Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Apply to NLG 20/21!

NLG is looking for new members, send in your application on cutt.ly/NLG!

See you at the interview!

THS | form about KTH and Covid-19 during autumn 2020

The student union at KTH (THS) represents all students when KTH makes decisions that affect the students or the education. This has been more important than ever during Covid-19.

We want to know how Covid-19 will impact your studies during the autumn. Your opinion is valuable to THS and KTH.

Feel free to answer any question in Swedish or English, depending on what you are most comfortable with. All answers are of course anonymous.

If you have any questions, e-mail studentinflytande@ths.kth.se.

Link to the form: bit.ly/KTH-autumn2020

Kick-off meeting for the prylmångleri

Hi all new (and old) students!

Its finally time for the prylmångleri to have its kick-off meeting!

Your chance to see how the prylmångleri works, how we do what we do and also talk to us about what you would like to do, and maybe we can make that work to! (Or maybe you can just come to try and steal our best patches) Of course there will be fika! And possible there could be a patch in it for anyone joining the prylmångleri...

The meeting will be at wednesday 16/9 17:30 in E34 at campus. If you want to join online, just text me and well make it happen!

Hope to see you there!

Apply to DKM!

The application for DKM 20/21 is now open!

Apply at dkm.io/ansok!

Boardgame night (evening) with QN

Welcome to the first event for the semester. We'll start this year of with our favorite passtime - Board games!

Bring your friends and bring your board games. I also heard rumors there may be a DM on location for any brave adventurers willing to take on a campaign!

There will be fika :)

Students who can work during the conference NU2020 in October

On 7-9 / 10, the pedagogical conference NU2020 will be arranged (https://nu2020.se/). The conference is arranged by the universities that house Campus Flemingsberg, including KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The conference will be given completely digitally and for that we need a number of students who can work during the conference with general support in Zoom and another tool that we will use, for example around simple things like sound, screen sharing and more. The students who work with support during the conference will be on site at Södertörn högskola in Flemingsberg. If you are interested, you can contact Ulf.larsson@sh.se for more information. The salary is SEK 125 / hour.


Hello hop in the corona cabin!

Now it's time for the spring code, which will be held at Osqvik on 26 September.

But "then what is the Spring Code?" asks the tired computer scientist. The Spring Code is an event with both play and celebration. In the afternoon we will swim, chill and bathe. Towards the evening twig, we move on to a party that you want to forget late.

It is BYOB that applies, but the spring ball army will offer sausages with bread, snacks and a badge to everyone who wants to participate!

The ticket release will take place on 9/9 at 12:34. The link will appear in the event.

If you feel that you want to stay overnight, you will be able to click on it in the ticket release form. First come first served. Otherwise you can always camp.

Remember to follow the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations. Do not attend the event if you are or have been ill within the last week. We will try to stay outdoors as much as possible.

Where? Osqvik (Säffle?)

When? 26/9 at afternoon twig

How? Lit, ovve / folk costume

What does the party cost? The whole 50 kr

Greetings Vårbal (k) sarmén

Application for Studs 2021 is now open!

Are you a masters student excited to get to know more students? Do you want to get closer to buissnesses in Stockhom? Do you also want to join an amazing trip in the summer 2021?

The application for Studs 2021 is now open! Apply at studs.se/apply


On September 10th a DM will be held digitally at 17:30.

At the DM, the board will, among other things, process the errand regarding economic power of attorney to the new MKM responsibles, funding request regarding a pair of new speakers and review several already made per capsulam-decisions.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here

A new thing for this agenda are the so-called decision suggestions. The main purpose with these is to make it easier during DM to articulate precisely what should be decided when a decision is being taken. This will mainly help on matters which require many clauses and long sentences in order to be formulated correctly. The decision suggestion phenomenon is currently work in progress, so the implementation of it might change in the future.


The summons to the meeting can be found here

The agenda for the meeting can be found here

The complementary agenda can be found here

The protocol for the meeting can be found here

Application project management group for Stud 21 is now open

Have you started your masters or are doing so this coming semester? Are keen on developing your leadership skills and establish contacts within our industry as well as with other students? If so we think you should apply to Studs 2021!

Read more and apply here: cutt.ly/studs21

/ Axel och Albin

A Project-termination-DM

On the 4:th of June a DM will be held digitally at 17:30.

At the DM, the board will, among other things, discuss the closing of projects that have performed all of their planned activities.

All chapter members are welcome!

Here's the Zoom link to the meeting: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/62291857148


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The complementary agenda can be found here

Auditors' management report for Val-SM

The Auditors' management report for Val-SM 2020 is available here (in Swedish).

Summary of the program council and link meetings

This wednesday the 13:th of May, the study board attended the program council for the Computer Science program and link meetings for years 1-3.

During the link meetings, period four's courses were discussed and we conveyed the opinions of the students. The main talking point was the effects of covid-19 on the courses. It was also made clear that several courses require more assistants in order to grade assignments quicker, a situation which EECS will try to improve for future course offerings.

The program council was dominated by information regarding specific prerequisites, which have now been finalized for the autumn. We hope to provide more information regarding this matter shortly. We were also informed that KTH is currently working towards further incorporating equality, diversity, and sustainability into their educational offerings. Finally it was also mentioned that the computer science program is discussing Canvas guidelines.

//Program-responsible student

Election documents (finally)

The election documents for the upcoming election are now published and can be read here.

These documents might be updated with additional information later.

Online casenight with CGI

Want to know more what it is like to work as a consultant? Or how to solve a case? And what is it like to be a part of one of Sweden's best trainee programs?

Get your questions answered and take the opportunity to find out more about the consulting profession and CGI's CGI Selected talent program by signing up for this event! We will present what we do and who we are, but above all why CGI Selected is the best way to start a career.

When: 18th of May 17:30-19:30

Where: Digital event on Zoom, sign up here to get the zoom-link. https://forms.gle/NJMimyEB42uEAsqb6


Its been months since we had our last pub and we have missed your company It has been a long time without pubs and we have missed you dear guests !! We have thought and planned and decided that we will have an online pub HOW WILL IT GO TO ?? 17:17 will zoom we drop a status here in the event with 8 different zoom meetings, where you can choose for yourself which room you want to joina, all rooms will have a theme and activities but you obviously asked joina to talk with your friends. One of the rooms will be the quiz room where you will be able to participate in a small music quiz at 18 and a small kahoot competition at 19. For the kahoot competition, the one-time prize is promised as a promise! You will have the opportunity to either hang out with us in the various rooms or in private (you write to host) breakout rooms if you wish !! Activities vary from room to room but can be beerpong, fibbage, name scramble TL; DR joina zoom pub, It gets cozy !! Where you can meet your friends (invite them) and acquaintances and join a kahoot competition and other fun activities! Food›››››››››››››››››› www.ica.se/ beer & cider ›››››› www.systembolaget.se/ Drinks& shots›› www.systembolaget.se/ Alcohol free››››››› www.systembolaget.se/

Extended Elections

Since some posts still lack candidates a new nomination-period has opened for those posts.

Nominations for Head of Communications, Board member of Educational Issues, Head of Business Relations, Project Leader for METAspexet, Qulturattaché, and Öfvermatrona are open until 12/5. Nominations can be accepted until 18/5.

A Digital-DM-before-Election-SM

On may 7th a DM will be held remotely at 17:30. At the DM, the board will, among other things, respond to all the motions submitted for the Election Chapter Meeting.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here

The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

Election Chapter Meeting

On May 19, this year’s Election Chapter Meeting will take place remotely at 17:30. The reserve date is May 26 at 17:30, which will also take place remotely.

The last day for submitting motions is May 5. During the Meeting we will hold several elections and discuss motions and propositions. Finally, we will review the tabled matters of last year's reports, summaries and the discharge of the D-directorate of 2019 and their duties.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here

The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

A Zoomer-DM

On April 22nd a DM will be held remotely at 17:30.

At the DM, the board will, among other things, discuss providing the new financial manager of METAspexet with a power of attorney.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here

The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here


It's time for another election. Nominate someone or announce your candidacy at val.datasektionen.se.

Information meeting with the project leaders for METAspexet

Have you thought about becoming the next project leader (direqteur) for METAspexet? Do you want to know more about what the work entails?

The current project leaders for METAspexet 2020, Anton and Felix, invite you to an information meeting where we will talk about what one does as a project leader for a spex and where you can ask us questions. It’s also a good opportunity to see who else is interested and maybe find someone to candidate together with.

The meeting will be held on tuesday 7th of April at 17:30 on Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/172325236

Student union council election open for voting

Once a year the members of THS elect their representatives in the Student Union Council, the highest governing body of THS. Now it’s time again! Contribute to a democratic Student Union, vote before 12th of April 23:59 at: ths.kth.se/vote

Link to the Audit Chapter Meeting

The link is: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/319121315

Best wishes, the D-directorate

Concerning method of attendance on Revisions-SM

Revisions-SM is around the corner. The meeting will be held using the digitally using the software Zoom. A link to the Zoom meeting will be published in this post and in the facebook post of this meeting at 17:00 at the 26:th of march.

Sincerely, the D-directorate.