Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Saturday Sports: Volleyball

Hello hello!

Every Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. The idea is that we do some activity/sport for an hour. Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively.

This week (Saturday 4th) we will play volleyball for 1 hour.

I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there 🙂

✨ Become a Substitute for Studs today! ✨

Hey there Chapter! Do you want to interact with interesting companies by attending exclusive evening events? Then there’s a solution for you, fill out the following form and become a substitute for Studs 2024! 🐸 https://dsekt.se/inhoppare

But what is a substitute? 🤔 If any of the project's 30 regular members can't attend an event, there's a chance that, if you're on this reserve list, you'll be offered the opportunity to participate as a substitute. Each event lasts for ~3 hours, and food and drinks are always provided. 🍕🥤✨

🥳 Sign up now, and perhaps we'll see you at an upcoming company event! 🥳

If you're curious to learn more, you can check out Studs: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/StudsKTH) Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/studskth/) Webpage (https://studieresan.se/)

Registration of courses for the spring semester

Hello dear chapter!

It is time to apply for courses you intend to take during the spring semester of 2024, which is done via https://www.antagning.se/.

Course registration opens today (November 1) and closes on November 15. Those of you that are first year students have received more detailed information about this via email since it's the first time you are doing this!

If you need to refresh your memory, there is a guide here: https://www.kth.se/student/studier/val/valja-kurs-1.316312.

Please don't wait until the last minute 🙈. If you encounter problems, contact the study counsellors at svl-data@kth.se (Bachelor's) or cs-master@kth.se (Master's).

Have a nice weekend! ❤️

Applications for Datasladden is open!

The smallest club in the chapter is now recruiting new members! We are looking for applicants who like driving, have seen an anti-rollbar or just are generally interested. A manual car license is mandatory.


APPLY for Adapter!


Wednesday sales

Hello chapter! Starting tomorrow, Prylmångleriet will hold sales on Wednesdays instead of Fridays. As usual, we stand outside META during lunchtime.


It's time for the knattz to show off! Come hang on the pub with exclusive knatt drinks and good food.

Gurra Adde-DM

A Gurra Adde-DM will be held at 17:30 on the 6th of November in the Sammansträdesrum in Nymble. At the DM, the board will discuss guest membership for members of the Media Technology chapter and the ratification of multiple PC-decisions.

The summons, agenda, complementary agenda, and discussion protocol can be found here

A Laaarge-DM before Glögg-SM

A Laaarge-DM before Glögg-SM will be held on the 23rd of November, location and time will be announced later. At the DM, the board will discuss incoming motions and propositions.

The summons, agenda, complementary agenda, and discussion protocol can be found here


Glögg-SM will be held at 17:30 on the 5th of December in D1. The reserve time is 17:30 on the 7th of December. The motion deadline is the 20th of november and the board will hold a motionworkshop on the 14th of November. At the SM, we will discuss motions, propositions, and declare the results of the ballot box election for treasurer, chairman, and vice-chairman.

The summons and agenda can be found here

Curling with the sports club - Registration

Hello, all you cheerful folks!

The exam period is finally behind us, and it's time for CURLING!!! Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 25th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

Before you step onto the ice, please fill out the form below. It's free, so why not give it a try and experience something new?

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and get ready to glide on the ice, throw stones, and laugh until tears roll down.

Hope to see you there!

Link to the form: https://dsekt.se/p3hd

Monday cleaning in META

Hello chapter!

Soon it's time to kick off MONDAY CLEANING! This means that the time has come for people primarily in the First Year to save META from dirt and disorder.

What is a Monday cleaning🧹? Every Monday at 17:17, a group of First Years, organized based on the nØlle-groups, will clean microwaves, the kitchen, benches, etc. The work is quite calm and rarely takes more than 45 minutes in total. Additionally, you get➡️ FIKA⬅️!

What's in it for me? Well, we in METAdorerna have realized the perils of altruism and therefore offer a half ticket to the CLEANING PARTY🥳 the first and second time you clean. If you clean 2 times, you have not only saved META two whole times😎, but also get to attend a gasque for FREE. The cleaning party will take place in the spring🌱 and usually has a sky-high budget so expect a really nice sit-down dinner.

When is it my turn? We will announce which groups are to participate a few days before each Monday cleaning. Each cleaning session will have 2 nØlle-groups from Computer Science and 1 from Media participate (in alphabetical order). If you're not a part of any of these groups, do not fret, for there will be opportunities to help out in the future.

➡️Those who will start cleaning now on Monday (30 October 2023) are thus group Apollo and Boomer-Aang from Computer Science and Dinos from Media. Consider yourselves informed⬅️

TL;DR: We're cleaning META every Monday at 17:17. You'll get fika and half a ticket to "städfesten" (a.k.a. the cleaning party) every time you help out.


Hi chapter! 🔥🔥

Do you also think it has gotten too cold lately? Fear not! The Nymble sauna has been booked and METAdorerna welcomes you into the warmth! It's BYOB, and we'll have free snacks and light beer.

So pack your swimwear, towel and let's go! You are all welcome to the Nymble Sauna this Tuesday (31:st of october) at 17.30!


Filling elections d-Fest

The official d-Fest is is still vacant after 3 chapter meetings. Therefore, The Election Committee is opening a filling election yet again at https://val.datasektionen.se! Please note that the filling election is open for longer than the regular election.

Have a delectable day, the Election Committee

Armada Run

Did you miss Stadium Night Run or did you feel that it was not enough? Then there's another 5k very close to campus. Armada run is set to occur Friday the 3rd of November. This course consists of more tarmac and hard surfaces than the night rrun, which could be good considering the light conditions. The start will be at 16:45 and after the race there will be refreshments. According to the event page the event will conclude at 19:00.

Does it sound fun? Sign up here (20 SEK)

CANCELLED!! :( Halloween Crafts and Costumes with Tag Monkeys

On Friday 27/10 and Monday 30/10 after 17.30 there will be "preparing for Halloween" events in META with Tag Monkeys!

There will be sewing machines and some thread available to make a simple Halloween costume and there will be general Halloween-y materials available for arts&crafts.

OBS: If you want to make a costume, or a piece of a costume, you should bring your own fabric! Otherwise you are welcome to use any materials available.

There will of course be fika for all who join us! Hope to see you!

Saturday Sports: Badminton

Hello hello!

Every Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week (Saturday 28th) we will play badminton. I will bring 8 rackets that you can borrow but we'll rent more if we don't have enough. We have four courts and we play for 2 hours.

I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively.

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there 🙂

Ticket release for First Year Students' Party

Today at precisely 18:00 we will release the tickets to the First Year Students' Party!

Link: https://forms.gle/9EuUx7iVKzfqn7ky5

The tickets are given to the people who are fastest to send a request for a ticket using the link, so there’s no time to lose! Make sure to be ready at the given time.

Here’s a summary of what the First Years Students Party is:


  • What: Ettans fest (First Year Students Party).
  • Ticket release: 18:00 the 20:th of October.
  • Price: Alcoholic 370kr, Alcohol-free 320kr
  • Where: Lavalhallen, Nacka.
  • When is the First Year Students party: 18:00 the 4:th of November.
  • Why: What are you going to do otherwise?
  • How: Phenomenally.
  • Please: Buy a ticket!


It's time for reveal!!! Who are the new knattz in DKM? Come celebrate that the exam period is over together with us and the knattz. It'll be a maxxed out reveal - so come. Be there or be square.

OBS! No food is served on the event and we open at 19.00

Stadium Night Run

You need to register for the race to participate: https://www.stadium.se/online.../running/stadium-night-run Use the code StadiumMember for 100 SEK off. The most iconic rivalry is back, facing off like you have never seen them before; in the 5k. Join me (David Puustinen) and Niklas Vatn for Stadium Night Run on Sunday. It's a 5k in the Woods behind KTH and a chance for you to break your personal best with hundreds of people. Information

  • Register at https://www.stadium.se/online.../running/stadium-night-run with the code StadiumMember
  • You can find all the information at the link above.
  • Cost 100 SEK
  • The race starts at 18.00 at Stockholms Stadion.
  • Be there ahead of time and join the warmup!
  • I will bring some fika, most likely fruit.
  • I have not planned any particular activity before or after, but I plan to stick around for a while so we could perhaps take a group photo.

See you on Sunday!

Election Documents Extra-SM (Bar-SM)

You there, with the right to vote!

The election documents for Bar-SM are now available at dsekt.se/valhandlingar (in swedish). It may be a small chapter meeting but we're electing two of the most important officials in the entire chapter. Do your duty for our future, read!

Have a dELECTable day, The Election Committee

Location for Extra-SM the 18th of October

Extra-SM will be held in META,

We will be handing out food and the bar will be open.

First Year Student's Party

For the purpose of celebrating D-23's arrival, we've arranged a gathering.🤝

One of the finer kind, but with a little extra.🎉

We give you the opportunity to make your evening the best, with "Ettans fest". 🥂

The theme is Astrology, so you can leave "Datalogi".✨

It will be held in Lavalhallen, so there you can drink to your desires. 🍾

Tickets will be released on friday with a bang, at 18:00 that evening.💥

But then 18:00 the 4th November, is a day to remember.🤩

TL;DR: What: Ettans fest (First Year Student's Party). Event language: Swedish Ticket release: 18:00 the 20th of October Price: Alcoholic 370kr, Alcohol-free 320kr Where: Lavalhallen, Nacka. When is the First Year Students party: 18:00 the 4th of November. Why: What are you going to do otherwise? How: Phenomenally. Please: Buy a ticket!

Thanks for wanting to be our guest, we'll see each other on Ettans fest!🥳

QN-Tuesday - Spooky Edition

This 🎃 Halloween, on October 31st, QN and the International Committee are bringing you a special QN-Tuesday - Spooky Edition 👻

We'll serve extraordinarily delicious snacks 🥮, watch a movie 📽️ on the big screen in META, and we encourage everyone to dress up 🥸 like it's Halloween (because it will, in fact, be Halloween). I even hear rumors that the Tag Monkeys will organize costume workshops in advance of the event.

The best costume will even get a prize! 🏅

Saturday Sports: Killerball

Hello Hello!

Hope your studies for your exams are going well!!!🍀

It's good with breaks in between studies 📝 so this Saturday, we will play Killerboll (it's a variation of Dodgeball but more fun!).

We start from 14:00 (2 pm) at KTH Hallen as usual!

Hope to see you there! 😃

Company Event at SEB

Join us for an evening where innovation meets ambition:

Welcome to an inspirational evening with Datasektionen KTH and SEB Tech! During this evening you will hear inspirational talks and discussions about banking, Machine Learning and AI, how it’s closely tied together! There will also be some career focus – how to kickstart your tech career at SEB! Food & drinks will be served! 😋 P.S dont forget your ID.


17:00-17:15 Check in and welcome to SEB.

17:15-18:15 Presentation from Anastasia Varvara, Manne Fagerlin and Parasto Rahgozar + questions

18:15-18:30 Presentation from Shahin Salehi, Tech programme + questions

18:30-20:00 Food, mingle and more interaction with the students


Anastasia Varvara: she is currently a Research Lead at SEBx, an innovation studio at SEB, where she is working towards bringing state-of-the-art AI to real applications. She is also responsible for coordinating the Language track of WARA Media and Language https://wasp-sweden.org/indus.../research-arenas/wara-media/, aiming to bridge the gap between academic research and industry, and contribute to the development and adoption of NLP tools and methods in Sweden. Her background is from KTH, where she achieved a PHD in Computer Science.

Manne Fagerlind: He is working as a Technical Lead of the Machine learning engineering team. He joined SEB five years ago as a data engineer after a long career as backend developer and system architect.

Parastu Rahgozar: She is working as a Scrum master's in the Data & Analytics team. She joined SEB as a backend developer and Scrum master two years ago. Parastu has a rather different background, starting as a Medical Engineer at KTH, working as a consultant after graduation and continuing embarking a journey at SEB.

Shahin Salehi: He is working as a Data Scientist in the Monitoring Solutions team. He kickstarted his career at SEB within the Tech program 2022. He has a master's in computer science with a specialization in AI and data mining.