Other officials

Other officials

The full list of officials, including those under the committees, can be found at dfunkt.datasektionen.se.


Niklas Vatn (audits 2023)
David Puustinen (audits 2023 & 2024)
Jakob Carlsson (audits 2024)

The auditors review the board and interpret the Chapter's regulatory documents.

You can read more about what the auditors do in the Chapter's by-laws.

Contact us at revisorer@datasektionen.se if you have any questions regarding the Chapter's regulatory documents or anything else that is related to the Chapter.

D-Fest - Roger Chen

D-Fest's tasks include - Organizing two parties for other officials per year, one after the Glögg-SM and one after the Val-SM. The purpose of the parties is to honor the chapter's outgoing and incoming officials. - Organize regular team building for the chapter's officials. - Possibly organize other meetings and events together with other chapters and student unions to represent the chapter externally.

Flag bearer - David Puustinen & Erik Nordlöf (vice)

Flag bearers defend the honor of the chapter by carrying its flag on various ceremonial occasions. Note that the flag should be held high. Being a flag bearer is a very honorable position in the section. The flag bearers are responsible for keeping the chapter's flag in good condition.

Head of Communications - Benjamin Widman

Responsible for the chapter's communication channels, like Discord, Slack, Facebook etc., as well as enforcing the chapter's information handling policy and information spreading policy. Also takes care of the chapter's general information e-mail info@datasektionen.se.

Head of Equality, Diversity and Equal Treatment (JMLA) - Jennifer Köhler

Head of Equality, Diversity and Equal Treatment is responsible for taking care of the psychosocial study environment, for all Chapter members. The officer shall pro- och reactively with continuously improving the Chapter's work within equality, diversity and equal treatment.

Program responsible student - Zhongmin Hu

The program responsible student works together with the chairman of the Study Committee to improve the quality of the education. In practice, the work consists of meetings with teachers and those responsible for the program at EECS and meetings centrally at THS.

Sound and Lights manager - Karl-Isac Åström

The sound and light manager is responsible for maintaining the chapter's sound and light equipment. If you'd like to book sound- and/or light equipment you can do so in The Booking System.
The Booking System is only avalible in Swedish, but bookings can be in English also :)

Speaker - Carl Blomqvist

Arranges and chairs the chapter meeting. Ensures that the necessary arrangements are made for a chapter meeting in consultation with the D-rectorate. The speaker is neutral and does not express his or her personal opinion on matters of substance.

Study environment officer - Amanda Berg

The study environment officer has the task of monitoring the EECS premises for the chapter and is responsible for the fire safety of the chapter hall. The officer must work both proactively and reactively to ensure that the chapter members' study environment is as good as possible.

Union Council (KF)

The Union Council - how to affect the student union.

More info can be found on the THS webpage.

Send us an e-mail at kf@datasektionen.se if you have any questions about the Union Council or have any suggestions about what you think we should work towards.


Adam Sjöberg
Kevin Wenström
Erik Nordlöf

Supplementary members

Fredrik Blomqvist
Va Kant


Song leader - David Peilitz

The song leader works to preserve and develop the song culture in the chapter, and is responsible for keeping our song book up to date. The song leader should also serve as a go-to toastmaster, or as a resource for those who want to learn how to be a toastmaster.