Event Calendar


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Extended Elections

Since some posts do not have as many candidates as our regulatory documents prescribes, an extended election period has been opened for these posts.

The posts in question are: International Student Coordinator, Light and sound responsible, Secretary, Auditor as well as Election Committee Member.

The nomination for these posts closes on the 19th of november, and nominations can be accepted until the 25th of november.

Note that due to a technical error in the election system, it was not possible to open an extended election period for Election Committee Member. Instead, the role has been added under the rubric "Fyllnadval" (by-election) since this gives it the same dates as it would have had otherwise. Take note that this means that Election Committee Member is open as a normal election, even though the section it is open under would indicate otherwise.

Mentorship in mathematics

Do you want to develop yourself, sharpen your CV and make a difference? Become a mentor in mathematics!

The mentorship for particularly gifted children is aimed at primary school students who do not feel challenged by the existing maths teaching. This can often lead to mathematics not being perceived as rewarding, and can cause dissatisfaction or mental problems for the children. As a mentor, you meet a group of 2-4 elementary school students, one hour a week via Zoom. Time and content for the meetings are decided by you and the children together. Here you can see a short film where former mentors and trainees tell about their experience. It is not a requirement that you as a mentor yourself are particularly talented, the most important thing is that you have a strong commitment and interest in mathematics.

Read more and register your interest: www.intize.org/sarskild-begavning/

Information meeting (Facebook event) Welcome to a meeting where we tell you more about what it means to be a mentor.

Tuesday 17 Nov at 17:30 Friday 20 Nov at 12:00 Wednesday 25 Nov at 17:30

dÅre 2021 is cancelled

Hello everyone. After a lot of planning and reconsideration, dÅrestaben has unfortunately come to the conclusion that we can not arrange dÅre with a clean conscience, since we feel we can not guarantee a safe event for everyone involved.

There are no other big events that the chapter is arranging right now, and that is for a good reason. It simply doesn't feel right to travel with 96 students up to Åre, where we travel and live together, while FHM is recommending us to not meet anyone outside our home.

We hope that you can understanding where we are coming from, while at the same time we recongnize that this is a dissapointment for many. We apologize to those who had cleared their scheduly for January. If you have any questions whatsoever about our decision, don't hesitate to contact dÅrestaben!

Take care, and stay tuned for dÅre 2022. ❤️

Student Union Council Extra Election

Hello fellow students!

A bit of a last-minute announcement regarding an extra election to the Student Union Council of THS. We currently have 2 substitute member positions that are up for election! The deadline to apply is 23:59 tomorrow, November 11th.

The Student Union Council is the elected body that governs the policies and strategic objectives of THS, so members have a considerable amount of influence over how the whole of THS works. The decisions we make are usually about, but not limited to; the THS budget; how our restaurants and cafés work; how the international receptions is organized; who serves as the President of THS etc.

If you are interested in taking part, you can hand in you application on your personal profile page at ths.kth.se. There is an application form below you personal and membership details.

Feel free to send us an email at d-kf@d.kth.se, in case you have any questions!


Ior (sysadmins) is recruiting!

Ior, the chapter's systems engineering/admin group is recruiting officers to help administer the myriad of systems that we use every day. If you would be interested in that sort of thing, send me an email at d-sys@d.kth.se!

I realize that those of you who would read this post in English are probably all exchange students, and have not gotten a lot of info as to what Ior actually does. It's a committee/club that is dedicated to bulding, maintaining and migrating systems that the chapter relies on for various purposes, such as user login, bookkeeping, publishing news, holding elections etc. almost every day. This, like everything else in the chapter, is done pro bono, and the main goal is to have fun and learn together, because KTH does not really teach us much about how to actually build, deploy and maintain live systems.

The chapter "compensates" members by providing access to systems that cost money otherwise, such as an enterprise Github organization as well as a fully paid for AWS account that we can utilize and play around with.

The Google Form that is attached to this post is in Swedish, so I don't know how well that would work for you, so ignore that and just contact me directly in case you are interested in knowing more or taking part! My email is once again d-sys@d.kth.se.

Update about D-Dagen 2020

Due to the new recommendations from FHM, D-Dagen has decided to not host the indoor lounges in Gröten and META. Instead we are going to focus on handing out goodiebags outdoors, outside KTH Entré and META. This way we can avoid gathering students, and students can easily keep a large distance from each other when they collect their goodiebag.



On Thursday November 5th META will be closed as it will be used by D-Dagen. If you want to heat food there are microwaves in other buildings such as Nymble, V or U

Apply to the Baking Club!


The admission for the Baking Club is open all year round, but I thought I should remind you of that.

We are the sweetest and most chill club of the chapter. If you are a part of the Baking Club there ar eno obligations or responsibilities, you are as big a part as you want to be and come whenever you can and want to.

You also don't need to be a baking expert to join, we'll learn together as we go. Also, anyone who helps out with the baking gets to have a taste when the baked goods are fresh from the oven.

Elections - Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

It is not only a bit more than a month left to the next chapter meeting, which means that it is once again time for elections!

The nominations for Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting are open. Visit val.datasektionen.se to nominate or run in the election.

METAspexet 2020 is closing its extra recruitment

METAspexet 2020 closes its extra recruitment tomorrow at 23.59. If you are interested in joining, please send an email to direqtionen@metaspexet.se, we will be in touch.

Apply for the METAspexet 2021 board

The applications for METAspexet 2021 board has opened! It will be open until Nov 1st. Apply if you want to be a part of the planning of METAspexet next year!

Report from the program counsel and link meetings of 12-10-2020

This monday the study board participated in several meetings with representatives for the Computer Science program.

During the link meetings for years 1-3, in which those responsible for the period 3 courses also participated, the principal topic of discussion was how the courses had handled the transformation to digital education. If you're interested in the details, please contact the study board representatives for your grade.

Additionally a program counsel was also held where specific prerequisites for courses was the main discussion point:

  • The program made it very clear that they now expect students to prioritise their unfinished courses over new courses. An example would be a student postponing their optional courses in year three to re-enroll in unfinished courses or prepare for re-exams.
  • More students will have to take individual paths through the program, re-enroll for unfinished courses and postpone new courses
  • It will be possible to register for courses with specific prerequisites despite not having the required prerequisites registered in LADOK as long as the re-exam for the missing courses hasn't been registered in LADOK before the start of the course.

We have asked that more information regarding this issue be uploaded on the course web.

Other points of discussion:

  • They are aware that several students haven't gotten grades reported yet and hope to fix it soon
  • The program might get new optional courses, one example mentioned was machine learning (this might potentially be a newly created course)
  • What should be done in the case of a student of a course falling sick in Covid-19 shortly ahead of a physical exam
  • Digital education: they have identified several positive aspects regarding online lectures
  • The information regarding exams have been communicated late in several courses due to late decisions

KTH Innovation digital Demo Day

See the latest startups from KTH! One year ago, these teams had little more than an idea. Now, after a year in the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program, they are ready to show off their development. Tackling issues from food waste to the propulsion of nano satellites, don’t miss them at KTH Innovation’s digital Demo Day!

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kth-innovation-digital-demo-day-tickets-121338858793

Register for D-Dagen 2020

You can now register and create your profile for the digital D-Dagen 2020! To do this 1: Go to: https://digital.ddagen.se/ 2: Press View event 3: Register You can register through your kth account or with an email adress.

Be a part of the dJulkalender building team!

Hello and Merry Christmas dear CS-students! I am this year's Tomtefar, and I have come to tell you that I am opening a small recruition window in order to gather reinforcements to the team of tomtenissar who will help build this year's dJulkalender! Check out this form in English to apply: https://forms.gle/PsLTUWGtAUWU4o4CA

This form will close the 18/10.

Do you want to discuss the future redesigning of the computer labs in the E and D buildings?

Hello everyone, hope your having a great day!

I just got a mail from Viggo Kann. He is getting a group together consisting of teachers, students and other KTH staff to discuss the future redesigning of the computer labs in the E and D buildings (imagine the Avengers, but cooler). They want at least one from the computer science chapter (but up to three people would be awesome).

Therefore, we are looking for some computer science students who want to be involved with planning the redesign of our beloved computer labs. No experience is required, they just want to bounce ideas off of the people who will be using the computer labs on a day to day basis (you guys!).

But is there going to be a lot of work? Nahhh, it's going to be super chill.

  • Three one-hour meetings per term.
  • The first meeting is now 14/10 15.15 over at Zoom. (You can join the group even though you can't join that date in particular).

If you are interested in helping Viggo and all future computer science students to fix the best computer labs ever, send an email to sso@d.kth.se.

METAspexet 2020 is looking for new members

METAspexet 2020 opens its recruitment for certain groups. We are looking for you who want to help out to finish this year’s shows, set for the 28-29th of November. Are you interested to know more about how it is to work in a spex? Then this is the perfect opportunity to try it out! Since our shows are in less than two months, this will not be as a big of a commitment as a regular spex year. The main production is in Swedish, but if you are interested to join, please contact direqtionen@metaspexet.se and we will get in touch.

Election documents

The election documents for the upcoming election are now published and can be found here.

Audit for the 2019 fiscal year

The Auditors for 2019 have finished the audit for that fiscal year, and it is hereby provided to be used for evaluating the actions of the Board during 2019. It is unfortunately only available in Swedish... :(

Application for D-Dagenstaff have oppen

Wait a second, a digital fair with recruitment? Yes, it is true! Recruitment for D-Dagen 2020 has now opened. Help us organize the first digital D-Dagen ever. During the fair day on November 5, we want your help to organize various events on the KTH campus, staff the D-Dagen lounge and much more. The last day to register your interest is Thursday, October 1, but we encourage you apply today!

The application form can be found at ddagen.se/sok More info about the different positions and the fair can be found in the form.

Last day to apply to NLG

Today is the LAST DAY to apply to Näringslivsgruppen! It's an awesome opportunity to grow both your resume and network of contacts. So what are you waiting for? Apply over at cutt.ly/NLG,

Still can't decide whether NLG is for you? You can always contact us over at our Facebook page. Or better yet, why not just book an interview and have a chat with us? :D :D

Annual report for 2019

It's time to close the year of 2019. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2019!

Annual report 2019

Annual record 2019

Economic report 2019

Are you interested in helping KTH to communicate with their students?

KTH are looking for students that are interested in participating in interviews and workshops regarding how they can communicate with their students in a better way. As thanks they will provide each participant with four lunch coupons for use at the campus.

For more information and to apply, see: https://www.kth.se/student/studentliv/hjalp-kth-att-kommunicera-battre-med-studenter-1.1011224

Elections in the Budget chapter meeting

Soon it is time for another chapter meeting! And that also means it is time for elections.

The nominations for the Budget chapter meeting are open. Visit val.datasektionen.se to nominate or run in the election.

Study board first year representatives

The Study board needs representatives for first year students! If you're interested, click the link and apply (in Swedish) or contact me at sno@d.kth.se!