Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Tips for a lunch lecture from Jämlikhetsnämnden

Participate in an educational lecture on racism in the workplace and how to act when it does happen. The lecture will be held in English. Fanna Ndow Norrby is known from one of Sweden's biggest podcasts Raseriet, where she along with Amie Bramme Sey discuss topics around popular culture, relationships and racism. You don't want to miss this. There is a limited number of places at the lecture! Confirmation that you've got a place will arrive via email at latest the day before. Where: On zoom When: 20 May at 12:10-13:00 How: Sign up through the link below and we'll send a confirmation via email. Sign-up: https://forms.gle/9jr3yvtMGszAKX4N6

Study board meeting

Today at lunch (12:15) the Study board is meeting, welcome! https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/65231268947

THS Well-Being survey

Today most of you received an e-mail from THS about students well-being. I post it here in hopes that more will see it.

Election Documents - Election Chapter Meeting 2021

The election documents for the Election Chapter Meeting are now available, they can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F8wnjDk6VQ6bUU-6bNA8wqnRkZQ7ubka/view?usp=sharing

Extended election period for some elections

The election period has been extended for the following elections, since there were no candidates:

  • Datas art Director
  • Leader of the Sport Club

The new deadlines for nominating and accepting are: the 10th of may and the 17th of may.

Nominate at val.datasektionen.se now!

Voting in the Student Union Council (Kårfullmäktige) election has begun

Voting in the Student Union Council election has begun! It's time to choose who will be speaking for you in THS:s legislative assembly during the 2021/2022 session.

You can vote by logging into your THS account at ths.kth.se/login and navigating to the "Surveys" tab. Remeber that you noly have one vote, so choose wisely!

Voting ends on May 10th.

Study board meeting

Today's lunch meeting is on this link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/63642814544. Welcome!

Free talks with a psychologist through Mindler

THS offer to all students at KTH to use Mindler to get upp to 5 talks with a psychologist. You are not requiered to be a member of THS to use the offer. You just need to be a student at KTH.

Mindler is offered as an alternative that all students can use to get support. You can book a time within 24h.

For instructions and more information about how you as a student use the service go to this link: https://bit.ly/ths-support21. Worth noting is that you need a code to get the talk for free, this will be sent to all students today(29 of april) through KTHs news letter that is sent to all students. If you do not find the email you can contact Ävelin at studiesocialt@ths.kth.se to get the code.

Application to Student Union Council extended deadline

Hello chapter! I just want to announce that the deadline for running for the Union Council has been extended to April 27th. So if you forgot to apply before, this is the perfect opportunity to do it!

Login service disruption has been resolved

All systems should be operational again.

If you happen to run into one that is not, please contact IOR via email (ior@d.kth.se) or through Slack (ior.slack.com).

Login service disruption

IOR is investigating a disruption in our integration with KTH:s login service on several of our webapps.

The affected systems redirect to a KTH error page upon attempted login. We have a fairly good idea what the underlying cause is, and are working on a fix.

Additional election for project leaders - Election Chapter Meeting

Some reoccuring projects within the chapther has now been opened, meaning that some additional elections has been opened for the project leaders for the following projects:

  • METAspexet
  • dÅre
  • Studs
  • Vårbalen
  • dJulkalendern

Go to val.datasektionen.se and nominate now!

Apply for Project Group for Project Pride!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Hi everyone!

My name is Grace and I'm Project Leader for Project Pride.

Project Pride is the Computer Science chapters presence at the Pride festival, where we arrange a truck for the parade, DJ, beverages, and more! It's a far out party where we from the chapter can celebrate Pride and have a really good time together. 🎉😍

In order for us to do put together the most maxed out event possible we need a group of excited computer science students that wants to join the project group.

Areas of responsibility can include getting props for the truck, contact outside parties (DJ, other chapters, etc), and more! 🤯🤩

If this is something that sounds interesting to you you can apply to the project group by filling this out: https://forms.gle/zYVxjhfXYd8ro86h8

This is going to be so much fun so APPLY! ❤️

Application to Union Council

The election to the THS union council has opened! This means that you can now run for a member and deputy for the Computer Science chapter. Last year, CS had 3 member positions and 3 deputy positions, we will probably get around the same amount of seats in KF this year.

As a KF member, you represent the chapter at these KF meetings. As a deputy, you attend KF meetings if any regular member can not participate then.

The union council is in summary like the a Chapter metting but at THS level. The union council is THS highest decision-making body, and therefore decides on matters concerning both THS and the chapter's operations. The positions of members and deputies are therefore important positions of responsibility to fill, we want to be able to have a voice in decisions that may affect us as a chapter.

You can apply by going to ths.kth.se and then clicking on "my page". There is a box there called "candidacy". Alternatively, you can click here.

The application deadline is on April 25:th at 23:59. Go on and apply!

Study board meeting tonight!

The study board has a meeting tonight at 6pm for the one who's interested in joining! Zoomlink: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/64151811040

The Chapter Fair has started!


The chapter fair has started. Come talk to all our commitee members: https://gather.town/app/uu7HqOH2jkNM1Izn/sektionsmassa

Here is the link to our epic scavenger hunt for the Chapter Fair patch https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSe1u94JXIw.../viewform....

The Future of Education - questionnaire from THS

THS wants to know what the students at KTH think about their education and how to develop it in the future. If you want to influence what THS works with in the future, this is a great opportunity!

Elections - Election Chapter Meeting

It is soon time for another Chapter Meeting! In just over a month the Election Chapter Meeting will be held, and that means that it is election time once again!

The nominations are open and can be found at val.datasektionen.se, so go there and nominate now!

Get funding for your dream project via KTH Opportunities Fund

Did you know that as a student or young researcher at KTH, you have the opportunity to receive funding for degree projects, student associations, field studies and other student initiatives from KTH Opportunities Fund. Funded by dedicated alumni and friends of KTH, this is an opportunity to make your dream a reality, a way to explore, innovate and excel. Make the most of your time at KTH and apply for a scholarship today!

Please submit your application before April 25th

Find out more at https://www.kth.se/en/alumni/engagemang/ge-en-gava/ansok-om-stod-fran-opportunities-fund-1.552270

Webinar on KTH Opportunities Fund applications

Are you interrested in applying for a grant from KTH Opportunities Fund?

Supported by dedicated alumni and friends of KTH, Opportunities Fund offers scholarships to KTH students at both undergraduate and master's level, as well as to PhD-students. You can apply for a scholarship to fund projects, internships and research connected to your studies and we accept applications once a year. The application period for 2021 starts on March 15th and ends on April 25th. The final decision will be made by the end of May and the results published in the beginning of June. If you're interrested in applying for a grant from the fund, this is an opportunity to know more about how things work, what you can expect and ask questions regarding your application and the process of electing this year's candidates. We also hope to offer a short presentation by one of our former scholarship holders and give you some idea of how a typical project that has recieved support from the fund might look.

Links to wbinar

KTH OF webinar 13/4

KTH OF webinar 14/4

KTH OF webinar 15/4

Patches - Online Sale

Sup everyone!

After a lot of work I (Prylis) can finally present this form https://forms.gle/mm8XFhX7t62j8oRJA. In it are pictures of all patches currently for sale. Take your time, and choose precisely which ones are fine additions to your collection. For more info check out the form 🤙.

Study board meeting March 25

To try and make the Study board a little more visible, we will start posting our lunch meetings here for anyone interested in joining us to discuss the various courses. Next meeting will be at 12:15pm on March 25, welcome!

You find the Zoom-link here.

Election Documents - Audit Chapter Meeting 2021

The election documents for the Audit Chapter Meeting are now available, they can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1icLiGzVQ_OwwRAo99KZjYAXnzLc14Seb/view?usp=sharing

Extra applications for the band of METAspexet 2021!

METAspexet 2021 have opened up for some extra recruitment of band members. If you're interested, please fill in the Google Docs form! The extra recruitment closes on Saturday at 3PM.

Election - project leader Project Pride 2021

During the DM-before-Audit-Chapter-Meeting, the project Project Pride 2021 was opened. This means that a project leader has to be elected at the Audit Chapter Meeting. This can be done at val.datasektionen.se. Nominations has to be submitted before the end of the 23rd of February.