Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

International Committee: Kick-Off Meeting

Haven't you always wanted to...

  • broaden your horizon
  • meet students from all over the world
  • organize fun events
  • work together with internationals
  • help us to include internationals into our chapter

At our Kick-Off meeting we decide, which projects/events we want to do in P3/P4!

We meet in META and then find an empty seminar room.

Extra Chapter Meeting

On February 9th Extra Chapter Meeting will be held in D1 at 17:30 on Campus Valhallavägen. The reserve date is the 13th of February at Campus Valhallavägen.

Motions dealing with the acoustics in META, CPR training for chapter functionaries and active chapter members, the election process for the Union Council representatives and the budget for Blums will be discussed. In addition to this, a proposition for revision of the budget will also be discussed.

At the chapter meeting, by-elections will be held for the vacant board positions, Program Responsible Student, Auditor, Student Protection Officer, Speaker and Quapellmästare.

Lastly, the second reading will be held for the motion “En ny Era för Kårfullmäktige”.

All chapter members are welcome!

The complete summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here.

Sign-up for food

The Occult Gasque - METAspex external gasque

Hello chapter!

Do you feel that life has no meaning? Do you want to communicate with higher powers? Then SpexM invites you to an evening you will never forget!

The Occult Gasque is the METAspex's external gasque where members of the Computer Science and Media chapters, spexers and non-spexers, gather for a really special and mysterious session...

It will take place on 18/2 at 19.00, more info and ticket release will be on the Facebook event, so click in there and see you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/617440540191518?ref=newsfeed

Study Board Meeting

January the 30th the Study Board are holding a meeting at 12:15. There the members will discuss the current courses running this period.

Survey regarding the EECS Educational Office's availability and information

Hi Chapter!

The Educational Office at the EECS school has tasked the Chapter Board to find out how the chapter feels about their availability and the flow of information before the next meeting.

It contains questions regarding appointment booking versus drop-in, whether you want digital alternatives to physical meetings and whether the programme web works well.

It would be appreciated if you could take a minute to answer this survey: dsekt.se/kansli-formular

D-directorate via, Abhinav Sasikumar Board Member for Educational Issues

Apply to become master/international student representative at the Study Board!

Hello chapter!❤️

The studies have begun for period 3 and we now need master representatives as well as international student representatives who are dedicated to evaluating and improving the computer science program. Being a master/international student representative means that you represent your master/international student group, both at the Study Board's meetings (a half-hour lunch meeting every two weeks) and when we go to link meetings.

"What is a link meeting?", you are probably wondering. Link meetings are meetings that take place once per term, where the year representatives meet those responsible for the courses and the computer program as a whole. Where we have a huge chance to influence and improve our program!

Another important task for the representatives is to complain about courses, consume our fika budget and go to our Teambuildings!🤩

So, fill out the form and APPLY!

Lunch lecture with Etimo

Welcome to a lunch lecture with the consulting company Etimo! Come and listen as Philip and Björn from Etimo talk more about the topic "What does it mean to be a consultant". 🤩🤩🤩

Etimo also offers lunch! 🥳 There is a limited number of places and first come, first served. sign up here: http://www.nlg.bz/etimo

When: 31th january 12.15 Where: V1

More about the lecture: "What does it mean to be a consultant" Etimo is a family consulting company with a strong focus on employees, knowledge and work for a better world. On January 31st, Philip Forsberg and Björn Wahlberg from Etimo will visit to talk about what it means to be a consultant. They will outline what types of assignments there are, what is expected of a consultant, what support you get from your colleagues and how the consultant role differs from employment at a product company. Etimo works to develop customized digital web and cloud solutions for its customers, which are everything from large companies to start-ups. Etimo is passionate about technology, customer value and societal benefit, 10% of Etimo's time always goes to skills development. Two days every other month, Etimo has internal code days where they code open source together and socialize with colleagues, every Friday they meet in the office to exchange experiences and learn from each other. You are warmly welcome to listen in and meet Etimo!

Important message to the Chapter

Hello everyone!

Here’s some important information from the board.


The board is currently understaffed and it will be difficult for us to keep up with all the work. Please be well in advance with items you need help with.

The extra chapter meeting is on the 9th of February and a number of important items will be dealt with, including a major budget revision.

The chapter would like to have “frackband”. Send your suggestions to drek@datasektionen.se.

Few people on the board

The first thing is that at the time of writing we have four vacancies on the Board (Secretary, Vice treasurer, Board member for student social affairs and Board member forsStudent environment and equality).

This means that the board may have longer response times than usual and that we will not be able to focus on the issues normally dealt with by the vacant posts. Another consequence is that less will be done on other fronts as the rest of the board needs to take up the slack. So please be out in good time if you have matters that need to be dealt with.


We will have an extra chapter meeting on the 9th of February where important motions and a major budget revision will be dealt with.

The motions that will be dealt with are

  • Motion to review the acoustics of META
  • Motion regarding CPR training for elected officials and chapter members
  • Motion regarding the election process for members of the Union Council
  • Motion regarding budget for Blums

Elections for many important positions will be held at the Extra-SM. In addition to the Board vacancies, elections will be held for several important positions,

  • Programme responsible student
  • Auditor
  • Student Safety Officer
  • Speaker.

As this is an extra chapter meeting, no other motions will be considered. Notice will be sent separately.


During the Glögg-SM, “frackband” for the Section came up as another issue. There were various options presented during the Glögg-SM but none of the proposals were preferred by the CM.

“Frackband” are mainly used when representing the chapter in external contexts. Therefore, the design should be in accordance with our graphic profile.

Please send your suggestions to drek@datasektionen.se.

Apply for the Board-DM

On January 30th a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet at 17:30. At the DM, the board will, among other things, close a few projects, discuss some per capsulam decisions as well as a few motions in preparation for SM.

All chapter members are welcome!

The summon can be found here.

The agenda can be found here.

The supplemantary agenda can be found here

Sunday Sports: Volleyball

Hi! Every Sunday from 14 to 15 we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week we will play volleyball. I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively.

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there! Don't forget to bring your good mood and indoor shoes!

Become a substitute at Studs!

Hello Chapter!

Are you interested in attending exciting business events, finding summer jobs or a place to write your master’s thesis, or generally curious about work life? Then we strongly recommend registering as a substitute for Studs 2023! There are usually a few members of Studs who are unable to attend an event, which can provide you the opportunity of going in their stead! In addition to getting to know the company and their offices, each event offers fun activities, tasty food and refreshing beverages! You can also upload your CV so that the companies whose events you attend more easily can contact you regarding summer jobs, master’s thesis opportunities, employment etc!

The registration is not binding and is open throughout the spring term, so what are you waiting for? Register now at https://dsekt.se/inhoppare ! (But the later you register the more events you risk missing ;) )

Sunday Sports: Badminton

Hi! Sundays from 14 to 15 we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week we will play Badminton. I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively. There are rackets to borrow, but feel free to bring your own if you have one!

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there! Don't forget to bring your good mood and indoor shoes!

First prylis-sale of the year

Hi everyone! Prylmångleriet will hold its first sale of the year this Friday. We will be outside META during lunch.

D-22: The D-22 (class enrolling in 2022) patch will be sold.

METAspexet: New patches and stickers will be sold. Overalls: Message me if you want to reserve overalls.

Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/dataprylis

Email: prylis@datasektionen.se

Extra Student Union Council meeting

Hello all chapter members!

On Tuesday the 24th at 6pm there will be a Extra Studen Union Council meeting. We will be in Kröken, in Nymble.

All THS members are welcome to come and listen (if you are a member of Data, you are a member of THS). However, only us elected delegates are allowed to speak during the meeting, so please talk to us if you have any opinions. We are Jakob Carlsson, Noah Hopkins, Pontus Söderlund, and David Puustinen; and deputies Fabian Andréasson and Douglas Fischer.

We will discuss:

  • A major refurbishment of the restaurant in Nymble, which will cost about 5 million
  • Whether THS should get its own car
  • Election of new members for the THS election committee (all members can apply!)

Full handouts can be found here.

The KF, or Kårfullmäktige (Student Union Council), is the highest decision-making body of THS and thus decides, among other things, what the chapters can do. A number of delegates are elected from each chapter in proportion to the number of members, and we then have about 4-6 meetings per year. Think of it a bit like the EU but for chapters and you have a pretty good picture of the whole thing. Starting next year, members are elected at the SM so look forward to that!

FIlling elections Extra-SM

Good continuation, chapter!

After a spectacular amount of acceptances last SM we still have a few vacant posts. Since Extra-SM is on the horizon the Election Committee found it appropriate to open nominations for the following posts:

  • Board member for study environment and equal treatment (d-SOL)
  • Programme responsible student (PAS)
  • Statutory auditor
  • Speaker
  • Quapellmaster (project leader for the preservation of Metaspexets music)
  • Vice Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Student Ombudsman (SSO)

Nominate someone you know, someone you're sitting next to, or maybe in front of on https://val.datasektionen.se/ now!!!

Have a whaley pleasant day, Chair of the Election Committee

This year's first Qulture Tuesday

17.17 on TUESDAYS we'll play board games and Switch and have fika in META! Join us and meet new people and try out new games on this year's first qulture Tuesday!!! (Old games also available)

Also join our Discord!


Speed Friending!

Hello chapter!❤️

When? January 27th, 17:30 Where? META What? Get to know the new incoming international students + Free Fika! 🍪

The “Speed-friending” event is a totally new event that we want to try this semester for the first time! It is perfect for you if you want to not only meet cool new people from (nearly) all over the world but also get a chance to find out more about studying abroad and about their home countries!

We want this event to be a win-win for both Swedish and international students, so keep in mind that we also want to give the international students a chance to get into contact with you to find out more about studying here at KTH, what you can do in Stockholm in you free time and so on! We would be super happy to see lots of you show up at the event to welcome the internationals together! ☺️

Answer the form to participate! Click here

Complaint Lodge with the Study Board and Equality Committee

Hi chapter ❤️!

The exam period is upon us and that means that we soon have link meetings with SVL and program responsible faculty.

We in the Study board🦉and Equality Committe 🏳️‍🌈 are therefore inviting you to a Complaint Lodge to gather opinions!

Come and complain about courses, talk about the study environment or discuss equality!

There will of course be Fika!

When? Thursday (12/1) during lunch (12-13)

Where? In META

Is there fika? Of course there is!

Discord event: https://discord.com/events/687747877736546335/1062318498145108008

Extra Lecture in Linear Algebra (SF1624)!

Hello dear exam writing students!

The study board's dear course representatives have arranged yet another extra lecture in SF1624 before the exam! It will be held tomorrow Saturday January 7 in Fantum between 13.00-15.00. Fantum is in the F house and demands that we open the doors for you. So try to arrive on time or email esmal@datasektionen.se if you are late. Unfortunately, there will be no fika this time :(

Even if you have not written your interest to attend in our previous form, you are of course still welcome to participate!

See you there!


In accordance with our statutes §4.4 Brådskande ärenden and §4.8 D-rektiv I hereby issue a D-rektiv.

The D-rective reads as follows:

Life can feel monotonous sometimes, dare to try new things. Worst case scenario is that you're more satisfied with your previous existance.

It has been a great year with many advancements, we've had a year without restrictions, the spring ball finally got arranged after being cancelled two years in a row, we've had the biggest D-Dagen ever, an epic reception, fantastic educational monitoring and good progress on external relations. There's a lot more, the Chapter is evolving rapidly.

Thanks to everyone that has made the Chapter to what it is during 2022! I would also like to dedicate a special thanks to all the officials of The Chapter that have evolved and worked for Konglig Datasektionen during 2022, the pleasure of working for and with you has been on my side. Finally i wish all the Officials a good 2023, I know that you're capable of great deeds.

See you on the roads/in the tracks/hills — David Puustinen, Chairperson 2022

Bowling with the international committee and the sports club

Welcome to our last event of the year - Bowling!

We will go bowling at O'Learys Norrtull on Thursday the 29th of December. You can either meet us at O'Learys at 16.45 or walk from META leaving 16.25.

We will be bowling for 55 minutes and then we will walk back to META buying pizza on the way there.

Since O'Learys only have so many bowling lanes we are limited to 36 spots, so if you want to come, sign up now! With that said, don't sign up if you don't plan on coming since it might stop someone else from playing.

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/YA22MngXzJq5WPfm6

If you signed up and can no longer come, send an email to isc@datasektionen.se

Price: FREE!! Food: Pizza (if you sign up) How: Sign up in the form and then come as you are! Date: 16:45 - 20:00 (open end) on the 29th of December Where: Sveavägen 143, 113 46 Stockholm (O'Learys Norrtull)

The event is organised by the international committees at data (computer science) and media together with the sports club at data.

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/3Z3iGLSw7

Hope to see you there! 🎳

Public vote about forum channels and ping-roles

Today, we bring two very important votes related to our official Discord server, Konglig Datasektionen. We would greatly appreciate your voice in the matter.

If you are not already a member on the Discordserver, you can join it through: http://dsekt.se/discord

🗳️ 1. Course Channels: Forum vs Text

Do you think we should stick with our current course channels or switch back to normal plain text channels?

Vote here: https://forms.gle/maSCaoLJ9iHvY6GY9

We will implement the winning solution during the Christmas break.

🗳️ 2. Ping-roles and notifications

Do you feel you get pinged to much on this server? Do you feel adding ping-roles would cripple the chapter's ability to reach its students?

Vote on the issue of implementing ping-roles here: https://forms.gle/fnWrUH3gXmqopwoC7

Educational news 📰

Hi Chapter!

We are now approaching the end of the year and the Study Board would like to inform you about what has been going on and what will happen in the near future.

Below are some of the most important points:

  • From tomorrow (15th December) the schedule will require login to view details
  • Anders Söderholm has been installed as the new President of KTH

Click here to read more.

We in the Study Board wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year! 💙

Sunday Sports

Hi! Sundays from 14 to 15 we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week we will play floorball. I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively. My plan is to only play games, but if someone shows up that wants to teach us some technique we can practice for some part of the hour!

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there! Don't forget to bring your good mood and indoor shoes!

Extra Lecture in Linear Algebra (SF1624)!

The 15th of December will Jonathan Fransson, founder of Elevri and a known KTH teaching assistant hold an extra lecture in Linear algebra and Geometry (SF1624). The Study Board will be there and provide with some fika! For those who want to attend, fill out the form below.