Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Food for Val-SM

Hello Chapter! It is now possible to register for getting food on the Val-SM (Election Chapter meeting) on Monday 15 May, via the following link https://dsekt.se/smmat.

Last chance to register for punchlunch!

This tuesday at 18:00 the form for the pusnch lunch will close. So make sure to take the opportunity to grab one of the last seats for this years most fun and punchy gasque!

I hope to see you there!

anmäl dig på dsekt.se/punsch

Lunch lecture with netnod

Welcome to a lunch lecture with Netnod! 🤩🥳

On May 3rd, it is time for a lunch lecture with NLG and the company Netnod. There is a limited number of seats and lunch will be served! 😋😍

Sign up here: http://www.nlg.bz/netnod

When: May 3rd at 12.15-13.00

Where: V2

More information about Netnod:

Engineer? Join the Swedish company who controls time. It’s true. At Netnod, we have developed the most advanced and robust time distribution network in the world. If that isn’t interesting enough, we also work against the forces in the world who aim to disrupt our society. One method they choose is to disrupt time distribution. But we won’t let them! Join us at Netnod to ensure a stable and secure Internet for the Nordics and beyond

Evaluation of the computer room renovation in the E- and D-buildings

All computer rooms on floors 4 and 5 in the E and D buildings have been renovated in 2022. Now KTH wants to evaluate how the result turned out in order to be able to make adjustments and learn for future renovations.

If you have used the computer rooms after the renovation, KTH would be very grateful if you could contribute your views.

The survey is anonymous.


Information for those who don't have a ticket to the half-year party

Are you a computer science student who really wants to come and experience the half-year party this Saturday but didn't get a ticket? Then you're in luck, because we have two solutions to your problem!

The first is that the after-party is OPEN TO ALL COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS! The after-party is expected to open around 10:00 PM and will have 4 new and exclusive drink patches (wow!).

The second is that we are looking for staff for the dinner and the after-party. Those who work during the dinner will be guaranteed a spot at the after-party, and those who work at the after-party will receive a free non-alcoholic ticket to the dinner. But that's not all! Everyone who helps out will receive a ticket to our fantastic thank-you party, which will take place in the fall!

Contact Douglas or email info@djubileet.se by Friday if you're interested in helping out.

Regular hacker evenings with IOR from now on

For the past few weeks, Informationsorganet (IOR) has been hosting "hacker evenings" every Thursday at 5 pm in the computer room "Grå" (or some nearby room)! You are all very welcome!

During the meetings, we work on our chapter's systems and IT infrastructure, such as fixing bugs in Cashflow, coding a new membership system, or helping with our Discord bot, Harmony.

There is always something to do for all skill levels, just come and we'll find something fun for you! You don't need to be good at any specific programming language (or even code at all), and if you have a problem, there are many skilled IOR members who can help.

**Just drop in at any time if you're curious! **

If you're wondering whether the hacking evening is actually taking place, wondering where we are, or would like to guarantee some fika, contact D-sys (Theodor Ström) or Kommunikatör (Noah Hopkins).

PS: If you want to come, make sure to fill out the Github form at http://dsekt.se/github-access as well as joining the IOR Slack through http://ior.slack.com/!

Application for reception dOsq 23

Hi chapter!!!

The registration of interest for dOsq’s participation during the Reception 2023 is now open! 🎉 🙌

All chapter members who are not part of the reception staff, but who are more than happy to help with the Reception in any way, are more than welcome to sign up in the form below! We need extras, exam guards, hyped rave-participants, pre-party fixers and more!

If you have any questions, just write to Carl Hansson or Olivia Aronsson.

Click on the form right now, more info is there!

/ Titel23 ❤️

Board game night with Maintract

Welcome to a board game evening with Maintract, NLG and QN! There will be food, board games and lots of nice socializing. Our special guest and sponsor for the evening is of course the startup company Maintract. Come and take part in their first-hand experiences of the startup world! 😎

Where: -𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗔 📣

When -𝟮𝟱/𝟰 𝟭𝟳:𝟭𝟱 ⌛️

Food? -𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝟱𝟬 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲! 🍰

Maintract has built a next-generation contract management platform that gives contracts their own consciousness and communication capabilities, while also providing a range of sophisticated services. By starting with and analyzing the content and purpose of the contract, it solves the real problems with contracts that organizations face. The result is real, legally binding contracts that are aware of their content and compliance. See you there! 🥳

Interest check for running race

Hello! I have found a race that we as a chapter can participate in. I want to know how many that will participate. Two dates are available; either 13th or 14th of June. Please fill in the form:


Pancake Party with the Election Committee

Good day all you chapter memebers who eat your lunch in META and those of you who don't!

This friday is very special, not only because it's the only day of the year when the date is precisely the 21:st of April but because the Election Committee is also hosting Pancake Party outside of our chapter hall. Anyone may stop by and eat a pancake i exchange for talking to one of the chapters officials. Some of them are looking for successors in the election which is happening in less than a month, other may just want to shoot the shit. You won't find out if unless you show up. Some of you may think that all of this sounds a lot like the Study Boards Complaint Huts. They work well enough that we stole the concept.

TL;DR Show up in META on friday and talk with people to get a pancake!

Startup week with NLG


Next week, it will be time for a week filled with events with different companies, and not just any companies, but STARTUPS 😍

On Tuesday, April 25th, there will be a board game night with QN and NLG together with the company Maintract, and on Wednesday, April 26th, a company pub will be held with DKM and NLG where the companies Pedago and Cling Systems will visit! ✨

More info about all events will appear in the coming days, so stay tuned, you don't want to miss this! 🤩❤

Important info regarding dJubileets slutfest

Hello all computer scientists and alumni!

We can now share that the slutfest has a new date. The new date is October 14th. We apologize for any inconvenience that the date change may have caused and hope that you are still excited to come and celebrate the Data section's 40th anniversary properly! This is going to be amazing, so you don't want to miss it!

We can also reveal that the top-secret closing party location will be Nymble, so you alumni will have the pleasure of visiting our proud campus once again.

For more information regarding the slutfest, you can visit the Facebook event here: Link

As we want to avoid the problems that arose during the banquet, we will not release tickets via confetti. Instead, you will need to register via Google Forms. However, to avoid stress during ticket release, we will randomly select tickets among those who register within the first hour when tickets are released. This way, you don't have to be super quick with entering your information, and everyone will have a fair chance of getting a ticket.

We will earmark some of the tickets for different decades since we want representation from all the times our wonderful section has existed.

Specifically, we will earmark: 40 tickets for the 80s 40 tickets for the 90s 40 tickets for the 00s 40 tickets for D10-D17 80 tickets for D18-D22

If there are tickets left from these decades, we will release them to the general ticket pool. In total, we will release 300 tickets. Later this fall, we will release additional tickets to nØllan.

You can find the ticket release form here: Link

The form opens at 8:00 p.m. on April the 19th, and if you register in the form before 9:00 p.m., you will be included in the first round of ticket randomization. Anyone who registers after 9:00 p.m. will instead be placed on a waiting list.

We will carry out the randomization and send out an email no later than Sunday evening the same week, April 23rd. In that email, you will find out if you have received a ticket and how to proceed with payment.

The price for students will be SEK 230 for a non-alcoholic ticket and SEK 250 for a ticket with alcohol. Alumni will pay SEK 330 for a non-alcoholic ticket and SEK 350 for a ticket with alcohol.

We also want to remind everyone to sign up for the alumni mailing list and that the waiting list form for the banquet is now available. Mailing list Waiting list form

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@djubileet.se.

We're really looking forward to celebrating with all of you and hope you're as excited as we are!

See you at the closing party!

Fill out THS form regarding educational premises!

Hi chapter ❤️! Currently KTH is investigating what educational premises we wish to have on our five campuses. KTH is also considering how the educational premises should look like and be used. What are your opinions?

Your answers will be anonymously presented by the student union to the leadership at KTH during the spring semester. There are many questions in the survey, but none are mandatory, so feel free to just answer the ones you want to answer! Thank you for contributing towards better studies at KTH!

This form is from the THS Union Management Team through the Heads of Educational Affairs.

You can fill out the form here!

Join the Sports Club

(the emojis were added by ChatGPT)

To apply, fill out the form: https://dsekt.se/join-sports

Hi! 🙋‍⏰📚🏫

Time flies ⏰💨. The semester is coming to an end and so is my term as Head of Sports 🤸‍👑 at the Chapter. I want to make the most out of this time as possible and I need your help for it! 💪🤝

I will continue arranging the regular Sunday sport session 🏃‍🏃‍ and as the weather improves, I will start with the (popular) interval sessions again 🌤️🏋️‍. But I don't think this is enough, I want to offer a more varied set of sports activities for our members 🤸‍🏀⚽🏊‍🚣‍.

Some ideas are:

  • Kayaking 🚣‍♂️(we have money for specifically for this) 💰💦
  • Participating in a running race 🏃‍🏅(we do also have money for this) 🤑🏃‍
  • Hiking 🥾🌳
  • Organizing a tournament for our members 🏆🤾‍🤾‍
  • Play ultimate frisbee 🥏🤸‍

Other ideas are, of course, welcome as well! 💡👍

Everyone who signs up will be invited to an initial meeting where we form groups of people organizing the different things. You won't be alone in organizing, but have to be prepared to take responsibility for it! 🤝💪🏋️‍♂️

The EECS Educational Office's availability

Hello chapter!

This message is to inform about the EECS educational office's availability. This is follow up on the survey I did a while ago. The answers from the survey were presented at the last breakfast meeting and here are their answers:

  • The office prefers that you book an appointment to talk about matters that they need to familiarize themselves with before the meeting for instance regarding exchange studies or study plan. Currently booking a time is done via e-mail, but there will eventually come a booking system to book slots instead.
  • If you have a quick question it usually works great to just stop by their office (office room number can be seen via their KTH profile) if they are available and ask them directly. They usually leave their doors open when they are available.

You can find contact information to the educational office here

Best regards,

The D-directorate via, Abhinav Sasikumar Board Member for Educational Affairs

Filling election Val-SM


At val-sm there will be filling elections for three exciting positions within the chapter. And it's already open! Go to the chapters election systemand nominate yourself, a friend or simply enjoy our beautiful css.

Have a delectable day, The Election Committee

Elections Val-SM

Hello again Chapter!

It's the election committee again. Starting today, you can nominate people for the elections that take place at Val-SM, so head to https://val.datasektionen.se/ and do it now!!!

We are a day late and apologize profusely for the violation of our statutes, but we hope the chapter will be lenient on the matter.

With kind regards, The Election Committee

Election Document Rev-SM

Hey there!

Here's the election document for the Chapter Meeting tomorrow.


Electiony regards, The Election Committee

Urn elections for KF now open

Hello there! You can now vote for which candidates you want to see represent the chapter in Kårfullmäktige.

Go to https://durn.datasektionen.se/ to vote now!

Whaley greetings, the Election Committee

Poll on having a music artist at D-Dagen 2023's after-party

Hi everyone!

The project team for D-Dagen 2023 has been considering bringing a music artist to the after-party for this year's career fair. We wanted to see what the interest for this is within the chapter, and how much our members think is a reasonable amount to pay for a performance.

The alternatives in the form represent different levels of expensiveness for music artists. The higher the amount, the "better"/more popular artist we can get. In our preliminary calculations we have been working with a music artist price of 200 000 SEK, excluding ticket revenues.

You have to log in through Google to fill in the form, to avoid members filling in the form more than once. But all answers are completely anonymous and your email addresses are not recorded. All data will be handled in accordance with: https://styrdokument.datasektionen.se/informationshanteringspolicy.

If you have any questions regarding what kind of music artists you can get for the different price ranges in the form, you can ask any member of the project team. If you have any other questions or thoughts regarding the form you can contact ansvarig@ddagen.se.

Kind regards

The Project Team 2023

Submit letter to the editor to dbuggen 📰

Take the chance to publish your article in the CS chapter's most serious and high qualitative magazine. Tell your darkest secrets here

Event with SEB

Welcome to an evening with SEB and NLG! The evening will consist of talks, mingle, food and drinks. You will get to listen to a panel discussion about cyber security from people working with cyber security at SEB, and a presentation from the cyber security company Cparta.

When: 30/3 17.30-20.00

Where: SEB's office in Solna, Stjärntorget 4

Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBJ3yjfCvClb8z3UWvKFZCCltjp1fvizycQL5GRhvy_Q0UBg/viewform?usp=sf_link

More information about the event:

Panel discussion: Talks, mingle, food, and drinks around cyber security

Almost every aspect of our lives has been digitized and the world is explored via our fingertips via screens and keyboards. Information- and cyber security represent fundamental trust pillars of these digital ecosystems. This is even more true when running a bank. This evening is all about explorations of areas like threat actors and landscape, threat intelligence, cloud security, security operations, and the ongoing paradigm shifts in AI aided hybrid attacks. You will meet Dick Svensson, Kristian Borryd, Milena Friend, Predrag Mitrovic and Sara Bäckner from SEB as well as security professionals from Cparta. We will mingle around food, drinks, and our favorite subject – Cyber security.

Presentation from Cparta: Modern Hacking: a Realistic Scenario

Cparta is a company dedicated to protecting Swedish commercial interests by providing tailored cyber security services. Cparta combines expertise, innovation, and dedication to secure our client's digital integrity. www.cparta.se. Sandra and Martin will explain the importance of cybersecurity in a digitalised Sweden. Presented is a realistic attack chain followed by blue team response, based on real incidents, and the actions taken by Cparta together with SEB in order to defend Sweden's critical infrastructure.

Ticket release dJubileet

Hello Chapter & Alumni!

Now it is getting closer to the start of the dJubileet ticket release season and then we want to clarify the dates for the ticket releases of all our sessions.

  • Tickets for the half-year party will be released on 22 March 19:30 (Not open to alumni)

  • Tickets for the banquetten will be released on March 29, 20:00 (Open to alumni)

  • Tickets for slutfesten will be released on April 19, 20:00 (Open to alumni)

All ticket releases will take place via confetti and all ticket release links will be accessible via https://djubileet.se/

See you there!

Food for chapter meeting

Hello Chapter! It is now possible to register for getting food on the Revision Chapter meeting on the following link https://dsekt.se/smmat.

The sign-up closes 22/3.

Also want to remind you that there is deadline for sending in motions now on Tuesday, March 14th, so submit your motions before then!

Survey on Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Conditions!⚖️

Hello chapter!

The time has come for you to fill in this year's JML (Survey on Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Conditions) survey. It's a great way to express your opinions and influence the chapter’s JML work and we really appreciate it. You are of course anonymous :)
