Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

FIlling elections Extra-SM

Good continuation, chapter!

After a spectacular amount of acceptances last SM we still have a few vacant posts. Since Extra-SM is on the horizon the Election Committee found it appropriate to open nominations for the following posts:

  • Board member for study environment and equal treatment (d-SOL)
  • Programme responsible student (PAS)
  • Statutory auditor
  • Speaker
  • Quapellmaster (project leader for the preservation of Metaspexets music)
  • Vice Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Student Ombudsman (SSO)

Nominate someone you know, someone you're sitting next to, or maybe in front of on https://val.datasektionen.se/ now!!!

Have a whaley pleasant day, Chair of the Election Committee

Complaint Lodge with the Study Board and Equality Committee

Hi chapter ❤️!

The exam period is upon us and that means that we soon have link meetings with SVL and program responsible faculty.

We in the Study board🦉and Equality Committe 🏳️‍🌈 are therefore inviting you to a Complaint Lodge to gather opinions!

Come and complain about courses, talk about the study environment or discuss equality!

There will of course be Fika!

When? Thursday (12/1) during lunch (12-13)

Where? In META

Is there fika? Of course there is!

Discord event: https://discord.com/events/687747877736546335/1062318498145108008


In accordance with our statutes §4.4 Brådskande ärenden and §4.8 D-rektiv I hereby issue a D-rektiv.

The D-rective reads as follows:

Life can feel monotonous sometimes, dare to try new things. Worst case scenario is that you're more satisfied with your previous existance.

It has been a great year with many advancements, we've had a year without restrictions, the spring ball finally got arranged after being cancelled two years in a row, we've had the biggest D-Dagen ever, an epic reception, fantastic educational monitoring and good progress on external relations. There's a lot more, the Chapter is evolving rapidly.

Thanks to everyone that has made the Chapter to what it is during 2022! I would also like to dedicate a special thanks to all the officials of The Chapter that have evolved and worked for Konglig Datasektionen during 2022, the pleasure of working for and with you has been on my side. Finally i wish all the Officials a good 2023, I know that you're capable of great deeds.

See you on the roads/in the tracks/hills — David Puustinen, Chairperson 2022

Public vote about forum channels and ping-roles

Today, we bring two very important votes related to our official Discord server, Konglig Datasektionen. We would greatly appreciate your voice in the matter.

If you are not already a member on the Discordserver, you can join it through: http://dsekt.se/discord

🗳️ 1. Course Channels: Forum vs Text

Do you think we should stick with our current course channels or switch back to normal plain text channels?

Vote here: https://forms.gle/maSCaoLJ9iHvY6GY9

We will implement the winning solution during the Christmas break.

🗳️ 2. Ping-roles and notifications

Do you feel you get pinged to much on this server? Do you feel adding ping-roles would cripple the chapter's ability to reach its students?

Vote on the issue of implementing ping-roles here: https://forms.gle/fnWrUH3gXmqopwoC7

Educational news 📰

Hi Chapter!

We are now approaching the end of the year and the Study Board would like to inform you about what has been going on and what will happen in the near future.

Below are some of the most important points:

  • From tomorrow (15th December) the schedule will require login to view details
  • Anders Söderholm has been installed as the new President of KTH

Click here to read more.

We in the Study Board wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year! 💙

Location of day 3 of the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

Hello chapter!

We've now been given a location for the third day of the chapter meeting. We will be in D1 once again (today, on Tuesday the 6th of December).

Applications open for D-Dagen project team

Applications for D-Dagens project team are open!

D-Dagen 2022 is over and the time for planning D-Dagen 2023 is now, since it will be bigger and more awesome than ever! We need a good team to help us plan and createe D-Dagen. Everyone who fills the form will be called to an interview with us, and we'll hold interviews up until New Year's.

You can find a description of all roles we're searching for on ddagen.se/sok

oxo ❤️ Johan and Axel, (probably) DDA 2023

Extra recruitment for METAspexet 2023

Hello Chapter! Due to late defections we are now opening up for extra recruitment for Dekåren (the scenery and props group) and Kostym (the costume group) in METAspexet 2023. Apply at haj.metaspexet.se/sok. The last day to apply is 23:59 on Friday next week, December 9th!

Submitted changes for the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

Hello chapter!

The has been some changes submitted to some motions and propositions. To give everyone more time to read through them, we will publicize them now.

They cna be found on this link: https://yoggi.datasektionen.se/yrkanden-glogg-sm.pdf

The agenda can be found here: https://datasektionen.se/nyheter/10829

Tomorrow(29/11) is the last day to apply to Titel23

Hellooooo best CS Chapter!!

In case you missed it, I just wanted to say that there is ONE day left to apply for Reception's management group 2023, i.e. 🎉🎉 TITEL 23 🎉🎉!

You can search here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf07noldaZ82pcgl2nsSYVSKP61nObD9x6csKc7Nx4lgb5ccg/viewform (Application closes on 29/11)

Apply!! TITEL is among the funniest and most educational here on the section! I can say that my 2 years have been very rewarding and worth the work! 🤩 If you are in doubt or wondering about something, just write to me or Luciano Zapata, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have! ❤️❤️

Updated election documents

Updated election documents can now be found here: https://yoggi.datasektionen.se/Valhandlingar_Gl%C3%B6gg-22

Whaley welcome, The Election Committee

Changed location for the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

Since a lot of people has registered for paticipating in the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting, a new location has been booked for the occation.

The fist day of the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting (28/11) will be held in D1.

More information regarding the chapter meeting can be found at datasektionen.se/nyheter/10829.

Urn times

Hey Chapter!

After questions I thought it a good idea to post the availability of the urn in META for the urn election :

  • Thursday 24/11 11-13
  • Friday 25/11 12-13
  • Saturday 26/11 12-13
  • Sunday 27/11 12-13
  • Monday 28/11 12-17

Note that the urn may be available other times in addition to these, but these are guaranteed times you will be able to vote.

The candidate presentations can be found at dsekt.se/kandidatbeskrivningar and the Election Committee's opinions can be found in the election documents here: https://yoggi.datasektionen.se/Valhandlingar_Gl%C3%B6gg-23

Study Board Meeting

November the 23rd the Study Board are holding a meeting at 12:15. There the members will discuss the current courses running this period.

Election Documents & Urn Elections

Hej Sektionen!

Here are the election documents for Glögg-SM next week, with the caveat that more may be added during the week.

Every lunch until SM the Election Committee will be in META to receive votes in the Ballot Box Elections for Chair, Vice Chair, and Kassör.

Kandidate presentations for the Ballot Box Elections is on https://dsekt.se/kandidatbeskrivningar

for RSS: https://yoggi.datasektionen.se/Valhandlingar_Gl%C3%B6gg-22

Something something elections



With winter fast approching, it's time to announce this years dJulmiddag which is a wonderful christmas dinner featuring a delicious feast of christmas dinner classics. The night will be topped of with a maxxed out party in META!!! 🥳🥳

Tickets are dropping at 19:00 on November 23rd: https://countdown.dkm.io/

See ya there!

You can now apply to Titel 23

Heey the best Chapter! The application period for Titel 23 has finally opened and the application form can be found here:


Apply because Titel is one of the most fun and educational things you can do in the chapter!!

Become a substitute for Studs 2023

Hi everyone! Signup to register as a substitute for Studs 2023 is now open! As a substitute you will get the chance of attending Studs’ company events when an ordinary member of the project group cannot attend.

Since Studs is offering companies an opportunity to meet master students we are primarily looking for substitutes which are master students or last year bachelor students but everyone is of course super welcome to register no matter how far into your education you are.

Register at https://dsekt.se/inhoppare

Scala looking for new members!

Hello everyone!

It's finally time for Scala, the chapter choir, to open up recruitment for interested singers to join us! The recruitment will be open until the 30th of november, and to apply you simply fill out this form:


Hope to see and hear from you soon! Emil, Choir Leader

Food on the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

Hello Chapter! It is now possible to register for getting food on the Mulled Wine Chapter meeting on the following link https://dsekt.se/smmat.

Note that it is possible to register for food for both days of the meeting on the lin

Cloak Monday!

Do you suffer from a debilitating lack of cloaks in your life? Do you like sewing with your friends? do you think Mondays are severely underutilized? Fear not my friend because Cloak Monday might be the event that you need. Cloak Monday is an event held for students of the Data Chapter and The Chapter for Media Technology where you sew your very own cape or cloak.

A short lecture will also be held in sewing and cloakmaking basics!

General info: Where? Somewhere on KTH Campus When? Monday of popular vote! Will it cost money? Sadly yes How much? 150 crowns minimum

Join us and make the cloak of your dreams! https://forms.gle/TrRjBjRkaX317rQc9

Student evening at Valtech


NLG invites you to a student evening at Valtech! 🤩

The evening will offer mingling with Valtechare and other students from Uppsala and KTH, pizza from Fat Franks, snacks and of course, drinks in the form of beer, wine & soft drinks! 🍻🍕

We begin the evening by telling you briefly about Valtech and our popular Talent Program, which is aimed at those of you who are at the end of your education. After that, Clarissa Hedenqvist (KTH alumna) and Sandra Åkerman (Uppsala alumna) will talk about their journey from school bench to full-fledged Valtech consultant. We end the lecture by finding out who are the real quiz masters - KTH or Uppsala? Up to the proof! 😎

Register here: nlg.bz/valtech Time: 18.45-22.00 Location: Valtech. Hantverkargatan 5 (Kungliga Myntet) Stockholm

If you already know that Valtech's talent program is the obvious choice for you, don't hesitate - send in your application immediately, we have a limited number of places and conduct interviews on an ongoing basis. You can read more and submit your application here: https://www.valtech.com/.../talangprogrammet-tech-2120308/

Join the Magenta-task force!

Magenta has a strong staff force, but there is some possibility that we might need some extra workers during parts of the night, or the whole day if one of the current workers gets sick. Therefore, we need your help!

Please fill out the form if you feel that you can be available to come and work on short notice on the evening of the 26 November. Your gender identity is irrelevant, so please fill it out if you are willing to help!

By-election at Glögg-SM

A vacancy has appeared, and we in the Nominating Committee have opened by-election for Datas Art Director. The term continues until the 30th of June. Nominate yourself or other chapter members at val.datasektionen.se.

Don't forget to nominate eachother in the regular elections. The last day to nominate someone is Monday next week!

Come to Glögg-SM, it will be fun!

Whaley greetings, The Nominating Committee

Extra recruitment for METAspexet’s band

Are you interested in playing music? Did you miss the chance to apply for the spex this year?

METAspexet 2023 is opening up for extra recruitment for the band! We are looking for all instruments except keys/piano, and we are extra interested in drums.

Does this sound fun? Apply at haj.metaspexet.se/sok!

The application closes on Sunday, November 13th at 23:59