Study Board

The Study Board

In Short

Never hesitate in contacting the Study Board if you have an opinion or question! You are always welcome to participate in our meetings (take a look at news for dates).

The Study Board supplies the students' opinions to teachers or individuals of concern at CSC in order to improve the CS education. If you have any thoughts regarding your education you can contact us via mail or come to our meetings. We are also responsible for answering your questions about the education, or redirecting you to someone who knows more.

We are here for you - Reach out to us or join us at our next meeting.


Contact us if you have questions or opinions regarding the education or the studying environment.


Are your lectures incomprehensible? Are there too few opportunities to present your work? Or do you want someone to act as a middle-man between you and the school? Rest assured, we have got your back! Depending on what year you are in, you can always contact your designated year representative or master representative!

Year 1 - Soma & Alice

Year 2 - Niels & Christofer:

Year 3 - Emil & Mary:

Master Representatives for Computer Science - Patrik, Gunnar and Marten (TCSCM):

Master Representatives for Cyber Security (TCYSM) - Ellinor, Raf and Sönke

Master Representatives for Machine Learning (TMAIM) - Shekhar

Chairman of the Study Board (SNO) - Emil:

Contact the Chairperson (SNO) if you are interested in taking on any vacant positions! We are always looking for new representatives!

Studying environment

Cold lecture halls? Unergonomic chairs? Is there too much noise? Contact our safety representatives if you have an issue! SSO: Amanda & Jennifer: Studying Environment Rep - Amanda: Equality Board Chairperson - Jennifer:

Other questions

Contact the Chairperson of the study board if you have an opinion:

About the Board

Like every Chapter at KTH, the CS-Chapter has a Study Board which works with monitoring the education at CSC. The main purpose of the Board is to assess and improve education quality as well as studying environment in both the short and long term. For you, this means that we will give your feedback to teachers and other officials at CSC. You can reach us either via mail or by coming to our meetings. All meetings are announced at the news page.

We also answer your questions regarding your studies at kth or redirect you to a more knowledgeable party.

We, the Study Board

About us, in short

  • Year representatives & Master representatives - Contact us about your courses
  • Student Safety Representative (SSO) - Contact me about unergonomic chairs and cold lecture halls
  • Study Board President (SNO) - Looks after the Study Board and makes sure it does not die
  • Programme responsible student (PAS) - Works for improvement of the programme and the courses in the long term.
  • Chapter Board Representative for Education (DUF) - Has the large scale picture of the education
  • Other interested students

Year representatives & Master representatives

The Year and Master representatives are students who represent their year in relation to both students and teachers. Functionally, they are a voice for students in situations where the students don't want to or cannot communicate with the teacers. Should you have opinions about the courses, teachers or related subjects, your Year representative has got you covered.

Student Safety Representative

The Student Safety Representative (SSO) works for a better studying environment at KTH, both the physical as well as the psychosocial environment. Don't hesitate to contact your SSO!

Study Board President

The Study Board President (SNO) leads the Board work and the education monitorin in general. The SNO is a representative elect, and is thus bound by the chapter regulations to

  • work to represent all students
  • gather thoughts and opinions regarding the programme from chapter members and convey these to reponsible parties at KTH
  • work with outreach, informing students why the board exists and how you can influence the school through us
  • be responsible for gathering and documenting information regarding the work of the Board som it can be reviewed and reused by the chapter at a later point

The SNO is interested in the students' opinions both regarding the education and the Board itself, to be able to complete the work mentioned in the relgement. Maybe you could help us work with the right education-related problems.

Programme responsible student

The Programme responsible student (PAS) works together with SNO to improve education quality. The PAS is mainly responsible for contact with teachers and other personel at the CSC-school, and generally works with the long-term work within the Study Board.

PAS: Daniel

Chapter Board Representative for Education

The Chapter Board Representative for Education (D-UF) works for a better studying environment at KTH. The D-UF has the larger picture of the education. The D-UF is also the communication link between the Chapter Board (D-Rek) and the SNO and PAS.

D-UF: Abhinav

Other interested students

The Study Board is an open club, meaning that any chapter member is allowed to participate. For additional information, contact the President of the Board.


According to the chapter regulations, the Study Board is supposed to

  • Gather the opinions of chapter members regarding the studying situation at KTH and use these to improve the education
  • Review information and decisions from the management of KTH
  • Monitor and improve the physical and psychosocial studying environment at KTH

Board Meetings

The study board meetings are held at least once per period. The meetings are open to all chapter members, and one can always bring up education related questions or the Board operations. Otherwise, we discuss current problems in the education, and the board officials give reports on what they have been doing since the last meeting.

Earlier meeting protocols can be found here