Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik



The new members of 𝗗𝗞𝗠 are finally here! 🤩🤩 To celebrate they will be hosting a really 𝙢𝙖𝙭𝙭𝙚𝙙 out pub!! 🥳

See ya at the 𝗣𝗨𝗕!

A Batasco DM

On the 1st of November a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30. At the DM, the board will, among other things, decide on ratifying a Per Capsulam decision, closing and opening up some projects, whether to sign a contract, as well as about a few guest memberships.

All Chapter Members are Welcome!

The full summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

Decision protocol can be found here.

Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

On the 28th of November the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting will be held in D1 at 17:30. The reserve date is the 5th of December in D1. The second reserve date is the 6th of december at 17:30.

The last day for submitting motions is on the 14th of November.

At the chapter meeting all submitted motions and propositions will be discussed and elections will be held for around half of the positions in the chapter.

The second reading for a few changes in the statues will also be held. The first of those is regarding removing the board position Vice Treasurer. The second is regarding adding the board position D-SOL. The third is regarding changing the deadline for summons to a chapter meeting to 35 days before the meeting. The fourth one is regarding allowing changing the location of chapter meetings after the summons is out.

All chapter members are welcome!

The complete summons can be found here

The summons can be found here

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.



𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙋 is finally over!! 🥳🤩 This means it's time for another exciting 𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗣𝗨𝗕!

The new members of 𝗗𝗞𝗠 will be revealed! And you don't want to miss it!!

Shrek will maybe be there!

‼️ OBS ‼️ We will not be serving dinner, because it's a 𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗣𝗨𝗕 and opens at 19!

See ya at the 𝗣𝗨𝗕!

The first years party 2022

Hello everyone!! The time has come for Ettans fest🍾 The first banquet of the year, held by us first year students. It will be super fun so don’t hesitate to sign up, tickets may run out quick! A link to the sign form will be posted on Facebook this Friday (21/10) at 21:00! There will be 36 tickets reserved for Title and other honored guests!

Information: Date: 5 november 18.00 Location: The boat M/S Borgila at Söder Mälarstrand 🚢 Theme: Monopoly 🎩💸 Dress code: Ettans fest is a formal event, which means you should embody the monopoly man himself in your finest formal wear. Price: Alcohol 320:-, Alcohol free 300:-

Time to bowl

Hi there!

To celebrate that the first exam period of the year is over, I think it's time to go bowling. For those of you who don't know, I am the Kingpin and am responsible for organising bowling opportunities each year, and all chapter members get to participate for free! On November 3, it's finally time again, so bring your best mood and meet me at Oleary's Norrtull. Bowling time starts at 6pm, so come slightly before then :)

See you there!

Sponsored pub with Goldman Sachs

𝗗𝗞𝗠 and 𝗡𝗟𝗚 are yet again back with another sponsored pub!!

This time around Goldman Sachs will be hosting! They will be providing free 𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙙 and 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨!! Be sure to come to META and mingle with them!

See ya at the 𝗣𝗨𝗕!

Patches for the students of year 2022

As per tradition, every year the new first-years of the Computer Science chapter are allowed to create their own exclusive patch to represent their year. And it is finally time for the year 2022, D-22, to create their own patch!

If you want to see previous years patches then check out the examples on damm with the tag "årskursmärke". We'll also be posting examples on Prylis on Facebook.

So all entries to the competition should be sent to Prylis at the mail prylis@datasektionen.se. The entry should preferably be in the format .svg, .ai or .png, as a vectorfile or a HD image. We'll also need a text that will be around the design on the patch! The deadline for the competition will be at November 7 23.59 and the voting will happen at the pub two days later, on Wednesday. Everyone in D-22 will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite design and accompanying text. The winning entry will be ordered and be available for sale at all regular sales på Prylmångleriet when it has arrived.

Send all your questions and entries to prylis@datasektionen.se.

Budget Chapter Meeting Day 2

Hello everyone!

Since there wasnt enough time on yesterdays chapter meeting to handle all the errands we will continue today in D1 at 17:30.

The summons and agenda can be found here.

No food will be served.



This Wednesday will be your last change to apply to DKM! 🤩🥳

We will of course be celebrating this with a truly 𝙢𝙖𝙭𝙭𝙚𝙙 out PUB!!

Apply to DKM at: dkm.io/ansok

See ya at the pub!

Photography walk i Stockholm

Hey everyone!

On Saturday the fifteenth we are having an event for anyone who want to see a little bit of Stockholm. To be more precise, we are going a photography walk!

We will meet up at strandvägen 56 at 12 o'clock, start with a walk around Djurgården and then possibly stop by a cafe! We might be going around for about 3 hours, but you can join for however long you want.

It’s going to be a great event for anyone who wants to take a walk around Djurgården, feels they haven’t experience the Swedish autumn yet or maybe want to snag a bit of instagrammable photos.

For us to know if anyone is interested in joining the event, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/XYLT3Qmz2gUQjrcp7

Hope to see you there!!!

Sunday Sport Activities

Hi! Finally, it is time to start doing some sports. I have booked a court in KTH Hallen Sundays from 14 to 15 for the rest of the semester. We will start off by playing some basketball tomorrow. I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively. My plan is to only play games, but if someone shows up that wants to teach us some technique we can practice for some part of the hour!

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there! Don't forget to bring your good mood and indoor shoes!

D-Day 2022

Hello again!

Next week it's finally happening. The moment you've all been waiting for. The largest career fair for Computer Science students this side of the Baltic Sea. Thursday October 13th at 10:00 the doors to D-Day will open.

This year over 80 exhibitors will be vying for your attention, so be prepared to be bombarded with work offers, contacts, and maybe some merch as well.

See you there.

Lunch Lecture with Electronic Arts

Hello there!

Tuesday October 11th EA will be hosting the last lunch lecture before D-Dagen IN ENGLISH. They're going to talk about their two studios DICE and SEED, and there will be free lunch, just like usual. YUMMM. Make sure to register ASAP as the seats are limited!!!

WHEN? October 11th, 12:15-13:00 (no academic quarter)

WHERE? KTH Campus, Lecture hall V1

See you there!

Sponsored pub with Pedago

Sponsored pub!

𝗗𝗞𝗠 and 𝗡𝗟𝗚 are finally back with another sponsored pub!! 🥳🤑

This time around 𝗣𝗲𝗱𝗮𝗴𝗼 will be hosting! You can learn more about them at the pub!

They will be providing free 𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙙 and 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨!! Be sure to be there on time before they run out! 🤩🤩

See ya at the pub!

First Prylmångleriet sale this term!


Prylmångleriet are returning this friday with a hot sale 12.15-13.00 outside of META. We'll be selling patches, spegat, stickers and sewing kits to start off. You just need to stop by! However, no overalls will be available for sale this week as they haven't arrived in Sweden yet.

If you're interested in hearing more about the club that holds these sales, we're having a meeting on Monday from 17-18.30 which we'll post more about on Facebook so check that out!

Baking event with DIS, the international committee and the baking committee

Hi everyone!

Guess what? I have an event coming up for you!! It will be a baking event 🍪 together with the international committee, the baking committee and the exchange student organization DIS.

If you are interested, just fill out the form! I will send an email to everyone that signed up with information about if you got a spot or not.

For more information, read the top of the form!


*** DO YOU KNOW A LOT OF THINGS?*** You're in luck! The pub this Wednesday is going to be filled to the brim with exiting quizzes about DKM and other cool things! 🤓😎

The quizzes will be complimented by the DKM pub signature of good food, tasty beverages, and good company! So come on by! 🤩

Motion writing workshop

Hello Chapter!

The Budget Chapter Meeting is upcomming, which might mean that some of you want to write some motions. If you want to get some support in this, wether it is for brainstorming idéas, or for formulating formal decicision, the chapter board will hold a small workshop in order to help.

This workshop will be held on the 26th of september from 17:30 to 19:30 in sektionsrummet in Nymble.


Hello Chapter!

On the 27:th of September a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30, in preparation for the Budget Chapter Meeting. At the DM the board will, among other things, answer all motions and discuss all propositions that has been sent in for the chapter meeting.

The complete summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

The complementary aganda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.

Board games + Switch night!!!

17.17 on TUESDAY we'll play board games and Switch and have fika in META! Join us and meet new people and try out new games!!! (Old games also available)

Also join our Discord!

Budget Chapter Meeting

On the 10th of October, the Budget Chapter Meeting will be held at D1 at 17:30. The reserve date is the 11th of October at 17:30 på Campus Valhallavägen. Last date to submit motions is the 26th of September.

At the Chapter Meeting, all submitted motions will be discussed, as well as a few propositions. By-elections for a few posts will also be held.

All chapter members are Welcome!

Registration for food can be done here: dsekt.se/budgetsm-mat

Nominations for elections can be done here val.datasektionen.se.

The Summons can be found here.

The Agenda can be found here.

An adjustment to the proposition regarding the budget for 2023 can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.


𝘽𝘼𝘾𝙆 𝙏𝙊 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙆𝙈 DKM is back! 🚀

Which means it's finally time for the first pub of the semester and you don't want to miss it!! So be there or be square ☐☐☐🤩!

A Heidrundrande D-directorate Meeting

On the 20th of September a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30. At the DM the board will, among other things, rewiev a per-capsulam decision, a contract, as well as decide regarding some bank accesses.

Complete summons can be found here.

Agenda can be found here.

Complementary agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.


Hello everyone!

It's almost time for the first DKM event of the year! Reclaim22 🤯😱💀

It's going to be a maxxed out event that you will seldom forget!

Tickets will drop at https://countdown.dkm.io/ during the Cliffpub (7/9) at 20:00, so be ready!

More info can be found in the facebook event!

Q/A: 🔥 When?: 24/9 18:00 🔥 Where?: META 🔥 In what?: A stylish ovve 🔥 Price?: 120 kr for non-alcoholic, 150 kr for a ticket with alcohol 🔥 Why?: Why not?