Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

First meeting for Prylmångleriet

Hello :D!

The first meeting for Prylmångleriet is arranged to be on** Tuesday the 28th from 17:30**. If you have any ideas for patches or other merch for the Chapter then feel free to stop by!

We also have a Slack where you can discuss and contact me, Prylis, for more information: https://join.slack.com/t/prylm/shared_invite/zt-hgf63zkj-L_0q5Q78EvhOylI8jFKsHg

You are also welcome to contact me at prylis@datasektionen.se for any Questions or if you desire more information.

Computer Sciene Chapter in Stockholm Pride Parade 2022 -

Stockholm Pride Parade 2022 will take place in 6th of August and Konglig Datasektionen will of course be participating. It will be a an amazing Pride experience with music, party athmosphere and a beautifully decorated truck. It is a great opportunity to celebrate and dance for love and solidarity ❤️

YOU are of course welcome to join and dance with us during the parade.

Project Pride wants to know how many people are interested in participating. The notice of interest is binding, and it will not cost anything to participate!

Please show your notice of interest in the linked Google Form.

European Cybersecurity Challenge

The selection of the first Swedish team for the European Cybersecurity Challenge takes place this year!

ECSC (https://ecsc.eu/) is a cybersecurity competition hosted by ENISA. The different european teams will compete in Vienna in September to decide who is best at cybersecurity.

The first step for qualifying for the senior part of the team (age 19-25) will take place through the openECSC platform, where the 15-20 participants who perform best will be invited to a bootcamp where the final team will be selected.

More information is available on KTH:s website: https://kth.se/ecsc

You can sign up to the mailing list there to receive more information!

Apply to THS Student Union Council!

Applications for THS Student Union Council closes this Sunday (27/3). Of course you should apply!

What’s the THS Student Union Council?

It’s sort of like the EU but with chapters instead of countries. We sit in Nya Matsalen in Nymble and discuss and vote for stuff. It’s a lot more fun than it sounds, I promise (OK, maybe not a lot more fun).

More formally: The Student Union Council is the highest governing body at THS with representatives from all chapters. The Student Union Council decided on what THS should do as well as how the yearly turnover should be used. You also elect THS’ leaders in the form of President and Board. As a part of the Student Union Council, you are an important part of the democracy at THS.

You’ll sit for one school year and the work consists of attending about 5 meetings a year, as well as ideally reading the meeting documents beforehand. It’s really nice, there will be food and nice company so come along!

After the application period is closed, members will be able to vote for candidates. Konglig Datasektionen has four mandates, as well as two spots for alternate members if the main members aren’t able to attend the meeting.

More info can be found here: https://dsekt.se/kf22-lysningstext.pdf

Apply by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/fPkuuChw7fD628Gc6

Theme reveal pub

The suspense... It is finally time to announce the theme and title for this years METAspex! 🤯

SpexM will take over behind the bar disk and give you a night of excitement rarely seen. There will be live music from our very own Orquestra 🎷, thematic drinks, and of course... A THEME REVEAL!

Many brave souls have put their energy into the Spex and we are sooo exited about finally being able to share some of our work with you!

Another Prylmångleriet classic on Friday!

Hiya <3

Do you want to represent this chapter with some nice sweatshirts with our logo then don't look further!

We have it here, this Friday 12.15. You can look, you can try and also maybe buy it along with some nice patches?

I'll see you there outside of META!


Spring is finally here and that means this year's PPP is around the corner! DKM and CLW will together put together an unbeatable party you will later forget. PPP stands for a theme party with things on P that remain the theme of the evening. What these three Ps stand for remains a secret that you will find out during the evening! We will start the evening at CLW in Gråttan and end at DKM in Meta. So if you're getting a little tired of your own section room, this is a perfect opportunity to meet students from other sections! Feel free to come dressed in soft clothes, ovve or other durable welcome !! 🎉🎉 🅿 WHEN: 1st April 🅿 LOCATION: Gray + META 🅿 CLOTHING: Ovve or what you feel for 🅿 FUN: Sign up for a song leader, info to come! 🅿 PAYMENT: Info will be confirmed by email. Registration and prices will be released on Sunday 20/3 at 18:00 via the link below 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 http://countdown.dkm.io

Register for food at the Audit chapter meeting

Hello everyone!

At the Audit chapter meeting we will be offering food, but to be able to do so we need to now who will attend. So if you wish to recieve food at the chapter meeting, register in the form below, no later than sunday march 20th.

Nostalgic Tentapub

Efter exams comes TENTAPUB! 🤩 Everyone knows that! And not an ordinary tentapub but a pub filled with nostalgia. We will have DJs playing the best nostalgic BANGERS! So get ready to hit the dancefloor!

You know its gonna be a LIITTT NIGHT!


Motion regarding Vårbalen

Hello Chapter Members!

The D-directorate has now used the powers of the CM approve the attatched motion. This decision will be tested on the Audit CM on March 24th.

The motion can be found here.

The budget can be found here.

The Equality Survey of 2022

Hello chapter! 😊

We, the Equity Committe are working very hard to make sure everyone feels welcome and included ❤️. But for us to be able to make that work as efficient and effective as possible we want your input, thoughts and ideas!

This survey is completely anonymous (as long as you don't write things that can identify you) and will help us greatly!

There are questions both on equality and equity within a school setting and within a chapter setting.

We expect it to take about 5 minutes to fill out, but you fill out as much or as little as you want!

[LINK TO SURVEY] (https://forms.gle/X4ujgZNUoiHWrRqN9)

XOXO JN ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Summons to D-directorate meeting before Audit - Chapter Meeting

Hello chapeter members!

On March 15th a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet at 17:30, in preparation for the Audit - Chapter Meeting. At the DM, the board will, among other things, respond to all the motions submitted for the Chapter Meeting, discuss the closing of META, contracts, as well as review an already made per capsulam-decision.

All chapter members are welcome!

The summons can be found here.

The agenda can be found here

The complimentary agenda can be found here

Nomination closes soon!

This is a reminder that the last date to nominate someone to the Delta of Honor and/or the THS Kamratstipendium (THS Comrady Scholarship) is now on Thursday (March 10th).

So if you haven’t nominated someone yet or have thought of someone else that should be nominated, don’t hesitate to do it. The more nominations the better!

You can nominate for the Delta of Honor 2022 here: https://forms.gle/ZF6A65mAUN5ninJz6

You can nominate for the THS Kamratstipendium here: https://forms.gle/MWgWw8agVqC59wok8

Study break with Tag Monkeys!

Exam season got you down? Don't worry! Tag Monkeys presents a wonderful opportunity to sit in META and study effectively during the day and then take a break with fika and a chance to be creative! Perler beads, aquarelle and regular art supplies will be available for anyone to use. The official starting time is 17:00, but if there is enough space and if everyone agrees not to be too rowdy when crafting there will be materials available from 15ish. See you there!

Complaint Lodge with SN and JN

Hello Chapter! ❤️

KTH isn't perfect all the time, and such imperfections are things we can complain about. The Study Board (SN) and Equality Board (JN) will therefore, on the 8th of March, be organizing a Complaint Lodge, where you can share your opinions or ask any questions you may have regarding Equality and Education at KTH!!!💬

We will also be joined by the Chapter Board member for Education Issues (D-UF), and our Student Safety Representative (SSO), who will listen to your opinions and answer your questions.

So come complain and ask questions to us in SN and JN! We'll get you some fika! 🍪🍪🍪

When: From 12:00 to 13:00, Tuesday the 8th of March Where: Room E34 How: Yes

xoxo JN&SN ❤️❤️❤️

By-elections for Audit-CM open

The by-elections for Audit-CM are now open. Go nominate yourself or someone you know!


Nominations close 2022-03-17


Hello Chapter Members!

On March 24th a CM will be held in D2 at 17:30. The reserve date is March 28th, same time and place. The last day for submitting motions is March 10th. During the Meeting, we will be reviewing last year’s reports and summaries, as well as discussing the discharge of the D-directorate of 2021 and committees with accounting obligation. We will also discuss motions and propositions. All chapter members are welcome!

The summon can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

Discussion minutes can be found here.

THS 120th anniversary

From THS:

We present to You, a celebration like never before! ✨

The Student Union of the Royal Institute of Technology turns 120 which needs to be celebrated with pomp and circumstance.

Therefore, on the 9th of April a unique concept will create an unforgettable evening.

The evening will start with a gasque in the chapter halls on three of KTHs campuses, where the participants will be assigned to a random chapter hall with a desired smaller group (requested at ticket purchase), and so the gasque will mix students from different chapters!

The dress code is DARK SUIT. After the gasque everyone will gather in Nymble for a grand afterparty with dancefloors, a DJ and a celebration for which the likes has not been seen in the past 2 years!

Remember to keep an eye on the event so you don't miss anything, especially the ticket release which will be posted in the discussion of the event!

We look forward to seeing you during this evening! 🎊🎉

Prylis patches on Friday

Hello all!

This is Prylis to notify about a sale on Friday 12.15 once again perfect for those planning to attend the Jubileumssittning this Saturday!

There is also new Prylmångleriet and D21-patches that might be of interest. And more notice about clothing for the whole chapter to enjoy is coming soon!


First bowling of the year

Hello everyone! It's finally time for some bowling with Stack Overbowl, here is how it works.

Step 1, fill in the google form to sign up. Step 2, show up at O'Learys Norrtull before 19 on Sunday (6/3). Step 3, find some bowling shoes and start bowling :)

I recommend joining our slack (https://join.slack.com/t/slackoverbowl/shared_invite/zt-bv2rvgdh-8Hi~0TG8bpfQ1ecwVatdEQ) if you are interested in bowling. That way you will never miss an event!

EECS wants a student ambassador for Open House event!

🥰Hello chapter members!🥰

It's a special time of the year! Right now, all the people who want to become engineering students are searching for their programme. As we are the best chapter on KTH, it stands clear that we should guide them to us!🥳

EECS is organizing an Open House event on Monday the 28th of March from 3pm to 5pm, where the programme will be presented to aspiring CS-majors. They are currently looking for students to represent our chapter.

Your task as a student ambassador will be to man a chat and answer the questions asked by people interested in applying to the CS-programme.💻💻💻

Apply here: https://www.kth.se/form/anmalan-student-oh-2022

For any further inquiries regarding the task and/or compensation💰, please contact Annika Parswald, Student Counselor for the CS-programme, via aparsw@kth.se.

Good luck with the recruiting!

Application for Scala

Did you miss the applications for Scala last fall and are you excited to sing with good people? Then you are free to apply now! The applications close on March 11th.

Tickets for the Spring Ball

Springly greetings!

Tickets for the Spring Ball will be released on Wednesday 2nd March at 19.00.

The tickets will run out fast, if you want to buy one now you can do so, for a higher price.

The tickets will be available at: https://varbalen-2022.confetti.events/

//The Spring Ball army

A Springy Ticket Release Pub

Hellooooooooooooooooo! Winter is not coming, instead, it's melting away. This should of course be celebrated with a RAVE!! ❤ And because it's the first pub after CSN, it's not any regular pub but it's a theme pub, so you know it's going to be an epic rave!! We will also create ravefified drinks which you can enjoy in the evening! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THS! 🤩

‼ Transmission from Vårbalsarmén ‼

Springly greetings! 🌸 It is soon time for the Spring Ball and it is rumored that the tickets will be released when the planets align in the delta formation 💫, which happens to be during this pub at 19.00. However, there cannot be a Spring Ball without a Spring Rave. It seems like DKM has prepared for a full-scale rave and promises a fantastic evening. Come get a ticket and rave the whole night long 🌙(at least until the pub ends). See you at the pub!

‼ End of transmission ‼

Link for tickets: https://varbalen-2022.confetti.events/ More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/375183431110221

Semlor & board games with QN

On tuesday it's the annual "fettisdagen" which means semlor baked by baknämnden!

Come as you are and chill in META and play som board games and eat some semlor (or maybe some other fika)!

17:17 per usual! Check Discord for more info: https://discord.gg/XrNSJXayQj