Event Calendar


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D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

D-Dagen 2023

Hello, all aspiring programmers! 🧑‍💻

It is finally time for the year’s most exciting career fair, D-Dagen 2023!🎀

Come and visit the fair to develop your professional network, and find a summer job, part-time job, or master thesis!

The fair is open to all students and not just Computer Science students at KTH. So feel free to drop by!

When⏰ and where📍:

  • Date: Thursday, October 12th
  • Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Place: Nymble

What you can expect from the fair:

  1. Perfect opportunities to connect with companies and take the first step into getting a summer job, master thesis, or job after your studies.
  2. In collaboration with the labor union Sveriges Ingenjörer, we will be hosting a resumé workshop at this year’s D-Dagen. You will receive help in creating the perfect resumé and taking professional resumé photos.📠📸
  3. This year is also the first year where we will offer personal meetings for students, which means that you will be able to discuss future job opportunities in a private room with company representatives from selected companies. 📲
  4. Lots of swag and merch! 🎩

If personal meetings sound like something for you, make sure to follow us on social media (https://linktr.ee/ddagen) where a registration link will appear shortly! Stay tuned! 📝

Do you feel that 6 hours at the fair isn’t enough? In that case, we hope you have signed up for the banquet that will happen in the evening after D-Dagen. However, if you didn’t get a banquet ticket you and your friends are more than welcome to the after-party, which is open for Computer Science students at KTH, alumni, and +1’s. 🥳

Exam Hut with the Study Board 🦉

Hello all brave exam takers!

Are you studying Mathematics, Basic course, with Discrete Mathematics (SF1671) or Discrete Mathematics (SF1688) in this period? Do you think it's boring to sit at home and study? Then this is the right event for you!

We in the Study Board 🦉 will hold an exam hut where you sit down and solve an exam during almost the same time limit and then go through all the exercises together.

Of course there will be fika too! 🍩 🍪

Where? Some hall on campus. We will get back to you regarding the exact location. When? Wednesday the 18th Oktober 2023 at 13:00 How? Come with a paper and pen and we'll bring the rest!

Fill out the form if you're interested to make sure you get fika! dsekt.se/tentastuga

See you there!!

Bracelets for the Final Party

Hello everyone! There are only 15 days left until the final party, and we have some exciting news for all of you planning to attend either the dinner or the afterparty!

During the song night happening tonight and expected to start at 18:45, we will begin distributing bracelets for the Final Party!

These bracelets will serve as your ticket to Nymble on the 14th, and you can pick them up at all our upcoming events or on-site. We recommend that everyone who can pick them up in advance to make your experience in the queue much smoother.

See you tonight!

User Translate this: Text för utskick gällande armbanden? Hej allesammans! Nu är det bara 15 dagar kvar till slutfesten och vi har en stor nyhet för alla er som tänker gå på antingen sittningen eller efterköret!

På sångaraftonen som tar plats ikväll och förväntas börja 18:45 så kommer vi börja del ut armband för Slutfesten!

Armbanden kommer vara er biljett in i Nymble den 14e och ni kan hämta den på alla våra framtida event eller på plats. Vi rekommenderar att alla som kan hämta i förväg gör det för att få en väldigt enklare tid i kön.

Vi ses ikväll! Tagga slutfesten!


Text for sending regarding the bracelets? Hello everyone! There are only 15 days left until the final party, and we have some exciting news for all of you planning to attend either the dinner or the afterparty!

During the song night happening tonight and expected to start at 18:45, we will begin distributing bracelets for the Final Party!

These bracelets will serve as your ticket to Nymble on the 14th, and you can pick them up at all our upcoming events or on-site. We recommend that everyone who can pick them up in advance to make your experience in the queue much smoother.

See you tonight!

Lunch lecture with professor Danica Kragic

When? 12:15 - 13:00 on Thursday 5th of October Where? V1, KTH Main Campus Sign up here for food!

The Study Board of the Computer Science Chapter and EStER (Engineering Students Exploring Research) are hosting a lunch lecture with Professor Danica Kragić who will talk about her research in computer vision and machine learning. She will also talk about how and why she became a researcher. Professor Danica Kragić is highly accomplished in her field of research, and her research has been granted prestigious funds from foundations such as the Knut and Wallenberg Foundation.

This event is both for those of you who are interested in robotics, computer vision and machine learning as well as those of you who are interested in what a research career path might look like.

Let's shape the future* together! (*more specifically the academic year 2025/2026)

Hello, δearest of chapters.

KTH is in the process of deciding on the key dates for the academic year of 2025/2026 and the student union THS wants to gather your opinions as a basis for deciding

  1. when the academic year will start and
  2. when in the spring term the re-exam period will be placed.

There are two suggestions for each question for you to choose between, and you can do so in the linked documents.

Saturday Sports: Badminton

Hello hello!

Every Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week (Saturday 30th) we will play badminton. I will bring 6 rackets that you can borrow but we'll rent more if we don't have enough. We have four courts.

I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively.

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there 🙂

Extra-SM #2

The summons, agenda, complementary agenda, and decision protocol for Extra-SM the 18/10 can be found here

Application for dÅrestaben 2024 has opened!

Hello dear chapter! ❄️

Do you want to be part of arranging the most fun trip of the year? Then you're in luck because the application for dÅrestaben 2024 has finally opened! 🏂

dÅrestaben is the group which, together with me, will arrange this years dÅre, the Data chapters annual ski trip. Do you want more information? Then check out the form below!! (there will be fika)

Apply Here!

See you in the slopes! //Project leader of dÅre

DESC Startup Meeting

Hey everyone! Do you think that DESC should be more active and organize more events? We in the DESC board certainly do! But for that we need your help! On this Friday (29/9) at 12:15 we will meet up in front of Meta, go to somewhere in E and have a meeting to discuss some future events we are currently planning. If you want to get involved in DESC, this is your chance! Naturally, we will have fika too!

These events include:

  • Dreamhack
  • Minecraft events (we are currently planning an Ultra Hardcore last-man-standing tournament)
  • Online gaming nights
  • LAN parties
  • Super Smash tournaments

Of course, you're also free to suggest your own ideas!

Looking forward to seeing you! // DESCtop

By-election for Chairman and Board member of Student issues

Hello Chapter. The chairman of the chapter has recused himself as of 2023-09-26. Vice chairman Christofer Gärtner is acting chairman until a new chairman is elected. The Board member of Student issues is also recusing himself. We are thus calling an Extra-SM on the 18th of October and are opening by-election for the posts. Election of Chairman is conducted via Urnval at durn.datasektionen.se. The Urnval is open from 2023-10-13. Election of Board member of Student issues is conducted at val.datasektionen.se. Acceptance stop 2023-10-13.

Application for dJulkalendern 2022!


Applications to dJulkalendern 2023 opens now, so head to https://sök.djul.se to help create the dJulkalender yet!

More information can be found in the form!

dJubilee Tuseday evening

This tuseday! TODAY! In META at 17:17! Will be the biggest, the most bestest and mostest cozyestest tuseday night of this year! Qulturnämnden in collaboration with Tag Monkeys and dJubileet is excited to announce Datas own board game! To be revealed and played tonight..! Also get excited for:

  • Decorating the dJu(be)lgran!
  • Playing Carcassonne with 13 expansions!
  • Prylmångleriet presents: the patch competition! Design your dream patch and the best one shall become reality!
  • Real food? Not just fika but like food food? Yes! (For a small fee) (But of course there'll be fika too :))
  • An r/place-like collaborative pearl bead canvas!
  • And of course our usual catalogue of board games including newcomers Cartographers, Captain Sonar, and Ryktet Går Also Simon wants y'all to know he's bringing the board game Rising Sun and really wants someone to play with him

Annual report for 2022

It's time to close the year of 2022. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2022!

Unfortunately the reports are only available in swedish.

Annual Report 2022

Annual Record 2022

Economic Report 2022

Balance Report 2022

Result Report 2022

dJubileet starts tomorrow!

Now there's only one day left until dJubileet kicks off! It's going to be a blast tomorrow!

Here's a complete schedule for week 1, more information about each event can be found on dJubileet.se

We also want to mention that there will be an opportunity to buy food at a low cost at ALL of our evening events, so don't hesitate to come hungry! However, this doesn't apply to Thursday, where we will provide snacks instead, or Friday, where we'll offer FREE food! (Psst, sign up through the form on the website).

We also have an extra challenge for those of you who are extra eager for dJubileet. The first 50 attendees at 10 dJubileet events will receive an exclusive patch!

See you tomorrow! Get ready for dJubileet!

Data's Dance Evening

Hello everyone!

The dance evening will be held in Q13!!!

Data's Dance Evening

Welcome to Datas Danskväll (DDK)! On Monday the 25th of September we will continue with the dance evenings and we will focus on ballroom dancing (Waltz/Viennese Waltz/Bugg). The goal is for us data scientists to gracefully glide across the dance floor at balls. This will be the last opportunity to practice before the dJubileet, so join us!

On future occasions, we will also have the opportunity to learn salsa, chacha, rumba, foxtrot, jive, lindy hop, tango, slow foxtrot, and quickstep.

(𝐎𝐁𝐒: We couldn't book a room so Joakim will occupy one in the Q-building)

Join us on Monday with or without a partner! Hope to see you then.

/Trang and Joakim

Data's Dance Evening

Welcome to Datas Danskväll (DDK)! On Monday the 25th of September we will continue with the dance evenings and we will focus on ballroom dancing (Waltz/Viennese Waltz/Bugg). The goal is for us data scientists to gracefully glide across the dance floor at balls. This will be the last opportunity to practice before the dJubileet, so join us!

On future occasions, we will also have the opportunity to learn salsa, chacha, rumba, foxtrot, jive, lindy hop, tango, slow foxtrot, and quickstep.

(𝐎𝐁𝐒: We couldn't book a room so Joakim will occupy one in the Q-building)

Join us on Monday with or without a partner! Hope to see you then.

/Trang and Joakim

XL-pub feat. dJubileet

Hii! It's time for a collaboration with dJubileet. The pub is sponsored by Dragon Blood!! Come hang on our outdoor seating and test our fun drinks!

There'll be exclusive patches as well, so don't miss!

2 days left until dJubileet

There's only TWO days left until dJubileet kicks off, and we have big news!

At Sypluntan in META the day after tomorrow, on 25/9, we will not only have Färgfemman and a sewing competition. We will also be selling dJubileet merchandise, Konglig Datasektion's own ribbon (!), and the dJubileet patch!

We will also be selling food and drinks during the evening so that you can arrive directly when it opens at 17:00 on Monday! The bar will also be open, so if you missed the drink badges from the Half-Year Party, there will be an opportunity to buy them as well.

Hope to see you there, get ready for dJubileet, and get ready for Sypluntan!!!

Application for Studs 2024 is still open!

Hello Chapter!

You haven't missed that the application for the Studs project group is open?!

Studs is a wonderful opportunity to get in touch with the business world and make friends for life! You get to attend great company events and go on a crazy trip with us. It's really a chance you don't want to miss!

Does this sound interesting? Then you can read more and apply for the project at the link https://dsekt.se/studs. The last day to apply is September 24.

Everyone who studies a master and a program linked to the EECS school is welcome to apply!

If you have any questions about it all, they can be emailed to pl24@studs.se.

Studsa lagom until then, the 2024 Management Group

dJubileet - Onsdagspub XL feat. DKM

40 years of data, of course, also means 40 years of DKM, and what better way to celebrate it than with an XL (40) pub?!

On September 27th, dJubileet and DKM will host an incredibly epic pub with outdoor seating in META. Not only that, the XL pub is also a collaboration with Dragon Blood and will feature some really exclusive drink patches.

We'll have an outdoor shot bar, several competitions, a tent, and a damn good atmosphere!

Since alumni are welcome, we ask you to please bring your ID.

Data students, media students, alumni, and +1s are all welcome!

🍹𝗖𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: Check the bar 🍻𝗕𝗲𝗲𝗿-/𝗖𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: Check the bar 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀

  • Beer/Cider: 18 kr+
  • Cocktails/Shots: 35 kr+
  • Non-alcoholic: 10 kr+ Photographs will be taken during this event, contact us on Facebook if you don't want to be photographed or if you want us to delete a photo! 🙂 The pub is open for members of the Computer Science and Media chapter at KTH, +1 applies. Don't forget your ID and THS ID


Hello chapter!

On monday the 25th of September between 11 and 13 THS Head of Student Welfare Eric Forsell and THS Head of Student Social Activities Oskar Dubeck will be in META.

Feel free to stop by and ask any question that you might have!

N.B. Eric Forsell is also HSSO and has confidentiality

METAdorerna kickoff meeting, two Fridays in a row?!

Hello dear Data and perhaps some Media folks too! Now that the new first-year students have arrived, we, the METAdors, want to welcome everyone to an amazing kickoff meeting! We in the METAdors do everything from graphic design 🎨 and programming 💻 to taking care of META and hosting awesome TBs!💥If you want to know more about the fun life of a METAdor, then you should definitely attend one of our kickoff meetings! 🚀

🗓️ The first meeting will be held in a suitable E-classroom, and we'll depart from META at 12:15 this Friday to go there together. There will probably be someone who can catch up with latecomers as well.

🗓️ If you can't make it this Friday, fear NOT! The next Friday meeting (29/9) will also be tailored for future METAdors! So please fill out the form, but mark the 29th of September instead!

Form (not mandatory, but appreciated): https://dsekt.se/metadorerna-uppstart

Tl;dr: Be outside META at 12:15 this Friday (22/09) to learn everything there is to know about METAdorerna and META! If you can't make it on Friday, come at the same time next Friday!

// Lokalchef, who knows there will be plenty of snacks! 🍪🎉

dJubileet - Lunchföreläsning med FRA

dJubileet and D-Dagen are proud to present our first lunch lecture together! The lunch lecture will be hosted by FRA. If you're wondering who they are or what they do, they have been kind enough to introduce themselves.

Here's what FRA has to say:

What is it like to work with technology development at one of Sweden's most secretive agencies? FRA is a regular workplace - yet entirely unique. FRA works with signal intelligence and cybersecurity. We are a civilian agency that is part of Sweden's intelligence service. The agency contributes to protecting Sweden and Swedish interests by providing unique information about important foreign affairs to our clients. The technical department at FRA develops many of the solutions needed to carry out our operations. Much of what we need cannot be found anywhere else - our technical range spans from normal IT operations to advanced signal processing and supercomputers. We are currently in an expansion phase; FRA is growing and will continue to do so in the coming years. This means that the technical department is also growing, and we are therefore looking for individuals who want to work with us. Come and let us tell you more about how the work at the technical department of one of Sweden's most secretive agencies functions.

During the lunch lecture, food will be provided, of course. However, you will need to register in advance if you want to have food. Food registration is open NOW and can be done through this form.

When: September 28th at 12:00 PM Where: V1 How: Like this

dJubileet - Slutfesten + Afterparty

🎉 Don't forget to shift into high gear and activate party mode for this year's most epic celebration! 🚀

💺 THE SEATING: The seating is already FULL with festive guests.

🚗 AFTER-PARTY TICKETS: For those who missed the chance to secure a seat, after-party tickets will be released at 8:00 PM today (20/9)!

+1s are also welcome!

📆 DATE: 14/10 🕖 TIME: Around 10:00 PM 📍 LOCATION: Nymble 👕 Dress Code: Suit/Black Tie/Similar 🎫 Ticket Link: https://slutfesten.djubileet.se/

Remember: The year's most extravagant party - we'll see you there! 🎊