

Equality: That all individuals, as fellow human beings, are of equal value and deserve humanity. Equality in society means equal opportunities but also equal obligations.

Diversity: Variation of characteristics and background of individuals in a group. Can be divided into primary and secondary. The primary diversity is something that is largely static through life and that you are more or less born into, i.e. the 7 grounds of discrimination (see Discrimination). The secondary diversity is everything else that makes you you, for example financial situation, professional role, family situation.

Equal Treatment: That all people should be treated equally regardless of their circumstances.

THS JML-policy: The guidelines for JML that apply to all activities within THS (including the Computer Science Chapter). It can be read in its entirety HERE.

The Chapter's Equality Policy: An extension of the THS JML policy that specifies how we at the section apply the policy and how we ourselves work with JML. It can be read HERE.

KTH's routines for reporting incidents and investigations: The routines for receiving reports and/or investigating cases within discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and offensive treatment that KTH practices. They can be read HERE.

Equal Conditions: That all people should have the same opportunities regardless of their circumstances.

Discrimination: When a person or a group of people are treated worse in a way linked to the seven grounds of discrimination. The discrimination can be direct, indirect or in the form of harassment. See more under the heading Discrimination and Harassment.

  1. Sex
  2. Gender identity or expression
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Religion or other belief
  5. Disability
  6. Sexual orientation
  7. Age

Harassment: Behavior that in some way offends a person and is in some way connected to the grounds of discrimination (see above). They are prohibited by law in Sweden. See more under the heading Discrimination and harassment.

Sexual Harassment: A special kind of harassment that in some way alludes to the body or sex and that the recipient perceives as unpleasant. See more under the heading Discrimination and Harassment.

Norms: What is socially accepted and considered normal. Can be seen as an unwritten rule for how one should be, look or act. See more under the heading Norms.

Bias: An assessment that can be perceived as objective even though it is based on personal (conscious and subconscious) opinions.

Cisperson: Someone who identifies with the gender assigned at birth.

Transperson: Someone who does not identify at all or partially with the gender assigned at birth.

Non-binary: Someone who identifies as between, beyond or with both gender categories female/male.

Priority of Interpretation: People belonging to an oppressed group have first say in defining what that oppression looks like, what is derogatory towards this group and how the fight against their oppression shall be waged.

Last updated 5 August 2024