Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

The board meeting tomorrow

Hello, all Chapter members, the board has decided how the board meeting will be held tomorrow. The conclusion was that the possibility to attend in person will be preserved but we recommend digital attendance. The board will be physically represented tomorrow but the meeting will primarily be hosted digitally, which is the option that we encourage. To attend tomorrow’s meeting, you send an email to vordf@d.kth.se, then you'll get a document consisting of an invitation link as well as the rules. The other option is that you attend physically. Sincerely the D-rectorate.

Regarding the novel corona virus (covid-19)

Announcement from the D-directorate.

Because of the circumstances in the world due to the covid-19 (The coronavirus) outbreak, D-directorate has decided the following:

  • All larger and longer events, pubs and seatings within the scope of the chapters operations, are cancelled until further notice.
  • We discourage all committees and projects from having physical activities in META, on KTH campus or at other locations. We encourage digital activities however.
  • If physical events are performed the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendations for public gatherings must be followed.
  • No new expenses or purchases without consulting with the board beforehand.
  • We encourage everyone that has cold symptoms (respiratory symptoms, cough, fever or similar) to stay at home.

Why have we made this decision?

Updates about the covid-19 outbreak are published continuously and we don’t know what the next step is. We have chosen to act on the information we have received from KTH, THS and the Public Health Agency of Sweden. According to the Public Health Agency, the risk of spreading the virus increases with a large number of participants and long-lasting events, such as pubs and seatings. We don’t know how the situation will develop. Therefore, we want to be careful about new expenses since events might get cancelled.

The social pressure. When we arrange an event, the fear of missing out affects many members. Someone feels a little bit ill but doesn’t want to miss the seating and decides to attend anyway. That kind of reasoning is something that people make and we don’t want to encourage behaviour of this sort.

The decision has been incredibly hard to make and there are plenty of factors that have been considered before making this decision.

We will be reevaluating our decisions on a continuous basis and change the recommendations based on the current state.

If you have any questions don’t be afraid to contact the D-directorate at drek@d.kth.se.

Information from Program Responsible because of COVID-19.

In case you missed the anouncment from our Program Responsible you can read it below.

"Dear CDATE students.

In line with KTH's guidelines concerning covid-19 we're working on temporarily moving courses that start now, or are continuing in period 4, online to some extent, with digital materials and activities. Right now it's recommended for 'courses over 100 participants to offer distance education or other forms of teaching that avoid gatherings of large groups (and therefore not to cancel the usual education). In smaller courses this will happen whenever it is practically possible.'

Soon you will get concrete information from course responsible staff.

For the latest informaion from KTH about the spreading of covid-19, please visit kth.se/corona.

Pawel Herman, Program Responsible for CDATE"

TM visits Fotografiska! Part 2

TM will be visiting Fotografiska once again! This time we'll be seeing the very popular exhibition "Places Beyond" that is about to end very soon!

There will be four other exhibitions simulaneously this friday so there will be a lot of things to look at!

We'll gather in META at 17:01 for those who wish to travel together to Fotografiska. Our ETA is ~17:30 so meeting up with us there works just as well.

Tickets to the Spring banquet 2019

Do not miss the ticket release for the Spring banquet today at 19.00. bit.ly/DVB2020

A Divergent Chapter Meeting

On March 17th a DM will be held in E33 at 17:30.

At the DM, the board will, among other things, respond to all the motions submitted for the Chapter Meeting and inform about an already made per capsulam-decision.

All chapter members are welcome!


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The complementary agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

*Cancelled* Exam Pub 3: Nostalgia

The year was [a year when you were young]. Life was good! You had no exams, no worries, and the only reason you didn't have money was because you wasted it on sweets and snacks!

Do you remember this? The good old days before the exams, how easy life was. Now, of course, I mean the times before KTH, we are talking way way back!

MSN was poppin, You were playing at Spela.se or habbo Hotel and listening to music you had downloaded from limewire! Everything was just perfect! The only worry you had was whether your tamagochi was alive or whether your crush knew who you were. Ahhhh hanging out with your friends at the mall, Pranking your friends or ahhh really everyone!

Do you get nostalgic? Because we are and we welcome you to Tentapub 3: Nostalgia! Bold Nostalgic Music, Awesome People (eh yes ... you please) and the best drinks you have seen!!

Came to the pub, be nostalgic !! Forget the exam anxiety at home and celebrate that the exams are FINALLY over.

  • Food ››››››› no food today... (we have readymeals)
  • Beer & cider ››››››› 20 kr+
  • Drinks & shots ››››› 35 kr+
  • Non-alcoholic ›››››› 10 kr+

Photographs will be taken during this event, contact us on facebook if you dont want to be photographed or if you want us to delete a photo!

This pub is open for members of the Computer Science and Media chapters at KTH as well as their +1. Don't forget your ID and THS ID.

DESC plays Offworld Trading Company!

Yo! Next weekend/week, the game Offworld Trading Company will be free to get on the Epic Games Store! That means anyone can get it and keep it for free, so let's play it together! Come hang out on Discord, play some games, and try out Offworld Trading Company!

Where? On Discord, Gamers 😎 When? 14:30, Saturday, March 7th

(If you can't reach the facebook-event you have to join the facebook-group https://www.facebook.com/groups/447431545372957/)

Student Union Council Application

Until the 16th of March you can sign up candidate as delegate of the Student Union Council. What you do is basically decide what THS is going to do, who is elected to positions there, etc, as a representative of the computer science chapter.

If you are interested the link is sadly in Swedish only, but you can mail the person responsible for the elections to learn more about how to apply.


Audit Chapter Meeting

On the 26:th of march the Audit Chapter meeting will take place in L1 at 17:30. The last day for submitting motions is the 12:th of march at 23:59.

During the Meeting, we will be reviewing last year’s reports and summaries, as well as discussing the discharge of the D-directorate of 2019 and their duties. We will also discuss motions and propositions.

All chapter members are welcome!


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

The official reports can be found here

Food signup form

Study Board in search of Master students

Are you currently taking a Masters in Computer Science? Are you tired of Peer Reviewing everything? Do you like fika?

The Study Board is looking for Master students to join us since our old representatives are currently abroad. Participate in making courses better, instructions clearer and lectures more understandable.

Interested? Email sno@d.kth.se.

CANCELLED: Konglig Datasektionens Spring Ball

This event is cancelled due to the covid-19 epidemic.

Spring Greetings Royal Data Section! "Winter" is beginning to end, white whips are pushing out of the ground, the Thunder Devil is out of his idea, Douglas has taken on another responsibility and soon the gulls have laid eggs outside Meta. But the biggest spring sign of all is, of course, that it's time for the Royal Data Section's spring ball!

This year's spring ball will take place on April 25. The ticket release will take place on March 11 at 7pm. Hope you are as tagged as us! More information coming soon. Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram.

So make sure to dust off the checkers, polish the fine shoes, chop up your closest friend / partner and prepare for a wonderfully enjoyable evening!

Where? The Göran Terrace

When? April 25 Mingle from 5 pm Seating is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.

How? Festive costume - coat, long dress or equivalent.

Why? It will be wonderful! Someone might get a medal or two ...

Who? Datalogues + 1 and alumni + 1

When will tickets be released? March 11 at 1 p.m. 19:00

How much do the tickets cost? Student alcohol, SEK 349, non-alcoholic SEK 299 Aluminum alcohol SEK 649, non-alcoholic SEK 599

Want to report fun? Email varbal@d.kth.se

See you on the Göran Terrace!

The Spring Ball Army 2020 consists of Douglas Fischer - Spring Ball General Axel Elmarsson - Public Relations Manager Adam Sjöberg - Finance Manager William Agnér - Mixed Juice Michael Morales Sundstedt - Ravens responsible Delta-Johnny - Brickmaster Google - Translate


Hello all girls and non-binary!

The workshop today gave me a bunch of thoughts and ideas that I would like to execute at CS Chapter. Mostly I learned that us girls* generally are bad at self promotion. This means that we are bad at telling other people about things we have accomplished or are proud of. Men* are generally better at this. Being good at self promotion helps you advance your career which means that women* advance their careers more slowly than men*. Therefore, this is something that needs practice.

To help with this I created the channel #remarkable_wednesday in the META-slack. All girls and non-binary are welcome to that channel. In it, we will every week write something that we have accomplished during that week, something that makes us remarkable or something that we are proud of. it's supposed to be a place where we celebrate each other for our accomplishments and somewhere where we can practice those self promotion skills!

* In the text I refer to girls/women and guys/men. The studies that we looked at didn't mention anything about non-binaries and I didn't want to write anything that might be incorrect, which is why I didn't want to include any information regarding non-binaries. Of course, you are welcome into the slack channel as a non-binary person!

TLDR; For all girls and non-binary there is now a channel in the META-slack ( #remarkable_wednesday ) where every Wednesday we write something that we are proud of or have accomplished during that week. We celebrate each other's achievements and get to practice our self promotion skills!

Bowling 1 with Stack Overbowl

Come play bowling for free with the computer chapters own Bowling club!!

Meet new people and show your skills in bowling!

We have a slack that you can join for more information (just pm me or fill in the form below)

To attend the event you have to be a member of the Computer Science chapter and just fill in the form below (its in swedish but pretty simple to understand, sorry for the inconvenience :( )

Fill l the form before sunday the 8th of march!!


It is finally time for the annual OLDIESpub, DKM proudly presents the ancestors of the computer Science Chapter. Swing by and say hi to the veterans of our chapter. They will tell you stories from their time and we will show them how we do things nowadays!

Food ››››››››››››››››› 30kr Beer & cider ››››››› 15 kr+ Drinks & shots ››››› 35 kr+ Non-alcoholic ›››››› 10 kr+

Photographs will be taken during this event, contact us on facebook if you don't want to be photographed or if you want us to delete a photo!

This pub is open for members of the Computer Science and Media chapters at KTH as well as their +1. Don't forget your ID and THS ID.

Idrott med idrottsnämnden

New week new possibilities:)

Last Sunday we played football, fun to see so many of you there! ⚽️

This Sunday we do something else.

Vote in the event, please come up with your own suggestions, and we will select a winner the night before Saturday!

See you on Sunday!

PS: If you can not see the facebook-event. Feel free to join the Computer Science Sports Committee facebook-group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/datafotboll/

Google on KTH Campus

Google is coming to KTH and we can't wait to meet you! We have a host of events across two days for tech students including a Tech Talk, a Technical Interview Workshop, and a CV Masterclass. Space is limited at these events, so please sign up at goo.gle/kth2020. Don't forget to sign up on the links below to get food on the events!

All events will be in english

Tech Talk: ‘The Art of Clean Code’ When? February 24th 12:00-13:00 Where? Nya Matsalen Nymble

During this event we'll hear from a Google Software Engineer. He'll dive into how to apply your toolkit of CS skills to the work world.

OBS! To get food on this event you have to sign up here aswell: https://forms.gle/siNvapxv36MDpWk28

**Technical Interview Workshop When? February 24th 17:00-19:00 Where? L1

Join us as we unpick the interview process at Google, and dive into some example coding questions and solve them together.

OBS! To get food on this event you have to sign here aswell: https://forms.gle/Dbjfyuhihweiu3ws8

**CV Workshop When? February 25th 12:00-13:00 Where? E51

Hear from a University Programs Specialist on the do's and don'ts of writing your resume and how to make yours stand out from the crowd.

Space is limited so secure your spot at goo.gle/kth2020

Workshop for Women and Nonbinary #GoogleOnCampus

Come experience #IamRemarkable, a Google initiative that strives to empower women and underrepresented groups to speak openly about their accomplishments in the workplace and beyond. During this workshop, you will learn the importance of self-promotion in your career and be equipped with the tools to develop this skill. Participants will be invited to challenge the social perception around self-promotion.

Space is limited, so please sign up at goo.gle/geek2020

Motion Editathon

It's motion stop March 12th for Revison Chapter Meeting and therefore the D-directorate will hold a motion editathon. We will be available for help with writing motions and answer other questions. Visit us in E32 March 2nd between 5:30 and 10:00 pm.


Leap Year Chapter Meeting

On the 18th of february a chapter meeting will be held in E34 at 17:30.

At the chapter meeting, the board will, among other things, handle contracts for renting Hugoteatern.

All chapter members are welcome!


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

Cinema event META International Group

META International invites you to: CINEMA NIGHT!

February 20th Media and Data’s international chapter, META International, are going to the cinema. Both international and national students are welcome! When the movie is over we will all (who is interested) go together to the chapter pub in META.

WHICH FILM? Jojo Rabbit (more about the movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2584384/ )

WHEN? February 20th around 5:30 PM

WHERE? A cinema in central Stockholm

The tickets will be free but there are a limited amount. If you want to go, please leave a statement of interest in this form, latest by February 13th 11:59 PM: http://bit.ly/februarycinema

We will get back to you via e-mail February 14th and will then need a binding confirmation that you are going (deadline February 18th 11:59 PM) – then the ticket is yours♥

See youuuuu!

Go to Finland with project Hello World

Hello dear chapter! Project Hello World here!

The computer science guild from Aalto have invited us to their annual bal Muistinnollaus (Memory Reset)!

It will be held Friday the 28th this month.

I had privilege of attending this bal last year, and let me tell you, it certainly is a night to remember! They welcomed us whole heartedly and treated us to a top notch party!

If you are interested to attend this year, then contact me on Facebook, by mail (jespel@kth.se) or in person in META!

Apply for the project group for D-Dagen 2020!

APPLY👉👉 👉 D-Dagen Project group 👈👈👈APPLY


What is your role at D-Dagen? We are looking for people who wants to be a part of a super fun project and get experience with roles and tasks including setting up a Fair, Sales, Economy and Partttyyyy! You can read about the specific roles we are looking for in the application link. Get hands-on experience and be a part of a large project, develop your talangs and boost your CV by being a part of the D-Dagen project group 2020. It will be super fun!

Hannes with perler beads!

Tag Monkeys will be hosting an event for anyone looking for a relaxed monday evening with perler beads. Come and say hi!!


Time: tomorrow monday 10/2, 17:08 Place: META

THS Comradery Scholarship

The THS Kamratstipendie (comradery scholarship) is handed out every year to good comrades among each and every chapter. The award is not only eternal glory but also a token sum of money.

Do you know someone who's been a good sport, a great friend or simply amazing?

Of course you do!

Fill out your candidate in the form and keep you fingers crossed that your friend will be one of the selected few.

The form closes 2020-03-16T19:00

Regards, D-Rektoratet

Nomination for Delta of Honor




This is a reminder to nominate section members to the Computer Science Chapter's finest badge of merit; the Delta of Honor. The recipients will be presented at the Audit Chapter Meeting in March.

The form closes at 2020-03-16T19:00 Sincerely D-Rektoratet.