Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Renovation of the kitchen in META -- 27/11 - 28/11

Hello chapter!

From Monday 27/11 through at least Tuesday 28/11, the kitchen in META will be unavailable as Akademiska Hus will carry out a renovation.

It will still be possible to study in META but there may be loud noises and the kitchen will be cordoned off.

If you have any questions, you can contact the board at drek@datasektionen.se

No Wednesday pub this week with DKM

there'll be no wednesday pub v.48 (next week) - just so you know!

recharge for dJulmiddagen instead!

Urn election and filling election Glögg-SM

Heya, maybe for the last time this year, chapter!

The Election Committee has opened up the urn election för Chair Person, Vice Chair Person and Treasurer. We're happy to announce that it's now possible to change your vote if so desired. head over to durn.datasektionen.se to find the elections for each individual position. More info about how the system works can be found there. The filling election for all positions that are still missing officials after VM is also open at val.datasektionen.se.

Have a dELECTable day, The CS chapter Election Committee

Ticket release for the dJulmiddag tonight!

Hii! I just wanted to push the fact that we're having ticket release for the dJulmiddag tonight! Don't forget to secure your tickets

When does the form release? 19.00 Where does the form get released? See the facebookevent!

Info is in the event!

Sign up for food for the Glögg-Chapter meeting

Hello chapter! It is now possible to sign up for getting food at the Glögg-SM the 5 December. You'll find the form on this url: https://dsekt.se/sm-mat

Last day to sign up is Sunday the 26 November 23:59

Campus investigation Kista and Södertälje

Hi chapter,

The future of KTH Kista and KTH Södertälje is currently under review by KTH.

A huge investigation has been made during the year, culminating in a decision by the University Board (who has more power than Rektor) by the end of the year. Before that, we at the Student Union THS wants to hear which worries you carry and which aspects are most important for you going forward. THS has actively represented the student perspective throughout the whole investigation and will continue to impact the discussions at KTH.

Share your opinions on these campuses by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/PTgz9EjU3pvyRncH6

(This message was originally sent out by THS Head of Educational Affairs)

Application to Titel 2024 closes soon!

Hello everyone!

Time flies incredibly fast and the fact is that the application for Titel 2024 closes already this Saturday at midnight. So if you're still undecided about whether to apply or not, the best thing you can do is apply!! Then you can ask all your questions and thoughts to Lucas and Carl at the interview!

Apply here! See you at the interview! ♥️

Election Documents Vinter-VM (Extra-SM #3)

Hello, honorable chapter!

The election documents for Budget-SM are now available at dsekt.se/valhandlingar (in swedish). Many people are up for election right now so do what's best and read through them carefully. (if you're able to translate the with any success, that is)

Have a dELECTable day, The CS chapter Election Committee

CPR training updated link


It has come to my attention that the registration link provided was faulty. Here comes an updated link!

For more information, please refer to the previous post: https://datasektionen.se/en/news/11215

Application to the project group for the Spring Ball closing soon🌷

Application to the project group for the Spring Ball is closing on wednesday. So make sure to apply nowwww by the linked form🌷

CPR training

Most groups have now finished their recruitment meaning it is about time for CPR training for members of our chapter!

The training will be divided into two groups and take place either the 28th or 30th of November. All members of the chapter are welcome to sign up, however certain groups may be prioritised in case of a shortage of spots.

Last date to apply is Monday November 20th.

IMPORTANT: The training will be held in Swedish this time. If you wish to attend, however do not understand swedish, please contact me at sma@datasektionen.se

dÅre 2024

Do you long for snow and skiing? Then fret no more for soon it will finally be time for dÅre 2024, that is, the Data chapter’s annual trip to ... wait a little, not Åre… this year the trip will be to Vemdalen! Despite that, we in dÅrestaben believe this will be one of the best ski trips in chapter history. This will also be the largest trip ever, since we will gather 144 excited students and spend 5 truly maxed out days together. The bus leaves late in the evening Saturday 13/1, and we will be home again Thursday 18/1. You really don’t want to miss this!!!!

Tickets will be released during a pub with DKM on the 15/11, so make sure you don't miss it!

More information about dÅre and the ticket release can be found in the facebook-event!

See you in the slopes!

Election for Project lead for Project Pride

Nominations for Project lead for Project Pride at Vinter-VM (Extra-SM #3) 2023-11-21 has now opened at https://val.datasektionen.se/. Project Pride is the project responsible for arranging Datasektionen's lorry during Stockholm Pride.

Nominations close on 2023-11-13 23:59 and the deadline for acceptance is 2023-11-20 23:59.

Titel24 Application is open!

Hello everyone!! 🤩

It turns out that the application for Title24 is now open! WHAT A THING! 😍 If you're excited to organize the Reception 2024, don't hesitate to apply! The application closes on November 18th so make sure to apply before it's too late!!!!!


Sign up for food for the Winter election meeting

Hello chapter! It is now possible to sign up for getting food at the Winter election meeting the 21 November. You'll find the form on this url: https://dsekt.se/sm-mat

Apply to the project group for the Spring Ball🌷

Spring Greetings! Even though we first must endure a long winter, spring is slowly approaching. This also means that the Spring Ball 2024 is getting closer! 🥳

The Spring Ball is one of the computer science chapters finest gatherings, but it doesn't organize itself, which is why the application for “Vårbalsarmen” 2024 is now open! Apply for the project group for the Spring Ball at http://dsekt.se/sokvarbalen; it's going to be a lot of fun! ❤️

More information about what it means to be part of the project group can be found in the form. 🌷

Applications for Datasladden closing soon

All good things must come to an end. As must the applications for Datasladden. The last opportunity to fill in the application form will be this Sunday (2023-11-05).

See you in the front seat!

A final Friday-sale

Prylmångleriet will have an extra Friday sale today at 4pm, outside of META. Note that the regular sales have been moved to Wednesdays.

✨ Become a Substitute for Studs today! ✨

Hey there Chapter! Do you want to interact with interesting companies by attending exclusive evening events? Then there’s a solution for you, fill out the following form and become a substitute for Studs 2024! 🐸 https://dsekt.se/inhoppare

But what is a substitute? 🤔 If any of the project's 30 regular members can't attend an event, there's a chance that, if you're on this reserve list, you'll be offered the opportunity to participate as a substitute. Each event lasts for ~3 hours, and food and drinks are always provided. 🍕🥤✨

🥳 Sign up now, and perhaps we'll see you at an upcoming company event! 🥳

If you're curious to learn more, you can check out Studs: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/StudsKTH) Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/studskth/) Webpage (https://studieresan.se/)

Registration of courses for the spring semester

Hello dear chapter!

It is time to apply for courses you intend to take during the spring semester of 2024, which is done via https://www.antagning.se/.

Course registration opens today (November 1) and closes on November 15. Those of you that are first year students have received more detailed information about this via email since it's the first time you are doing this!

If you need to refresh your memory, there is a guide here: https://www.kth.se/student/studier/val/valja-kurs-1.316312.

Please don't wait until the last minute 🙈. If you encounter problems, contact the study counsellors at svl-data@kth.se (Bachelor's) or cs-master@kth.se (Master's).

Have a nice weekend! ❤️

Applications for Datasladden is open!

The smallest club in the chapter is now recruiting new members! We are looking for applicants who like driving, have seen an anti-rollbar or just are generally interested. A manual car license is mandatory.


APPLY for Adapter!


Wednesday sales

Hello chapter! Starting tomorrow, Prylmångleriet will hold sales on Wednesdays instead of Fridays. As usual, we stand outside META during lunchtime.

Curling with the sports club - Registration

Hello, all you cheerful folks!

The exam period is finally behind us, and it's time for CURLING!!! Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 25th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

Before you step onto the ice, please fill out the form below. It's free, so why not give it a try and experience something new?

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and get ready to glide on the ice, throw stones, and laugh until tears roll down.

Hope to see you there!

Link to the form: https://dsekt.se/p3hd

Monday cleaning in META

Hello chapter!

Soon it's time to kick off MONDAY CLEANING! This means that the time has come for people primarily in the First Year to save META from dirt and disorder.

What is a Monday cleaning🧹? Every Monday at 17:17, a group of First Years, organized based on the nØlle-groups, will clean microwaves, the kitchen, benches, etc. The work is quite calm and rarely takes more than 45 minutes in total. Additionally, you get➡️ FIKA⬅️!

What's in it for me? Well, we in METAdorerna have realized the perils of altruism and therefore offer a half ticket to the CLEANING PARTY🥳 the first and second time you clean. If you clean 2 times, you have not only saved META two whole times😎, but also get to attend a gasque for FREE. The cleaning party will take place in the spring🌱 and usually has a sky-high budget so expect a really nice sit-down dinner.

When is it my turn? We will announce which groups are to participate a few days before each Monday cleaning. Each cleaning session will have 2 nØlle-groups from Computer Science and 1 from Media participate (in alphabetical order). If you're not a part of any of these groups, do not fret, for there will be opportunities to help out in the future.

➡️Those who will start cleaning now on Monday (30 October 2023) are thus group Apollo and Boomer-Aang from Computer Science and Dinos from Media. Consider yourselves informed⬅️

TL;DR: We're cleaning META every Monday at 17:17. You'll get fika and half a ticket to "städfesten" (a.k.a. the cleaning party) every time you help out.

Filling elections d-Fest

The official d-Fest is is still vacant after 3 chapter meetings. Therefore, The Election Committee is opening a filling election yet again at https://val.datasektionen.se! Please note that the filling election is open for longer than the regular election.

Have a delectable day, the Election Committee