Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Study board meeting!

The Study Board is holding its first regular meeting for the semester!

When: Friday, September 17th, at 12:15 pm Where: Zoom

Do you have any opinions, thoughts and/or feelings regarding your current studies? The meeting is open for all chapter members! Come tell us what you think!

The meeting will be held over Zoom, with the following link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61342704272

Hope to see you there!

A PC D-directorate meeting

On September 21st a DM will be held on Zoom at 17:30. At the DM, the board will, among other things, review taken per capsulam-decisions.

Here's the summons.

Here's the agenda.

Here's the supplemented agenda.

Here's the Zoom link for the meeting.

All chapter members are welcome!

D-Dagen crew

D-Dagen 2021 is soon to take place and since the fair is going to be in person, we are in need of your help! The chance to be involved behind the scenes of D-Dagen is made available by applying for staff! Staff is unquestionably one of the most important assets and without it D-Dagen won’t be operational. All necessary information about work descriptions and benefits can be found on the link below. So if you’re as excited as we are, APPLY and help us have the best D-Dagen ever! We wholeheartedly hope that we will be working alongside you at D-Dagen 2021! https://ddagen.se/sok

Application for METAspexet 2022!

The application for METAspexet 2022 has opened!

METAspexet puts up a spex show in May each year and we are now looking for members to all 16 groups! Now what is a spex? It's a theatre show that also includes musical numbers and improv. We will be working together all school year with everything you need to put up a show. Acting, music, dance, scenery, script, cool lighting, cool costumes. The possibilities are many and it will be so much fun! You can apply at metaspexet.se/sok.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

D-Dagen 2021

D-Dagen 2021 is the Computer Science program's own career fair, which has the primary intentions of giving its visitors the possibility to be introduced to different types of IT companies. In addition, there will also be numerous competitions and free goodie bags which the sponsors and companies hold. The career fair can also help with your dissertations if you plan on doing it at IT companies, getting a summer job, or obtaining an understanding of the workfield for a computer scientist. If any of this interests you, then this event is one you don't want to miss!

The event this year will be in person and will take place on the 7th of October at Nymble (Drottning Kristinas väg 15-19, 114 28 Stockholm) and the doors will open at 10:00. Hope we will see you there!

Digital Inclusivity Panel with KTH Library

How can we work together to make KTH a more inclusive university?

Come and share your thoughts and ideas with our panel and learn more about what is being done today.

When: Thu 2021-09-16 12.15 - 13.00

Where: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/69985316672

Language: English

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1JfppZNH9

KTH-calendar: https://www.kth.se/en/biblioteket/kalender/evenemang/tycker-du-att-kth-ar-jamlikt-och-jamstallt-1.1096312

You can now apply for Studs 2022 🎉

Words to describe Studs could be:

💼 Company contact 💃🏼 Events ✈️ An epic trip 👯Friends for life

And so much more! Read more and apply in the form!

DKM Presents: Reclaim21!

BA BA BOOM! The wait is over! The time has come for Titel to hand over the keys to spritis to its rightful owners! Join us, and celebrate the return of spritis at ✨ Reclaim21! ✨


What? Ehm?... Reclaim21 of course!

When? Saturday the 2nd of October @ 18:00

Where? META!

How? Weird question… wear something comfortable i guess... maybe ovve?

How much does it cost? For alcfree the price is 120:- and 150:- för alcohol.

How about tickets? The link to the tickets will be release in THIS event on Wednesday at 20:00 the 8th of September (8/9). OBS! Be ready with your finger over the F5 button as tickets usually get taken quicker than you can say RECLAIM21!

Hope you're as EXCITED as we are! Make sure not to miss this HYPED event, and ensure you get your ticket before someone else snatches it!

Project Destination is now recruiting new members

🌟 Project Destination is now recruiting new members! 🌟

Project Destination is an organisation at KTH aiming to inspire students to an international career by organising business events with international companies. As the project has it's core in the course AI2151 Industrial development and entrepreneurship you, as a team member, get practical project management experience, 15 credits and a 2 weeks trip abroad!🔥

You can apply to become: 🌟 Sales Manager 🌟 Art Director 🌟 Marketing Manager 🌟 Sponsorship Manager 🌟 Event Manager

Apply at https://forms.gle/ybrB3QEjXwGy81VY6

You can read more about Project Destination and the open positions at Instagram or Facebook /projectdestination

KTH:s Communications and Business Liaisons (CBL) is seeking new digital ambassadors

KTH:s Communications and Business Liaisons (CBL) is seeking new digital ambassadors, i.e. students that want to work with KTH:s social media channels.

More info here: https://www.kth.se/student/framtid/uppdrag/vill-du-driva-kth-s-sociala-medier-hela-lasaret-sok-jobbet-som-digital-ambassador-1.1094495

This year we are seeking students that want to work with Instagram, Youtube and/or Tiktok. The last day to apply is the 5th of september.

Student competition at the Game Development World Championship 2021

The Student Game Award is a brand new category for the Game Development World Championship (GDWC) aimed specifically for students, and open to students of all fields, as long as they have a game to show us.

The competition offers visibility to the global game developer community and recognition from industry professionals. The five best teams in the Student Game Awards will be rewarded, and the winning team will receive career coaching from game industry veteran Jean Leggett.

Participation is entirely free and online - so no travel is required.

Information and participation here: https://thegdwc.com/student-game-award

Tickets for METAspexet 2021 are up!

The shows are on the 28th and 29th of August at Teater Tre, all in Swedish. If you're interested you can get your tickets at metaspexet.se/biljetter! Use the code 'STUDENT' to get a student discount.

See you there~

Welcome to Digital Project Pride! 🌈

Hi all data students!

We hope you've had a great summer so far and really enjoyed the sun!

Arount this time of year we're usually geting excited for the Pride parade, but wouldn't it be way more fun to be able to share the summers best event with other data students?

Unfortunately, a festival isn't appropiate in a pandemic, but fear not! We are celebrating pride nonetheless, this year in Gather Town. Check out the Facebook event for more info!

METAspexet 2021 ticket release!

Soon we will have the first non-digital event in ages, as METAspexet 2021 will have our shows at Teater Tre the 28-29th of August! Tickets will be released on August 4 at 7pm, so stay tuned at metaspexet.se/biljetter to grab yours!!

Plask 2021

Your ovve is of course your most important possession. Keeping it clean is thus of the utmost importance, but can be tricky. You may only clean it whilst in it, and that's exactly what we are going to do! On the 29 of July we meet at smedsuddsbadet to bathe in our overalls. Bring something to eat, drink and your ovve.

By-elections for METAspexet 2022

Hello chapter!

METAspexet 2022 is still missing some group leaders, so we are opening up for by-elections!

Apply here.

Spexiga hälsningar,

Anja Studic & Christian Stjernberg

Direqteurer för METAspexet 2022

Deadline for registering reciepts in cashflow

Hello chapter! There will be a deadline for registering spring expenses in cashflow. The deadline will be the 1:st of July. Before this day, the expense needs to be registered in cashflow. By "spring", we refer to all expenses that occured before the 1:st of June. However, you don't have to hand in physical reciepts before this deadline, this can be done during the autuum.

META will be closed for the summer. Therefore, the reciept folder will reside with the Vice tresurer. If you want to hand in your reciept during the summer, you can contact the Vice tresurer on vkassor@d.kth.se and book a time to hand it in. Some have previously experienced that you recieve an error when sending mails to this email. This is something we have been trying to solve. However, for the time being, this is nothing to worry about, since all emails are recieved anyway!

Apply to the project group for METAspexet 2022!

Hi chapter!

We are looking for people to create an amazing spex together with us for METAspexet 2022! Do you want to join? Apply in the form below (swedish)!

Spexiga hälsningar, Anja & Christian Direqteurer för METAspexet 2022

Hello exam stress!

EDITED: Manage to write the times in the wrong order, but now they're correct!

On Friday the Study board will have a meeting with the Computer Science responsibles for year 1-3 and we need your opinions! This week we're having some lunch (ish) meetings where you can join a zoom call and talk to your class representatives, or even discuss courses with your classmates. Times and zoom-links are:

Year 1, Thurs June 3 at 12.15-1.00 PM https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61064927416

Year 2, Tues June 1 (tomorrow) at 3.15-4.00 PM https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/69085076814

Year 3, Tues June 1 (tomorrow) at 12.15-1.00 PM https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61479946504

If you can't join the scheduled time for your year but want to talk to us anyway, you can do so via questionnaires that have been sent out in various social media, or e-mail us directly either at ake-[year]@d.kth.se or at sno@d.kth.se

Hope to see you there!

Login System Maintenance

The system behind login.datasektionen.se is being upgraded by IOR in order to provide continued compatibility with the KTH-login system. The service may become unreachable while the upgrade is carried out. Maintenance should be finished by Tuesday at the latest.

Reminder about Extra-SM

Soon Extra-SM will begin, the start time is 14:00 and we are aiming to start as soon as possible. The agenda is very short and apart from the usual formalities there is only one motion regarding budget and operational plan for Project Pride 2021 to process.

The Zoom link can be found here

The meeting agenda can be found here

Study board meeting

Hello everybody! Today is the last lunch meeting of the year for the Study board, everyone is welcome to join. You can find us on Zoom at 12.15: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61042984621

A Bahamas vacation DM

Hello Chapter!

Next week is another D-Directorate meeting.

Here's the Zoom link to the meeting.

Here's the summons.

Here's the meeting agenda.

Here's the supplemented meeting agenda.

Here are the action minutes.

Extra Chapter Meeting

On May 29th, Extra Chapter Meeting (Extra-SM) will be held on Zoom at 14:00.

All chapter members are welcome!

Zoomlink can be found here

The summons can be found here

The meeting agenda can be found here


There will be a KF-fika today where we will disscuss the agenda for the KF meeting that will be held this evening.

The agenda can be found here.

The meeting will be held on this Zoom-link.

All chapter members are welcome!