Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Deactivation of e-mail addresses when employment, studies or other connection to KTH has ended.

KTH has decided to deaktivate e-mail adresses for people who no loner studies, are emploey or has any connections to KTH. The whole decisions can be read HERE

What does this mean for us? The KTH e-mail adresses that are used for contacting alumni will be deactivated and will no longer be in use sometime before 2020-03-31

Regards, D-directorate

By-elections for Head of Business Relations

At the budget chapter meeting the 3rd of October by-elections for the chapter's Head of Business Relations will be held. Send nominations to valberedning@d.kth.se. Nominations/candidatures has to be announced before the 26th of September.

Apply for Studs!

Studs is a 15 credits master course spanning from September to June. The students get the opportunity to meet and interact with tech companies to get a better understanding of the tech industry. The project ends with a study trip for the whole project group.

Read more about Studs and what groups you can apply to on studs.se/about.

Apply on studs.se/apply!

METAspexet 2020 now recruiting!

The Comp.Sci and Media Tech chapters' own musical theatre troupe METAspexet are now looking for new members for the upcoming year.

While the shows are in Swedish there are loads of fun things to do for non-Swedish speakers as well, for example music, tech, costuming, graphic design, and way more.

If you're interested in the theater life email rekrytering@metaspexet.se for info in English. Or let Google translate our website metaspexet.se/sok if you're feeling brave.

Apply for D-Dagen 2019

Get experience working in teams, meet your future employers and join behind the scenes of D-Dagen 2019. The recruitment for the D-Dagen crew 2019 have started. What suits you? Business host, Lounge host, Task Force or Photographer? Read more about the different roles in the application form: ddagen.se/sok

The chapter hall will be closed 17/6-29/7!

Hi! META will be closed this summer from next Monday 17/6 to 29/7. Have a nice summer! ☀️🌼

Project Priδe - apply for the Manager Group

Applications for the Manager Group is now open.

As a Manager in Project Pride you won't actually be responsible for any managing. It's more of a planning group, but since Planning Group doesn't sound as "Exécutif" we'll go with Manager Group for now.

Applications will close 1 June.

Now the recruitment for the manager group of METAspexet 2020 has opened!

Now the recruitment for the manager group of METAspexet 2020 has opened!

Do you want to be a part of and influence how METAspexet develops and make important decisions? Then the manager group sounds like a good fit for you!

Apply at: metaspexet.se/chef

Read more about what the different positions entail here: metaspexet.se/chefinfo

If you have any questions, turn to direqtionen@metaspexet.se for more information.

Ticket release for the spring rave

We will release the tickets for the spring rave in about 30 minutes. Make sure to be on edge to secure your ticket. This party will be over the top so you do not want to miss this.

Audit report 2018

You can now find the audit report for the operational year 2018 here (swedish): https://static.datasektionen.se/revisionsberattelser/revisionsberattelse2018.pdf

Election Papers Election-SM 2019

The election papers are here! They might be updated in the future as more candidates fill in the form or accept our candidate statement.

Yearly report for 2018

Hi Chapter!

The documents for the yearly report are now available!




Interest form for the Spring rave 7/6 2019

Are you interested in coming to the spring rave at Osqvik 7/6 2019?

DM minutes from 2018

Some of the DM minutes have been published and can now be read on the links below:

6/12 Ett Flygande-DM

19/11 Ett Glädjefyllt-DM

28/10 Ett Budgeterat-DM

2/10 Ett-Hastigt-DM

30/5 Ett Skiftande-DM

9/5 Ett Utvalt-DM

Section-pub spring 2019

It is time for the spring chapter fair which will be held as a pub 17/4 this year. Come to META from 17.17 and listen to project-responsibles and chapter officials talk about what they do, mingle with them, or play beerpong (or alcoholfree alternatives) with them! There will be free food as long as there is any left.

Section-pub spring 2019

It is time for the spring chapter fair which will be held as a pub 17/4 this year. Come to META from 17.17 and listen to project-responsibles and chapter officials talk about what they do, mingle with them, or play beerpong (or alcoholfree alternatives) with them! There will be free food as long as there is any left.

By-elections for International student coordinator

There is now an additional election for the position of International Student-coordinator and Board member responsible for education, this election can also be found on val.datasektionen.se

Elections for Val-SM 2019

It is once again time for elections and this time we have some twenty positions to fill in May so get nominating and hyping people up to keep all the different parts of the section going next school-year too!

Sign up for an event with 6th graders

Do you have a fun project to show up? Would you like to talk about you studies and the colture in KTH?

The school have invated a 6th grade class from Tensta that resently won a programming competitin. They are therefor asking us if there are som interessed students that are willing to share their work and experince.

Between 9:00 and 12:00 the class will be taken on a our of the school with 3 stops: VIC-studio, PDC and R1, students project expo. There will be food and fika included and the work i payed.

If you are intrested and want more information, follow the link to the sign-up


By-election: DUF

At the Revision Section Meeting that it is soon time for there will be by-elections for the education responsible member of the chapter board (DUF). The person will only be elected for the period leading up to the summer holidays however since it is soon time to elect the person to take up the post for the following school-year.

You can nominate people as usual at https://val.datasektionen.se/

Deadling for THS Kamratstipendie (comradery scholarship) is getting close!

It is also time for THS to hand out the THS Kamratstipendie (comradery scholarship). The scholarship is handed out every year each and every chapter. The award is not only eternal glory but also a token sum of money.

Do you know someone who's been a good sport, a great friend or simply amazing?

Fill out your candidate in the form and keep you fingers crossed that your friend will be one of the selected few.

Regards, D-Rektoratet

Do not forget about the Delta of Honor!

This is a reminder to nominate section members to the Computer Science Chapter's finest badge of merit; the Delta of Honor. The recipients will be presented at the Audit Chapter Meeting in March.

Sincerely D-Rektoratet

Study Committee meeting the 21/3

Welcome to a Study Committee lunch-meeting. We will discuss important questions regarding the studies. The meeting is in the meeting room in META at 12:15 the 21/3

Deadling for THS Kamratstipendie (comradery scholarship) is getting close!

It is also time for THS to hand out the THS Kamratstipendie (comradery scholarship). The scholarship is handed out every year each and every chapter. The award is not only eternal glory but also a token sum of money.

Do you know someone who's been a good sport, a great friend or simply amazing?

Fill out your candidate in the form and keep you fingers crossed that your friend will be one of the selected few.

Regards, D-Rektoratet

Bookings of meeting room open

Bookings of meeting room are now open again! "Akademiska Hus" have not fixed the window in the meeting room yet. Therefore, be aware of that they perhaps show up and fix the window.