Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Survey study about distance studies

Survey study

Hej Konglig Datasektionen!

We are two students from Karolinska Institutet who are studying the last semester of the Occupational therapist program and are in the middle of writing our thesis. We therefore wonder if you would like to participate in our study, which deals with how distance learning has affected various daily activities of university students.

You can participate by filling in the questionnaire below (note: questions in Swedish only): https://forms.gle/ecyxoGZiA72U1jA4A

All information about the study can be found here: Study information


Greetings, Emilia and May

Bake med Bakie: Microwave Mania

The time has come for the Baking Comittee's first teambuilding-event 2022 where we'll learn how to make quick, easy and delicious delicacies with every student's favourite appliance: the microwave oven. It takes place remotely at Data's Discord server, this Saturday at 3:00 pm. The event is for members of the committee only but luckily it's super easy to join!

Either fill in the application: https://forms.gle/XuBLY9kMRRHXRBZv6

...or contact Bakie via mail: mailto:bakis@d.kth.se

P.S. You don't have to bake anything if you don't feel like it.

Opinions regarding the songbook

If you have/had any thoughts or opinions about the songs in the current songbook then don't look further! Here is a form for you to fill.

This is for the purpose of making the songbook as pleasant as possible for everyone so write all your thoughts to us :D.



On Febuary the 24th a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet at 17:30. During the DM, the board will, among other things, discuss providing The Reception with a power of attorney and a GEEK contract regarding a pub.

All chapter members are welcome!

The summon can be found here.

The agenda can be found here

The complementary agenda can be found here

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.

FAQ: Reception edition

The best section in the world

In just a few days (¡¡1 day !!) the application for the 2022 Reception will close and being part of the Reception is an opportunity you really don't want to miss during your time here at KTH. You meet so many great new people, you develop as a person on so many different levels, make contacts and you create memories for life both for yourself and many other people, which is a really cool and rewarding experience. There are a lot of questions and concerns about the reception and what it means to be a part of it, so in Titel 22 we have put together a nice little Q&A session below where we answered the most common questions we have come across. Read and see if YOUR questions are answered in this FAQ

Can you apply for Reception if you are not in Year 1, have not been to Reception before or don't know anyone at Data at all

  • YES! As a group works best when it is made up of many different types of people and we want everyone to find someone in Reception they can relate to, we actively seek to mix age, section involvement, year group etc as much as we can. 🥳

Can you apply if you haven't been section active before?

*YES! It is absolutely fine to do so! If anything, Reception is actually a super great place to get to know new people and is a great way to get into section life! 🎉

Do you have to be good at school to be in Reception?

  • NO! For us, it's important that you are excited and ready to put your love into Reception work 🥰

Do you need to be able to act or sing to be in the Drifveriet?

  • NO! We like to say that Drifver is not something you are at first, but something you become. You will have the opportunity to practice the drifter role a lot during the spring and summer so it is absolutely not a requirement. The most important thing is that you are eager and eager to learn how to develop your stage personality. The rest will work itself out!

Do you need to be able to take pictures to be in the Doqumentary?

  • NO! It is of course a plus but you have plenty of time to learn this before/during the Reception. In addition, there are several other responsibilities such as sound and light within the Doqumentary where you don't do much photography at all.

Do you need to know how to cook to be in the Quisinery?

  • NO! The Quisinerie does much more than just cook! Of course, it is nice if you know how to boil water, for example, but you learn all the important cooking details along the way!

Do you need to know bookkeeping or other finance-related skills for the Economerie?

  • NO! All this will be learned during the Spring and Reception! The most important thing here is that you have an interest in it

Do you need to have been a leader before to join the Daddery?

  • NO! As long as you are excited about getting to know new people and have an interest in leading a group, leadership comes naturally

**Do you miss much at school if you are in the reception?

  • I would dare to say no! The first three weeks of the reception are before the start of school (unless you are retaking your exams from spring courses). The rest of the weeks, reception-related things usually happen on weekends or after school. It is absolutely possible to be in reception and not have to worry about it affecting your schooling!

Can you work during the summer and be part of the reception?

  • YES! Reception work starts in the first week of August, which means that you basically have 2 months to work in the summer, which usually works out well to plan for. Many people have worked during the summer before the reception and made it work, it's just important that you can be completely free until the reception starts on the 8th of August (otherwise you might be able to find compromises)

Does the reception extend over normal school weeks? What do you do in the reception then?

  • YES! We answered this question a bit earlier, so look a bit further up here for more detailed answers! But briefly, there are a few events, it could be holding a sitting one weekend or being out at Osqvik! 🌞

What does a normal day in the reception look like?

  • During the on-call/intensive weeks, the days always start with breakfast in META! The rest of the day varies a lot depending on which branch you are in. There are superb examples of what a normal day might look like in each branch on our instagram: janifattar! Go check it out there! 😎

When does the reception start?

*Reception has a few events throughout the spring and summer but officially Reception starts in full on the 8th of August this year! 🗓️

So if you're the least bit interested or even just want to know more, Apply to THE RECEPTION and you can get further answers during the interview Hope to see you at the pub this Wednesday 🥳🥳 Apply HERE: datasektionen.se/reception/janifattar

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Apply to Project Pride 2022 Project Group!

The application for Project Pride 2022 Project Group, also known as Group Executíf is now open.

Would you like to help organize a fantastic Pride experience for the members of the Computer Science chapter?

Apply to the Project Pride 2022 Project Group!

A SPACED PUB: Last day to apply to the reception 2022!!

Last-day-to-apply-to-the-reception-pub!!! This Wednesday, Titel will be behind the bar to organise a Receptionpub 💥 There will be beverages out of this world and the vibes will be intergalactic 🪐 Come and hang out with us in META! 👽 The application for the reception will close this evening so make sure you apply!! 😍😍😍 Apply HERE: datasektionen.se/mottagningen/janifattar Cya at the pub! 🛸👽💫🪐☄️ Due to the Coronavirus: Stay home if you're sick/are experiencing symptoms. Food — 30 kr Beer/Cider — 20kr+ Drinks/shots — 35kr+ Non-alcoholic — 10 kr+ Photographs will be taken during this event, contact us on Facebook if you don't want to be photographed or if you want us to delete a photo! The pub is open for members of the Computer Science and Media chapter at KTH, +1 applies. Don't forget your ID and THS ID

Safety Representative looking for complaints!

Computer scientists in training! Rust lobbyists! Avid defenders of BlueJ! Students in Computer Science!

Have you ever felt that the working environment on campus and the other studying environments are in dire need of improvement? Have you ever suffered an injury, major or nominal, while studying or performing chapter related activities? Does your mood get lowered by the mere sight of the buildings and rooms on campus and do you wish they'd do something to make it a little more cozy and homely? Do the chairs in the lecture halls hurt your back? Or do you simply have any other complaint or suggestion in regards to how the studying and working environment could be improved here at KTH?

If so, I want to hear about it! As the chapters safety representative my job is to do what I can to improve the working environment for all computer science students, and the issues can be both in regards to physical or psychological issues. My job can be both preventative or helping you handle specific private issues, but to do this properly I will need your assistance!

If you discover a potential hazard, or simply have a suggestion on how to improve the general environment on campus, don't hesitate to contact me immediately at: sso@d.kth.se No change is too small to make a difference, and no issues are to big to solve!

Take care and stay safe, Emil Wallgren Your humble Student Safety Representative

First prylmångleriet sale this year!

Welcome all students to the first sale by prylmångleriet 2022 <3! The sale will be between** 12 and 13 **this upcoming Friday and will include the new D21 patches!

All other students are also welcome of course to come and buy other patches or accessories.

I hope I'll see you in META!

The Spring Ball 2022

Hello everyone!

The Spring Ball will occur on 2nd April. Tickets available on 2nd Mars.


❤ Love WITHOUT Restrictions! ❤ Oooolalaaaa 😏

Valentine's day is just around the corner which we celebrate with a Lovepub! Get ready for an amazingly romantic evening with ✨NEW and REFRESHING COCKTAILS! ✨We will also play romantic music throughout the evening to set the mood, of course!


Tomorrow is the last day for participating in Studs' Instagram contest!

We currently have a competition on Studs' Instagram, where the biggest prize is a gift card of 400 SEK at Webhallen! Go and check out our latest post if that sounds interesting 🤩the last day for participating is tomorrow!

Jam session with DEMON

Our jam-fingers are starting to itch, so let's go!

On friday the 18th of february between 6-9pm, Demon will jam in a room at Malmskillnadsgatan (by Hötorget). All chapter members are welcome! Bring an instrument if you like, and there'll also be a few to choose from (keys, drums, maybe guitar and bass). You can join for the whole or part of the time. You can be an expert or a beginner. Just come and jam! (there will be fika)

Please join our Slack if you want to come, there you'll find the port code as well as my number if you need it https://join.slack.com/t/demon-as92468/shared_invite/zt-130lajk5u-J9~LnvVWw4bjTOJPJ63UwA

Nominate for the Delta of Honor 2022

Nominate for the Delta of Honor!

This is a reminder to nominate section members to the Computer Science Chapter’s finest badge of merit; the Delta of Honor. The recipients will be presented at the Audit Chapter Meeting at the end of March.

The nomination will close on March 14th.

Press the link and nominate someone for this year’s Delta of Honor: https://forms.gle/ZF6A65mAUN5ninJz6

Previous years' recipients and motivations can be found here in Swedish: https://datasektionen.se/sektionen/hedersdelta

Sincerely D-Rektoratet


On February 10th a DM will be held on Zoom at 17:30.

The summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

The complementary agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found här.

All chaptermembers are welcome!

THS Kamratstipendium (comradery scholarship)

The nomination for this year’s THS Kamratstipendium (comradery scholarship) is now open. Every year it is handed out to good comrades among each and every chapter. Do you know someone that has been especially helpful or a good friend? Nominate them!

The three final nominations sent to THS will be adjudged at the Audit Chapter Meeting on the 24th of March. To get in the nominations in time, the last date to send them in is March 10th.

Fill out your candidate in the form below.

Jane Street Estimathon

Next Monday, Jane Street will host an Estimathon in META 🧩. There will also be free food 😋 provided!

But what is an Estimathon?

The Estimathon is a team based contest that combines trivia, game theory, and mathematical thinking. Teams will have 30 minutes to work on a set of 13 estimation problems, the winning team being the one with the best set of estimates. Example questions include:

  • The number of Boeing 747's ever built
  • The number of calories you'd be eating if you had "one of everything" from the Taco Bell menu
  • The length of the shortest border any country shares with Russia, in miles

We will also have time at the end of the Estimathon for a Q&A with Jane Street Traders, Software Engineers, and Recruiters for anyone who would like to learn more about careers at Jane Street. More details can be found in the facebook event! Sign up by yourself or with your team at latest the 3rd of February here!


⭐ What? A fun team-based estimation contest with an exiting company!

⭐ Where? META

⭐ When? Monday the 7th of February 17:50

⭐ Food? YEEES!!!!

Applying to the Reception 2022 has opened!

Hello Computer Science chapter!!

Today is not an ordinary day, but today is the day when the application for the Reception 2022 is finally open !! The reception is without a doubt the most fun and finest thing you can do here in the section. If you have any questions about the reception, we in Titel 22 will be in META for the next 2 weeks and are ready to answer them! If you can not go in and meet us, we are also here on Facebook if you want to ask us something here!

How to apply. Go to datasektionen.se/mottagningen/janifattar, fill in the information and click on "Apply"! Do it now! The reception application will close on 16/2, and until then we will continuously release some information and content on our very own instagram where we are called janifattar. Go in and follow, nununu!

More info can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/648809082996638?ref=newsfeed

Have an awesome rest of the week!

Last day of recruitment for the D-Dagen project group

Hello again, chapter!

Today is the last day of recruitment for the D-Dagen project group, which means I'll be using FOMO to get you to apply! Just imagine how fun and rewarding it could be to work together in a close-knit group to set up an amazing career fair!

Right now we're looking a little extra at salespeople, so if you could consider shouldering that responsibility that'd be awesome! Of course, applications for the other roles are still open.

See you soon in interviews!

First year students have been invited to a cours with the Student Health services!

The Student Health Services offers a course in ACT stress management. The course will be held over 4 occasions in february between 15:00 - 18:00 through zoom.

The days the course will be held are the following wednesdays: 2/2, 9/2, 16/2, 23/2

  • How do I sign up?

Send an e-mail to elisabeth.jeppsson@su.se where you give your name, phone number, mail-adress, place of education and what program you are attending.

For more information:



WHAT??? A surprise pub?? That was unexpected! 😅 After a minor setback last week, DKM are now ready to open the doors to META and invite you all to the first PUB of the year. Don't miss the chance to see what surprises we have lined up!


Pearler beads with Tag Monkeys!

Come and make some art with pearler beads with Tag Monkeys! Fun :))

Study board meeting 25/1

The Study Board is holding its first meeting for the semester!

When: Tuesday, January 25th, at 12:15 pm Where: The meeting room in META

Do you have any opinions, thoughts and/or feelings regarding your current studies? The meeting is open for all chapter members! Come tell us what you think!

Hope to see you there!

The Spring Ball

The Spring Ball 2022 will take place on the 2th April. More information will come at a later date.

The Spring Ball Army

Programming practice with IOR

Hello! On Thursday (20/1), IOR will host a small programming contest/practice session. We have selected a few problems from kattis that could be solved with the techniques you have learned in DD1338.

The contest starts at 18:30 and ends at 20:00. You are welcome to join our zoom room if you want to know more about the contest or IOR. After the contest, we will have a brief presentation of the solutions to the problems for the interested.