Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Workday in META

On saturday (11/3) it's a workday in META which means that METAdorerna will be there to fix various things. If you want to come help you are very welcome, but please contact me first (preferable on the META-slack).

META will also be visited by a scaffold which will be there for us to work on the rig. It will be in META more or less all weekend and it is of the highest importance that it is left alone. It will be built on friday and may still be there on sunday.

For more information you can contact me on slack.

Work at THS!

The THS Management Team is looking for candidates for the next term of office. The positions that are open for application are

  • Head of Educational Affairs
  • Reception Coordinator
  • Head of Business Relations
  • Editor-in-Chief - Osqledaren
  • Head of Student Social Activities
  • Head of Student Welfare

These are one-year paid positions, which means that you take a one-year break from your studies to work at THS.

You can also apply to become a member of the THS student union board. This is a post you have in addition to your studies, like most things in the chapter and the union.

The last day to apply is March 18th, and you should send in a CV and personal letter. You can also nominate someone you think would be suitable.

More information, including details of each post, can be found on the THS website. https://ths.kth.se/en/about-ths/apply-ths

Apply to the CS chapter's E-Sports Community (DESC) team now!

Do you enjoy gaming and want to take part in creating the best gaming club possible? Good news, the DESC team is now accepting applications! DESC is data's gaming board and we organize gaming events such as Discord game nights, Tuesdays with QN, tournaments, and LAN parties. In addition, we have a Meta Quest 2 and a Nintendo Switch! Apply to the DESC team now - applications are open until midnight Friday 24th March! Apply here: https://forms.gle/i5jgxY2QdTYud9Sz8

Sale of new patches

Hello chapter! On Friday there is a prylis-sale and we will be selling three new patches: Ser Is (See Ice), Achievement - Singer and NLG's new logo (only sold to NLG). As usual, we will be standing outside META during lunchtime.

Apply to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) Student Council

You have the chance to represent KTH in the Student Council of the The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. The council consists of up to 20 students from universities all over Sweden and the Vice Chairman is currently a student from KTH, so of course we want a new student representative from us!

Information about the assignment

IVA's student council's task is to promote technical and economic sciences as well as the development of business. The academy conducts activities within, among other things, education, business, community development and climate change, where the Student Council actively contributes by adding an important student and doctoral student perspective among the members who are otherwise elected to IVA for life.

The Student Council also organizes its own activities within the framework of IVA and runs projects that deal with, among other things, climate issues, digitization and diversity. The members of the council come from universities spread all over Sweden, and form a link between IVA and the institutions of higher education. KTH usually pays for accommodation and travel to the Student Council meetings around the country.

Participation in the Student Council takes place for two years and therefore requires that you have at least two years left of your studies. You will officially take office from the autumn of 2023. On the council's website you can read more about the assignment and what merits the application: https://www.iva.se/en/About-IVA/student-council/.

Application Process

You apply for the assignment no later than March 13 by emailing utbildning@ths.kth.se with a CV and an introduction of yourself and why you are interested in the assignment. Later in the process you will be asked to provide more information. THS will receive your email, review the applicants and pass on applications to the principal, Anders Söderholm. He decides on who KTH nominates and gives that decision to the current Student Council, which finally elects new members.

It is worth noting that Swedish knowledge is a requirement to be a part of the Student Council.

Election for KF

Hey there Chapter! Starting this SM Kårfullmäktige is elected at SM. For those of you that don't know KF is like SM but at THS, so it's very important that we have good representatives from Data.

You may now nominate people (or yourselves) at https://val.datasektionen.se/ !

The belugas send their regards, The Election Committee

Filling elections Revisions-SM

Heya, chapter!

After Extra-SM a portion of the posts that remained vacant since Glögg-SM were filled by valiant individuals. Unfortunately some of the most important posts remain empty. Therefore the Election Committee opens nominations for:

  • Programme responsible student (PAS)
  • Statutory auditor
  • Secretary
  • Student Protection Representative (SSO)
  • Speaker

Nominate someone you know, someone you're sitting next to, or maybe in front of on https://val.datasektionen.se/ now!!!

Have a delectable day, the Election Committee


Today is the last day you can purchase tickets to the most maxxed out event of the year, BLUMS!

It's going to be an incredible night one truly does not want to miss!

More information can be found in the facebook event or at: blums.dkm.io

Nominations to the Honorary delta and THS Kamratstipendium

Hello everyone!

The honorary delta is the Chapter's finest award and is given to those who have done a lot of good for the Chapter. Nominations can be made at dsekt.se/hedersdelta. The recipients will be presented at the Audit-CM and awarded at the spring ball. Previous years' recipients and motivations can be found at datasektionen.se/sektion/hedersdelta.

Do you know someone who has been particularly helpful or a kind friend? Nominate them for the THS Kamratstipendium at dsekt.se/kamrat! THS Kamratstipendium is awarded to good friends at each of the union's chapters. Nominations will be determined at the Audit-CM and then sent to THS.

The deadline to nominate for the 2023 honorary delta and THS THS Kamratstipendium is March 19th.

Win a free ticket to dJubileet's banquette!

Don't miss your chance to win a ticket to dJubileet's banquette on 9/30 (value approx. SEK 500)! Full price without subsidy from the chapter is SEK 2,000, so this is a party you really don't want to miss.

But how do you participate in the competition?

You must first figure out our secret banquet premises - three video clues have been posted on our Instagram & Facebook. Just comment your guess and tag two friends in the chapter on one of the posts to compete!

The competition now closes on Friday 17/2 at 19:23, so be sure to submit your guesses until then. The winner will then be drawn among the computer scientist students who guessed correctly. The correct answer will be published on Saturday and we will contact the lucky winner by Sunday via DM.

P.S. Make sure you watch all videos, we might quiz you later.

Links to the posts here:

Part 1:

Facebook / Instagram

Part 2:

Facebook / Instagram

Part 3:

Facebook / Instagram

Good luck!


Closing of META during MBD - 16 Febuary

On the 16th of Febuary, our chapter hall META, will be closed due to MBD, which is Medias carrer fair.

The locale may still be accessible for studying, but you will have to be prepare for some loudness and that you might be asked to move if you are to use it.

Election Documents Extra-SM

Greetings, chapter!

There are now election documents available at dsekt.se/val.

Come to SM!

Application for Mottagningen 2023 has opened

Dear beloved Datasektionen!

If you don't already know, the application for mottagningen 2023 has finally opened! This means that we are now searching for YOU to make the mottagningen 2023 the best reception ever. Mottagningen is one of the absolute best and most fun things you can do in the section and that is why I encourage all of you to apply. Do it now! You apply by going to https://ston.datasektionen.se/applications/new and after you have filled in all the information, you click on "Ansök". It's not harder than that! During the time the application is open, all the branch managers will have takeovers on the reception's own Instagram @janifattar where you will get a chance to ask us questions about our branch and the reception as a whole, so go in and follow nooooow! If you have any questions, you can contact us at titel@datasektionen.se

Have a continued pleasant day and don't forget... APPLLYYYY!!!!!

apply to dbuggen !!!

Do you want to write an exposé about the chapter's board while sipping on a glass of whiskey an evening at a pub? Why not an alcohol free beer with a revealing scoop about the chapter clubs? Finding the tastiest semlor of Stockholm? Apply to dbuggen to contribute to a hiiigh level of investigative journalism.

Sale of new belts

Hello chapter! Prylmångleriet will start selling the computer science chapter belts on Friday. We've also gotten more sizes of our jerseys. We will be outside Meta from 12:15 to 1:30pm.

Food for Extra-SM

Hello Chapter! It is now possible to register for getting food on the Extra Chapter meeting on the following link https://dsekt.se/smmat.

Competition - Ticket to dJubileumsbanquetten

Hello chapter!

dJubileet is hosting a competition where you can win a free ticket to the dJubileumsbanquette. More info in the links below.

Facebook Instagram

First year CS master's student? We want your opinion on the fall courses

Hello Chapter! The Study Board is looking for feedback on the fall courses in the first year of the Computer Science master. We're having a meeting with the leadership of the program soon, and would love to hear your opinions on the courses so we can improve the courses and the program.

We have created a google form which you can find here.

Recruitment for Project Pride!

Hello Computer Science students! Do YOU want to partake in arranging pride events and a float for Stockholm Pride? 🌈In that case, recruitment is now open for Project Pride ✨🌱

The application form will close on the 8:th of February and interviews will be carried out continously!

Survey regarding the EECS Educational Office's availability and information

Hi Chapter!

The Educational Office at the EECS school has tasked the Chapter Board to find out how the chapter feels about their availability and the flow of information before the next meeting.

It contains questions regarding appointment booking versus drop-in, whether you want digital alternatives to physical meetings and whether the programme web works well.

It would be appreciated if you could take a minute to answer this survey: dsekt.se/kansli-formular

D-directorate via, Abhinav Sasikumar Board Member for Educational Issues

Apply to become master/international student representative at the Study Board!

Hello chapter!❤️

The studies have begun for period 3 and we now need master representatives as well as international student representatives who are dedicated to evaluating and improving the computer science program. Being a master/international student representative means that you represent your master/international student group, both at the Study Board's meetings (a half-hour lunch meeting every two weeks) and when we go to link meetings.

"What is a link meeting?", you are probably wondering. Link meetings are meetings that take place once per term, where the year representatives meet those responsible for the courses and the computer program as a whole. Where we have a huge chance to influence and improve our program!

Another important task for the representatives is to complain about courses, consume our fika budget and go to our Teambuildings!🤩

So, fill out the form and APPLY!

Lunch lecture with Etimo

Welcome to a lunch lecture with the consulting company Etimo! Come and listen as Philip and Björn from Etimo talk more about the topic "What does it mean to be a consultant". 🤩🤩🤩

Etimo also offers lunch! 🥳 There is a limited number of places and first come, first served. sign up here: http://www.nlg.bz/etimo

When: 31th january 12.15 Where: V1

More about the lecture: "What does it mean to be a consultant" Etimo is a family consulting company with a strong focus on employees, knowledge and work for a better world. On January 31st, Philip Forsberg and Björn Wahlberg from Etimo will visit to talk about what it means to be a consultant. They will outline what types of assignments there are, what is expected of a consultant, what support you get from your colleagues and how the consultant role differs from employment at a product company. Etimo works to develop customized digital web and cloud solutions for its customers, which are everything from large companies to start-ups. Etimo is passionate about technology, customer value and societal benefit, 10% of Etimo's time always goes to skills development. Two days every other month, Etimo has internal code days where they code open source together and socialize with colleagues, every Friday they meet in the office to exchange experiences and learn from each other. You are warmly welcome to listen in and meet Etimo!

Important message to the Chapter

Hello everyone!

Here’s some important information from the board.


The board is currently understaffed and it will be difficult for us to keep up with all the work. Please be well in advance with items you need help with.

The extra chapter meeting is on the 9th of February and a number of important items will be dealt with, including a major budget revision.

The chapter would like to have “frackband”. Send your suggestions to drek@datasektionen.se.

Few people on the board

The first thing is that at the time of writing we have four vacancies on the Board (Secretary, Vice treasurer, Board member for student social affairs and Board member forsStudent environment and equality).

This means that the board may have longer response times than usual and that we will not be able to focus on the issues normally dealt with by the vacant posts. Another consequence is that less will be done on other fronts as the rest of the board needs to take up the slack. So please be out in good time if you have matters that need to be dealt with.


We will have an extra chapter meeting on the 9th of February where important motions and a major budget revision will be dealt with.

The motions that will be dealt with are

  • Motion to review the acoustics of META
  • Motion regarding CPR training for elected officials and chapter members
  • Motion regarding the election process for members of the Union Council
  • Motion regarding budget for Blums

Elections for many important positions will be held at the Extra-SM. In addition to the Board vacancies, elections will be held for several important positions,

  • Programme responsible student
  • Auditor
  • Student Safety Officer
  • Speaker.

As this is an extra chapter meeting, no other motions will be considered. Notice will be sent separately.


During the Glögg-SM, “frackband” for the Section came up as another issue. There were various options presented during the Glögg-SM but none of the proposals were preferred by the CM.

“Frackband” are mainly used when representing the chapter in external contexts. Therefore, the design should be in accordance with our graphic profile.

Please send your suggestions to drek@datasektionen.se.

Become a substitute at Studs!

Hello Chapter!

Are you interested in attending exciting business events, finding summer jobs or a place to write your master’s thesis, or generally curious about work life? Then we strongly recommend registering as a substitute for Studs 2023! There are usually a few members of Studs who are unable to attend an event, which can provide you the opportunity of going in their stead! In addition to getting to know the company and their offices, each event offers fun activities, tasty food and refreshing beverages! You can also upload your CV so that the companies whose events you attend more easily can contact you regarding summer jobs, master’s thesis opportunities, employment etc!

The registration is not binding and is open throughout the spring term, so what are you waiting for? Register now at https://dsekt.se/inhoppare ! (But the later you register the more events you risk missing ;) )

First prylis-sale of the year

Hi everyone! Prylmångleriet will hold its first sale of the year this Friday. We will be outside META during lunch.

D-22: The D-22 (class enrolling in 2022) patch will be sold.

METAspexet: New patches and stickers will be sold. Overalls: Message me if you want to reserve overalls.

Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/dataprylis

Email: prylis@datasektionen.se