Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

By-Election för Budget-SM 2021 is now open!

Once again time för elections! Please nominame a friend or yourself for any of the positions before 2-11 here.

Board game night!

Time for another Board game Tuesday, perfect for anyone who needs a break from studying for exams. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. There will of-course be fika Where??? META When??? 17:17 19/10

19th October: Complain time with the Study Board!

Hello chapter members!

Is there any course you are dissatisfied with? If so, swing on by META on Tuesday (19/10). The Study Board will be there between 17:00 and 19:00 to listen to all of your complaints!

Furthermore, by the end of next week, we will have a "länkmöte", which is a meeting where the board members meet with the head of the D-programme and all teachers for year 1-3. We bring them all the feedback you give us, so if you have even the slightest opinion regarding your studies, seize the opportunity and come talk to us on Tuesday!

We will, of course, provide fika!

A report from the EduCouncil of 13/10-2021

Good evening! Today an EduCouncil was held by THS. The EduCouncil is a forum where representatives from each chapter meet to discuss questions related to the education at KTH. As a representative from the CS Chapter I'll briefly summarize the proceedings below.

There were two main points of discussion during the meeting:

  1. How we can monitor the Master's programmes studies and involve international students
  2. What THS and their Heads of Educational Affairs can do for students.

For the first discussion point most chapters felt like the monitoring of their Master's programmes was lacking compared to the monitoring of the Bachelor's. Every chapter who attended found it particularly hard to get the opinions of international students. At the CS chapter we, too, would very much like a closer connection to our international students. **If you are an international student interested in discussing topics of education, we would love if you got in contact **with me (d-uf@d.kth.se) or the Chairman of the Study Board (sno@d.kth.se). You can also show up at any of the Study Board's meetings. We are also looking for a student to help monitor the ML master, the same contact details apply.

As for the second point we mainly discussed how THS could become more visible for the students and in particular students that are not active in their respective chapters.

Sjöslaget sale

Friday at lunch I will sell patches and overalls to those going to Sjöslaget

Study board meeting October 12


The study board is having a meeting today at 12:15! The meeting will be held in the meeting room in META.

The meetings are of course open to all chapter members. We have free fika to bribe you with, so if you have any opinions regarding your studies at kth, come join us!

Take care! ❤️

After School with Mpya Digital

Come with NLG to an After School at Mpya Digital!

We’ll have an evening with good food, refreshing beverages, and a fun activity in every room! All from broad games, karaoke, music quiz to get the opportunity to talk to a consultant regarding everything from tech to life as a consultant. An enJOYable night to sum it all up. Come as you are – and come hungry!

Limited seats so sign up in the form in the facebook event! Hope to see you there!

Closing of META tomorrow

Hello Chapter members!

Tomorrow the Chapter hall (META) will be closed during the day as a place of study. This is because the hall will be used by D-Dagen as a lounge. If you want to microwave your food you can do so on bottom level in Nymble.

Overalls are coming

The overalls are finally on their way. They should arrive this Wednesday, and will be sold Friday 8/10 during lunch. There will probably not be time to test them, only buying!

For those attendning todays META-häng, the remaining overalls will be sold. First come first served

Spex pub

Are you intrested in knowing more about METAspexet or just want to hang out with awesome people, you should come to the Spex pub! SpexM invites you to a pub in META on Tuesday the 5th October. There will be food, spex-drinks, and music from our very own music band. See you there!

Project Rewind: Lunch lecture with Studenthälsan

Hi everyone!

The Study Board, SSO and the Equal Rights Board have gathered all their might and are now inviting you to join us at a lunch lecture the 4th of October as a part of Project Rewind!

Who is going to hold the lecture? Well, joining us we will have Studenthälsan, who will speak about student's health at KTH and how to manage your stress. These are super important skills to have in/on/under/above/after your studies at KTH, so we really hope you will join us for this.

We are also happy to announce that we will be serving a "more foodlike fika" (~~i.e. lunch~~) to the first 100 to register for the event!

Take a look at the linked FB-event for more information


Take care! ❤️❤️❤️

An eased D-directorate meeting

On October 6th DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30. The board will, among other things, decide upon a provisional budget for METAspexet and Studs.

The summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

Decisions minutes can be found here.

All chapter members are welcome!

Extended recruitment period for METAspexet 2022!

Hi chapter!

METAspexet will extend the recruitment period to October 5th! It’s therefore a week left of the recruitment period and the end of the recruitment will be celebrated with a pub in META so make sure to join if you want to know more about the spex! SpexM (the spex’s party planning group) will keep their recruitment open until November 10th.

But maybe you are still wondering what a spex is? It’s a theatre show that also includes musical numbers and improv. We will be working together all school year with everything you need to put up a show. Acting, music, dance, scenery, script, cool lighting, cool costumes. The possibilities are many and it will be so much fun!

You can apply at the link below!

Study board meeting 28/9


The study board is having a meeting September 28th at 12:15. The meeting will be digital and held over Zoom. https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/68673246494

The meetings are, as always, open to all chapter members. If you have any opinions regarding your studies at kth, come join us and speak your mind!

Take care! ❤️

Time to choose the Teacher of the Year!

My fellow CS-majors, The time has come to show our love and affection for the hardest working and most proficient teachers at KTH. It's time to nominate the Teacher of the Year!

Do you know of any highly skilled teacher, someone who inspires you to reach new heights? Write their name and a summary of why they should recieve this glorious award in the attached form, September 28 at latest.


D-Dagen lunch seminars

D-Dagen has succed to get four fantastic companies to hold lunch seminars!!!!! So save 29/9, 30/9, 5/10 and 6/10 to your calendar! These companies are Tink, TietoEvry, Skatteverket and Scania! More information can be found on our facebook page!

See you there!😊

Datasektionen's Chapter Fair on Thursday the 30th!

🐋 Hello Data! 🐋

On September 30:th, it's time for the Chapter Fair!

** What do you do at the Chapter Fair? ** At the Chapter Fair, you will have the opportunity to learn more about all the clubs of the chapter, about the role of the functionaries within the section and what they do.

The fair itself will take place (on site) in the KTH Entrance building, on one of the upper floors, and it will be in full swing between 12-16. There will be free fika!

During the fair, there will also be a scavenger hunt for the very exclusive fair-patch, so make sure to gather points!

For more info, check out our Facebook event!

Have a good time, see you at the fair!

Board game night with QN

Board game tuesdays are back! Everyone is welcome, especially those who haven't played before!

There will be fika.

Where? META When? 17.17 28/9

Tickets to Rewind: DFS

Don't miss the ticket release to De First gaSque today!!! 🥳 At 19:00 we'll release the form in the facebook event, be ready 🔥

Application for Scala is now open!

This spring, a choir was started at the D-chapter called Scala, and it's now time for Scala's first recruitment ever! Scala is a chill choir that meet, hang out and sing together once a week. It's gonna be so much fun, so if you are the least bit interested in singing, don't hesitate to apply!

Apply in this form: https://forms.gle/ee2ajhtA7njYtqWVA

I'll see you at the audition!

Application to METAdorerna open!

Hello! When the autumsemester has begun and the reception is over the time for the chapterhallclub METAdorerna to open for applications has started

METAdorerna is a shared club between the Computer sience chapter and Media Technology chapter and we are responsible for making sure that the chapter hall META works as it should and looks nice. We also have very fun during lunchmeetings and teambuildings.

METAdorerna is a open group so everyone is welcome to join. If you are interested you can apply intrest at http://metadorerna.datasektionen.se/

We will be having a open lunchmeeting this friday 24/9 12.30 -13.00 where you are welcome to show up. Be in META at lunch and we will walk to the meeting as a group. There will be fika for everyone :)

Friday Sale

Finally, after all this time Prylis is back with another Friday Sale in META. During lunch (12:15-13:00) the 24/9, Prylis will sell all sorts of patches. It's going to be fucking awsome, so make sure not to miss out :)

Application to DKM is OPEN!


What are you waiting for! Head on over to dkm.io/ansok and apply NOOOOW! Everyone will be guaranteed and interview so APPLYYY!

Also, check of the DKM Videon 21/22!! FETA DKM Videon

Have an awesome day!

Application for NLG has opened!

Application to NLG (the chapter's business relations group) has opened! 🥳🥳🥳 If you are intresting in developing our relationships with companies and want to have loads of fun while doing it, you should apply now! 💸 Application closes 15th of October, but interviews will be held before then so applay today! Apply at www.nlg.bz/sok! Make sure to check out our recruitment-video here!

Study board meeting!

The Study Board is holding its first regular meeting for the semester!

When: Friday, September 17th, at 12:15 pm Where: Zoom

Do you have any opinions, thoughts and/or feelings regarding your current studies? The meeting is open for all chapter members! Come tell us what you think!

The meeting will be held over Zoom, with the following link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61342704272

Hope to see you there!