recommend you to study in Nymble or in the E or D house instead!


Support union democracy!

The last day in the KF-election is closing in!

We would like for all memebers of the Chapter to go and vote. Voting is quick and easy.

Place your vote here: https://ths.voteit.se/register

The election closes Monday 18/4!

Happy Easter!

Planned maintenance of Cashflow

Tomorrow Cashflow will be down for maintenance from 18.00 to 24.00 at the latest.

EDIT 20.04: Cashflow is now up

Emptying of lost and found in META

Greetings members of the chapter! I just wanted too inform you that the lost and found baskets of META will be emptied the following weeks. Be sure to take a look at it if you know you've lost something. You can find the baskets standing below the stairs to the catwalk.

Elections for Election-CM open!

It's soon time for Election-CM, and as you can hear from the name, there are a lot of positions to elect.

Go to val.datasektionen.se right awat and nominate everybody you know, or maybe yourself!?

If you're wondering what the posts do, you can check out dfunkt or the statutes for descriptions (only in Swedish for now, sorry). Or maybe talk to the current holder (if you dare).

Closing of META 2022-04-07

Hello Chapter!

During next week MBD will close META earlier, the closing is in effect 2022-04-07T15:00 until 17 the same day.

Student Health Workshop: Worry and anxiety in difficult times

Greetings dear Computer Science students! Below is a message from the Student Health office:

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it might affect us emotionally, the Student Health Services in Stockholm gives a lecture on how to manage worry and anxiety. The lecture covers, among other things, strategies on how to deal with worry and anxiety and how to increase our well-being. By learning to distinguish between what we can influence and what is beyond our control, we increase our ability to make constructive choices. The University Church will participate and inform about their activities for students.

A lecture in swedish will be held on april 4th between 4.15 - 5.15 pm over zoom. Link to the lecture: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68687048266

Additionally, a lecture in english will also be held on april 7th, 4.15 - 5.15 pm, this one is also on zoom. Link can be found here: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/63789791559

Should you also wish to learn more there is a facebook event where you can find out more here: https://fb.me/e/6h7wIsL5W

Application for the project group of Magenta

Hello Chapter!

Revisions-SM (Chapter Meeting) this Thursday marked an important day. It was the day that project Magenta was born. Magenta is a project that aims to create a greater sense of community among girls and non-binary all over all campuses of KTH. This is to be done through the greatest event (gasque, party with food, drinks and songs :) ) of the year.

This gasque will be sometime during the fall of 2022 and the plan is to be in Nymble.

Do you want to help out to plan this event and make sure that it is achievable? Amazing! Because that is exactly who I'm looking for right now! A project group of a few excited souls is needed to create the best event KTH has ever seen. Is that you? Apply apply apply in this form https://forms.gle/nk475cuL9yuPo7Km6

Do you want to attend the event? Fun! Remember that we exist and stay up to date with this feed so that you don't miss more info!

Do you want to work at the event? Also fun! There will be future info on that as well!

XOXO Project leader for Magenta Amanda Berg

Computer Sciene Chapter in Stockholm Pride Parade 2022 -

Stockholm Pride Parade 2022 will take place in 6th of August and Konglig Datasektionen will of course be participating. It will be a an amazing Pride experience with music, party athmosphere and a beautifully decorated truck. It is a great opportunity to celebrate and dance for love and solidarity ❤️

YOU are of course welcome to join and dance with us during the parade.

Project Pride wants to know how many people are interested in participating. The notice of interest is binding, and it will not cost anything to participate!

Please show your notice of interest in the linked Google Form.

European Cybersecurity Challenge

The selection of the first Swedish team for the European Cybersecurity Challenge takes place this year!

ECSC (https://ecsc.eu/) is a cybersecurity competition hosted by ENISA. The different european teams will compete in Vienna in September to decide who is best at cybersecurity.

The first step for qualifying for the senior part of the team (age 19-25) will take place through the openECSC platform, where the 15-20 participants who perform best will be invited to a bootcamp where the final team will be selected.

More information is available on KTH:s website: https://kth.se/ecsc

You can sign up to the mailing list there to receive more information!

Apply to THS Student Union Council!

Applications for THS Student Union Council closes this Sunday (27/3). Of course you should apply!

What’s the THS Student Union Council?

It’s sort of like the EU but with chapters instead of countries. We sit in Nya Matsalen in Nymble and discuss and vote for stuff. It’s a lot more fun than it sounds, I promise (OK, maybe not a lot more fun).

More formally: The Student Union Council is the highest governing body at THS with representatives from all chapters. The Student Union Council decided on what THS should do as well as how the yearly turnover should be used. You also elect THS’ leaders in the form of President and Board. As a part of the Student Union Council, you are an important part of the democracy at THS.

You’ll sit for one school year and the work consists of attending about 5 meetings a year, as well as ideally reading the meeting documents beforehand. It’s really nice, there will be food and nice company so come along!

After the application period is closed, members will be able to vote for candidates. Konglig Datasektionen has four mandates, as well as two spots for alternate members if the main members aren’t able to attend the meeting.

More info can be found here: https://dsekt.se/kf22-lysningstext.pdf

Apply by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/fPkuuChw7fD628Gc6

Register for food at the Audit chapter meeting

Hello everyone!

At the Audit chapter meeting we will be offering food, but to be able to do so we need to now who will attend. So if you wish to recieve food at the chapter meeting, register in the form below, no later than sunday march 20th.