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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Application projectgroup Studs 2018


Studs is a project organized by around 30 computer science students annually. The project is mainly focused on the planning and realisation of company events during the spring of 2018 and a concluding study tour abroad to a destination that is decided by the project members. Studs is also a course of 15 hp. The project gives a unique chance to build contacts with the industry and other students in a way that no other course within the program offers.

The application to the project opens in the fall of 2018 but today we are releasing the application for the project group! As a part of the project group you will get a chance to develop your leadership qualities as well as the opportunity to influence the project. As a part of the project group you will work with your subgroup as well as working with the rest of the project group to keep the project united.

Apply here!

Project leaders Studs 2018

Agnes Åman 070 580 71 59 agnesam@kth.se

Sasha Hellstenius 072 300 90 42 sashahe@kth.se

Agenda for the Rogue-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

METAspexet is searching for a chef group!

METAspexet 2017 have now had 3 amazing shows!

HOWEVER, the spex does live on! But not without your help! I need chefs for METAspexet 2018, and it's gonna be SO GREAT! So take a look in the google form below! <3 <3

The link is here
GogogogGO <3 <3

PoK Direqteur for METAspexet 2018 Emmeli Hansson

Agenda for the Election-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Audit Report 2016

Hi Chapter!

The auditors have now written the audit report for 2016. In the audit report we have summarized the most serious shortcomings we have found in the chapter's management and accounting.

The audit report also contains the recomendation that we give the chapter meeting regarding the board's freedom of liability and the adoption of the annual report.

The document is in Swedish but Google Translate can probably help you to translate most of it.

KR Auditors 2016

Auditors report 2016

Agenda for Return-of-the-Whale-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Is something wrong with the study environment? Contact me, the SSO!

Hi, SSO Ludvig Janiuk here

TL;DR: As "studernadeskyddsombud", I go to a lot of meetings with KTH officials, and can make sure any issues the students are having can be brought to the right person. So contact me if you have any issues regarding the study environment!

Contact: sso@d.kth.se If I don't answer: janiuk@kth.se If I still don't answer: ludvig.janiuk@kth.se

Q: What do I mean by "the study environment"? A: It's more or less everything at KTH that exists around us and impacts us as students. So it's not only the physical environment (for example broken desks, or bad air conditioning), it might also be IT-issues (like internet or feedback concerning our school accounts), or psycho-social things like someone being rude. If you're having an issue and are unsure if it fits this description, feel free to write me and ask. I'm getting like zero messages anyway so it's not like you're spamming me.

Thanks for reading!

Minutes for The-Audit-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Vote in KF-election

No habla ingleso

Minutes for DM-before-Audit-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Agenda for the Audit-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

You may still apply for KF!

No english, no sir.

Agenda for DM-before-Audit-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Summons to DM-before-Audit-Chapter-Meeting

It's time for the d-Directorate Meeting (DM) before the Chapter Audit Meeting. DM will be held on the 15th of March in room 1537 from 17:30. You can find the summons here!

Election during SM

During the chapter meeting the 28th there will be an election. Head over to val.datasektionen.se to nominate yourself or a friend!

Any questions? Contact valberedning@d.kth.se

Apply for KF? Apply for KF!

This isn't even active right?

Apply for Baknämnden - the Baking Committee!

The Baking Committee is finally a thing, and if you're interested in creating the best cakes in the world and making the chapter slightly sweeter, then you should apply at https://goo.gl/forms/FowDsV9vbg2Gkl7v1