Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Ticket release for First Year Students' Party

Today at precisely 18:00 we will release the tickets to the First Year Students' Party!

Link: https://forms.gle/9EuUx7iVKzfqn7ky5

The tickets are given to the people who are fastest to send a request for a ticket using the link, so there’s no time to lose! Make sure to be ready at the given time.

Here’s a summary of what the First Years Students Party is:


  • What: Ettans fest (First Year Students Party).
  • Ticket release: 18:00 the 20:th of October.
  • Price: Alcoholic 370kr, Alcohol-free 320kr
  • Where: Lavalhallen, Nacka.
  • When is the First Year Students party: 18:00 the 4:th of November.
  • Why: What are you going to do otherwise?
  • How: Phenomenally.
  • Please: Buy a ticket!

Election Documents Extra-SM (Bar-SM)

You there, with the right to vote!

The election documents for Bar-SM are now available at dsekt.se/valhandlingar (in swedish). It may be a small chapter meeting but we're electing two of the most important officials in the entire chapter. Do your duty for our future, read!

Have a dELECTable day, The Election Committee

Location for Extra-SM the 18th of October

Extra-SM will be held in META,

We will be handing out food and the bar will be open.

Elections at Vinter-VM (Extra-SM #3)

Nominations for elections at Vinter-VM (Extra-SM #3) 2023-11-21 has now opened at https://val.datasektionen.se/ . Vinter-SM is a SM where only elections will be handled, so that you can choose what you want to participate in.

Nominations close on 2023-10-31 23:59 and the deadline for acceptance is 2023-11-07 23:59.

Ballot vote for filling election of Chapter Chairperson

The filling election for the President of the chapter is open, which means that all chapter members are welcome to vote in the chapter's digital ballot system durn. This mandate only extends until the end of the year as this is a filling election.

The ballot will be open until the Extra-SM 18/10-2023, where all members will have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates.


How we’ve longed! But they’ve at last arriiiived!! In META there are numerous boxes filled with the beautiful, magnificent, wonderful, handsome, dazzling, (...), stylish, cerise overall! Prylmångleriet will have an emergency sale outside of META tomorrow from 15:00 to sometime before the slutfest [sic]. We will sell overalls, belts, songbooks and a sewing kit, containing everything needed to start decorating your overall!

PS: There will be more sales of the overalls so no need to hurry. But if you want to wear the overall during the slutfest or want to start sewing your patches, come swing by us!


Hello chapter! The overalls are finally here. We're selling them outside of META right now.


William and Toshi were elected as D-Dagen Project Managers for 2024 earlier this week and it is therefore time to start recruiting for next year's project management team. D-Dagen 2023 was a huge success and the new Project Managers aim to replicate this and make the next fair even better. Make sure to apply to be a part of history in the makings, earn valuable working experience and have loads of fun! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!

Curling Event - Interest Form

Hello Hello Chapter!

Are you excited to play some curling??? It will be a well-deserved award for all the exam cramming!

I want to know how many people are interested as well as what date works best for you. So please fill out the form below!

Link to form: https://dsekt.se/h0gl

Complaint lodge with the Study Board

Hi dear chapter!

Feeling overwhelmed by your studies? Have you been unfairly assessed? Has any part of the course been exceptionally bad? Or is there a course that you think deserves a little extra praise for some reason?

If so, you are warmly welcome to the Study Board's Complaint Cabin! We will set up a table in META tomorrow between 12-3 PM and offer coffee and snacks in exchange for your feedback!

Stay calm, and hope to see you there!

Lost and Found emptying 20/10

Hello chapter!

The time has come to empty the lost and found located in META. If you have lost anything during the recent months it might be good to take a look and see if you can find your belongings. The lost and found is located to the right of the pentry beside the stairs up to the catwalk, there are two baskets there. Its a bit messy and might require some digging.

The chapter hall group METAdorerna will empty the lost and found on Friday the 20 of October.

// METAdorerna

Questions regarding motions, proposals and candidacies at the Budget-SM in Discord

Hello Chapter!

In a continued attempt to shorten SM, we are now testing having motioneers and candidates answer questions outside of SM. This means both that the person has more time to think and that the number of questions on SM is reduced. In addition to this, it also makes it easier for those who cannot be there during the SM.

More information can be read in the Konglig Datasektionens Discord server. It is also there that the questions should be asked.

Link to Discord: https://dsekt.se/discord

PS. If you have a change request for any motion, you are also welcome to announce it in the respective Discord thread. This is to make the process as democratic as possible.

Company meetings at D-Dagen

For the first time ever, this year’s career fair is featuring personalized company meetings. These meetings give you the opportunity to have private meetings with companies that you select beforehand, allowing you to directly talk about future job opportunities. You can sign up for these meetings through this link

Information about personalized company meetings When entering the website you will first have to sign up and fill in some basic information about yourself, as well as upload your resume. This is important as the companies will be vetting all applicants beforehand.

You will then see the 5 companies that are holding personalized meetings this year. Select the companies that you are interested in and pick a time slot that suits you. The time slots will show up in a blue box at the bottom of the screen. Click the button in the lower right corner to get a confirmation email of all your booked meetings.

The companies can cancel a meeting if a selected time slot for some reason does not work for them. In that case, you will receive an email about this and you can simply try to sign up for another slot.

New shopment of dJubilee merch

We have now received a new shipment of our dJubilee t-shirts, and we will begin selling them TONIGHT! They will also be available for sale at future dJubilee events (if we have any left), so it's not automatically over for you just because you're busy tonight!

However, everyone who pre-ordered doesn't need to worry, as we have yours in a safe, warm, and by now slightly wet storage.

See you tonight at DESCathon! I will 1v1 all of you in Minecraft.

Apply to dbuggen!!!!!!!!!!

The intellectually prestigious and extremely serious chapter magazine is looking for computer science students with scoops, lockpicking skills and a Darwin Award... or who are keen to write a column from time to time. Get your article published on https://dbu.gg/ and in a real physical copy...

Apply here ASAP, but at latest: OCT 20

Election Documents Budget-SM

God evening, or morning, or day depending on when you're reading this!

The election documents for Budget-SM are now available at dsekt.se/valhandlingar (in swedish) and are only published 14 minutes too late. Please give them a read if you have even the slightest interest in learning more about the candidates for official positions before the election at SM.

Have a dELECTable day, The CS chapter Election Committee

Audit report to Budget-SM for financial year 2022

You can find the updated audit report for the board's work and financial management during the financial year 2022 here. It is unfortunately only available in Swedish.

Bracelets for the Final Party

Hello everyone! There are only 15 days left until the final party, and we have some exciting news for all of you planning to attend either the dinner or the afterparty!

During the song night happening tonight and expected to start at 18:45, we will begin distributing bracelets for the Final Party!

These bracelets will serve as your ticket to Nymble on the 14th, and you can pick them up at all our upcoming events or on-site. We recommend that everyone who can pick them up in advance to make your experience in the queue much smoother.

See you tonight!

User Translate this: Text för utskick gällande armbanden? Hej allesammans! Nu är det bara 15 dagar kvar till slutfesten och vi har en stor nyhet för alla er som tänker gå på antingen sittningen eller efterköret!

På sångaraftonen som tar plats ikväll och förväntas börja 18:45 så kommer vi börja del ut armband för Slutfesten!

Armbanden kommer vara er biljett in i Nymble den 14e och ni kan hämta den på alla våra framtida event eller på plats. Vi rekommenderar att alla som kan hämta i förväg gör det för att få en väldigt enklare tid i kön.

Vi ses ikväll! Tagga slutfesten!


Text for sending regarding the bracelets? Hello everyone! There are only 15 days left until the final party, and we have some exciting news for all of you planning to attend either the dinner or the afterparty!

During the song night happening tonight and expected to start at 18:45, we will begin distributing bracelets for the Final Party!

These bracelets will serve as your ticket to Nymble on the 14th, and you can pick them up at all our upcoming events or on-site. We recommend that everyone who can pick them up in advance to make your experience in the queue much smoother.

See you tonight!

Let's shape the future* together! (*more specifically the academic year 2025/2026)

Hello, δearest of chapters.

KTH is in the process of deciding on the key dates for the academic year of 2025/2026 and the student union THS wants to gather your opinions as a basis for deciding

  1. when the academic year will start and
  2. when in the spring term the re-exam period will be placed.

There are two suggestions for each question for you to choose between, and you can do so in the linked documents.

Application for dÅrestaben 2024 has opened!

Hello dear chapter! ❄️

Do you want to be part of arranging the most fun trip of the year? Then you're in luck because the application for dÅrestaben 2024 has finally opened! 🏂

dÅrestaben is the group which, together with me, will arrange this years dÅre, the Data chapters annual ski trip. Do you want more information? Then check out the form below!! (there will be fika)

Apply Here!

See you in the slopes! //Project leader of dÅre

DESC Startup Meeting

Hey everyone! Do you think that DESC should be more active and organize more events? We in the DESC board certainly do! But for that we need your help! On this Friday (29/9) at 12:15 we will meet up in front of Meta, go to somewhere in E and have a meeting to discuss some future events we are currently planning. If you want to get involved in DESC, this is your chance! Naturally, we will have fika too!

These events include:

  • Dreamhack
  • Minecraft events (we are currently planning an Ultra Hardcore last-man-standing tournament)
  • Online gaming nights
  • LAN parties
  • Super Smash tournaments

Of course, you're also free to suggest your own ideas!

Looking forward to seeing you! // DESCtop

By-election for Chairman and Board member of Student issues

Hello Chapter. The chairman of the chapter has recused himself as of 2023-09-26. Vice chairman Christofer Gärtner is acting chairman until a new chairman is elected. The Board member of Student issues is also recusing himself. We are thus calling an Extra-SM on the 18th of October and are opening by-election for the posts. Election of Chairman is conducted via Urnval at durn.datasektionen.se. The Urnval is open from 2023-10-13. Election of Board member of Student issues is conducted at val.datasektionen.se. Acceptance stop 2023-10-13.

Application for dJulkalendern 2022!


Applications to dJulkalendern 2023 opens now, so head to https://sök.djul.se to help create the dJulkalender yet!

More information can be found in the form!

dJubilee Tuseday evening

This tuseday! TODAY! In META at 17:17! Will be the biggest, the most bestest and mostest cozyestest tuseday night of this year! Qulturnämnden in collaboration with Tag Monkeys and dJubileet is excited to announce Datas own board game! To be revealed and played tonight..! Also get excited for:

  • Decorating the dJu(be)lgran!
  • Playing Carcassonne with 13 expansions!
  • Prylmångleriet presents: the patch competition! Design your dream patch and the best one shall become reality!
  • Real food? Not just fika but like food food? Yes! (For a small fee) (But of course there'll be fika too :))
  • An r/place-like collaborative pearl bead canvas!
  • And of course our usual catalogue of board games including newcomers Cartographers, Captain Sonar, and Ryktet Går Also Simon wants y'all to know he's bringing the board game Rising Sun and really wants someone to play with him

Annual report for 2022

It's time to close the year of 2022. Here comes the annual report, annual record and economic report for the year of 2022!

Unfortunately the reports are only available in swedish.

Annual Report 2022

Annual Record 2022

Economic Report 2022

Balance Report 2022

Result Report 2022