Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Melty Bead night with the International nämnd

Are you interested in playing around with melty beads or stringing beads together to make something fun? Do you want to interact with people from all over the world? Or do you simply like pretty colours? Come join Tag Monkeys and the International Committee as we organize a fun evening of beads for both international and local students to mingle and play with beads.

The event takes place 20/3 between 17.15 - 21.00. The room we will occupy will be added on Tag Monkeys discord. You need no prior experience and there is no need to sign up. Just show up as you are, for as long as you'd like, and most importantly, enjoy yourself!

For more information, join the Tag Monkeys discord: https://discord.gg/yD3amRVmMT

Survey on Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Conditions!⚖️

Hello chapter!

The time has come for you to fill in this year's JML (Survey on Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Conditions) survey. It's a great way to express your opinions and influence the chapter’s JML work and we really appreciate it. You are of course anonymous :)


Sunday Sports: Dodgeball

Hi! Sundays from 14 to 15 we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week we will play dodgeball. I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively. My plan is to only play games, but if someone shows up that wants to teach us some technique we can practice for some part of the hour!

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there! Don't forget to bring your good mood and indoor shoes!

Bouldering with the Sports club!

Hi! It's finally bouldering time and it will be a well-deserved pause in your exam studies.

We will meet att Klätterverket Gasverket 10.00am Thursday 16/3. The chapter will pay the entrance fee for the first 25 that registers. Please register even if you have a membership and don't need the chapter to pay for your entrance. I want to know roughly the number of people that will show up!


Workday in META

On saturday (11/3) it's a workday in META which means that METAdorerna will be there to fix various things. If you want to come help you are very welcome, but please contact me first (preferable on the META-slack).

META will also be visited by a scaffold which will be there for us to work on the rig. It will be in META more or less all weekend and it is of the highest importance that it is left alone. It will be built on friday and may still be there on sunday.

For more information you can contact me on slack.

Work at THS!

The THS Management Team is looking for candidates for the next term of office. The positions that are open for application are

  • Head of Educational Affairs
  • Reception Coordinator
  • Head of Business Relations
  • Editor-in-Chief - Osqledaren
  • Head of Student Social Activities
  • Head of Student Welfare

These are one-year paid positions, which means that you take a one-year break from your studies to work at THS.

You can also apply to become a member of the THS student union board. This is a post you have in addition to your studies, like most things in the chapter and the union.

The last day to apply is March 18th, and you should send in a CV and personal letter. You can also nominate someone you think would be suitable.

More information, including details of each post, can be found on the THS website. https://ths.kth.se/en/about-ths/apply-ths

[cancelled]Solar party PUB

Take a break from your exam studies and come to META, because this Wednesday we will celebrate with a solar party!! Ada and DKM invites ypu to a cozy oub in celebration of International Womens Day! There will be good food, summer-y drinks and good vibes!!! See you at the pub!<33

Summons to DM before Revisions-SM D-directorate meeting

On March 20th a DM will be held in Sektionsrummet in Nymble at 17:30. At the DM, the board will, among other things, handle multiple decision matters, discuss some per capsulam decisions as well as a few motions in preparation for SM.

All chapter members are welcome!

The summon can be found here

The agenda can be found here.

Action minutes can be found here.

The Spring Ball 2023

The snow has almost thawed completley and spring is soon upon us. This means that the time has come for the Spring Ball! 🤩

This years' Spring Ball will be held on the 15th of April. Tickets will be released on the 22nd of March. More information about the tickets and how to get them will be published later!

But, the Spring Ball won't happen by itself, so apply to the project group if you are interested in helping me to oranize the event. You can apply here: dsekt.se/sokvarbalen. More infomation is available in the sign-up form.

Apply to the CS chapter's E-Sports Community (DESC) team now!

Do you enjoy gaming and want to take part in creating the best gaming club possible? Good news, the DESC team is now accepting applications! DESC is data's gaming board and we organize gaming events such as Discord game nights, Tuesdays with QN, tournaments, and LAN parties. In addition, we have a Meta Quest 2 and a Nintendo Switch! Apply to the DESC team now - applications are open until midnight Friday 24th March! Apply here: https://forms.gle/i5jgxY2QdTYud9Sz8

Sale of new patches

Hello chapter! On Friday there is a prylis-sale and we will be selling three new patches: Ser Is (See Ice), Achievement - Singer and NLG's new logo (only sold to NLG). As usual, we will be standing outside META during lunchtime.

Exam Hut with the Study Board 🦉

Hello all brave exam takers!

Are you studying Single variable calculus (SF1625) or Multivariable calculuas (SF1626) in this period? Do you think it's boring to sit at home and study? Then this is the right event for you!

We in the Study Board 🦉 will hold an exam hut where you sit down and solve an exam during almost the same time limit and then go through all the exercises together.

Of course there will be fika too! 🍩 🍪

Where? Some hall in the E or D building. We will get back to you regarding the exact location. **When? ** Monday, March 6, 2023 at 1:00 p.m How? Come with a paper and pen and we'll bring the rest!

Fill out the form if you're interested to make sure you get fika! dsekt.se/tentastuga

See you there!!

Apply to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) Student Council

You have the chance to represent KTH in the Student Council of the The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. The council consists of up to 20 students from universities all over Sweden and the Vice Chairman is currently a student from KTH, so of course we want a new student representative from us!

Information about the assignment

IVA's student council's task is to promote technical and economic sciences as well as the development of business. The academy conducts activities within, among other things, education, business, community development and climate change, where the Student Council actively contributes by adding an important student and doctoral student perspective among the members who are otherwise elected to IVA for life.

The Student Council also organizes its own activities within the framework of IVA and runs projects that deal with, among other things, climate issues, digitization and diversity. The members of the council come from universities spread all over Sweden, and form a link between IVA and the institutions of higher education. KTH usually pays for accommodation and travel to the Student Council meetings around the country.

Participation in the Student Council takes place for two years and therefore requires that you have at least two years left of your studies. You will officially take office from the autumn of 2023. On the council's website you can read more about the assignment and what merits the application: https://www.iva.se/en/About-IVA/student-council/.

Application Process

You apply for the assignment no later than March 13 by emailing utbildning@ths.kth.se with a CV and an introduction of yourself and why you are interested in the assignment. Later in the process you will be asked to provide more information. THS will receive your email, review the applicants and pass on applications to the principal, Anders Söderholm. He decides on who KTH nominates and gives that decision to the current Student Council, which finally elects new members.

It is worth noting that Swedish knowledge is a requirement to be a part of the Student Council.

Complaint hut with SN & JN!

Hi chapter ❤️!

The exam period is soon upon us and that means that we soon have link meetings with SVL and program responsible faculty.

We in the Study board🦉and Equality Committe 🏳️‍🌈 ⚖️ are therefore inviting you to a Complaint Lodge to gather opinions!

Come and complain about courses, talk about the study environment or discuss equality!

There will of course be Fika!

When? Wednesday (1/3) during lunch (12-13)

Where? In META

Is there fika? Of course there is!

Election for KF

Hey there Chapter! Starting this SM Kårfullmäktige is elected at SM. For those of you that don't know KF is like SM but at THS, so it's very important that we have good representatives from Data.

You may now nominate people (or yourselves) at https://val.datasektionen.se/ !

The belugas send their regards, The Election Committee

Theme reveal pub!

FINALLY, the time has come for METAspexet to reveal the theme of this year's spex! Next Wednesday, the 1st of March, SpexM takes over the bar to let you guys enjoy themed drinks and good food, hanging out with spexers and to reveal this year's spex theme! We spexers have worked really hard these last few months, and want to share it with you all, so COME to the pub and have fun with us!

Filling elections Revisions-SM

Heya, chapter!

After Extra-SM a portion of the posts that remained vacant since Glögg-SM were filled by valiant individuals. Unfortunately some of the most important posts remain empty. Therefore the Election Committee opens nominations for:

  • Programme responsible student (PAS)
  • Statutory auditor
  • Secretary
  • Student Protection Representative (SSO)
  • Speaker

Nominate someone you know, someone you're sitting next to, or maybe in front of on https://val.datasektionen.se/ now!!!

Have a delectable day, the Election Committee

Movie Night (INxQN)

Sign-UP >>>> https://forms.gle/5pme9wrhfKaXQj5B7

Movie night - both international and Swedish students welcome!


We will be showing the Oscar-nominated Triangle of Sadness (2022), by Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund.


The movie will start a bit later, so you will have plenty of time to mingle and play some games before and after.

Free snacks will also be provided, so come hang out and watch a great movie!

Sunday Hike

Meeting point

We meet at 14:00 at Bergshamra Subway Station, which is reachable by the red line (two stations from KTH).

Hike length + difficulty

The hike will be 10 km (ca. 3:30h) with an extra 7km for those who want to go on a bit longer. We follow the following route: https://www.komoot.de/tour/488637976

The hike is for (almost) everybody: You don’t need expertise but should feel comfortable walking for a few hours.

What to bring

Wear stable shoes and bring enough water (min. 1 litre) for the tour! We’ll bring some “hiking snacks”, but if you think about doing the 17 km, you should probably bring something more to eat yourself.

Flexible end & Sauna

In case you also join the Sauna Event, you can directly go from the hike into the sauna (which will already be prepared), no matter which route you choose!

(no) Sign-Up

No Sign-up required, but maybe show that you are interested on Discord/Facebook/etc. 😀


On March 28th a CM will be held at 17:30 in D1. The reserve date is March 30th in D1

The last day for submitting motions is March 14th. During the Meeting, we will be reviewing last year’s reports and summaries, as well as discussing the discharge of the D-directorate of 2022 and committees with accounting obligation. We will also discuss motions and propositions.

All chapter members are welcome!

The summon can be found here

The Agenda can be found here

Action minutes can be found here

Sign-up for food: https://dsekt.se/smmat

Sunday Sports: Badminton

Hi! Sundays from 14 to 15 we have booked KTH Hallen for the rest of the semester. This week we will play Badminton. I will try to vary the sports in the following weeks. And please come with suggestions for what we can do!!!

Everyone is welcome! The primary goal is having fun, not to play super competitively. There are rackets to borrow, but feel free to bring your own if you have one!

All events are published in our sports group on Facebook.

Hope to see you there! Don't forget to bring your good mood and indoor shoes!


Today is the last day you can purchase tickets to the most maxxed out event of the year, BLUMS!

It's going to be an incredible night one truly does not want to miss!

More information can be found in the facebook event or at: blums.dkm.io


This Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday which means semlor (shrovetide buns)! From 17.15 in META there will be gaming as well as semlor!

Study Board Meeting

February the 20th the Study Board are holding a meeting at 12:15. There the members will discuss the current courses running this period.

Nominations to the Honorary delta and THS Kamratstipendium

Hello everyone!

The honorary delta is the Chapter's finest award and is given to those who have done a lot of good for the Chapter. Nominations can be made at dsekt.se/hedersdelta. The recipients will be presented at the Audit-CM and awarded at the spring ball. Previous years' recipients and motivations can be found at datasektionen.se/sektion/hedersdelta.

Do you know someone who has been particularly helpful or a kind friend? Nominate them for the THS Kamratstipendium at dsekt.se/kamrat! THS Kamratstipendium is awarded to good friends at each of the union's chapters. Nominations will be determined at the Audit-CM and then sent to THS.

The deadline to nominate for the 2023 honorary delta and THS THS Kamratstipendium is March 19th.