Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Management team, Vårbalen 2017

The applications for the management team for Vårbalen 2017 is open.

If you don't know what Vårbalen is, it is a fancy dinner during the spring which has not arranged for a few years.

Do you want to restart a cool tradition? Apply now!

More people will be needed later on, to actually put the plan to work, but more information regarding that will be given during the autumn.

If you have any questions, just write and ask me.

I hope you're hyped!

/Per Hellström, Vårbalsgeneral 2017


Agenda for the DM-before-Budget-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Agenda for the Soft-Start-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Food at the Budget Chapter Meeting

Here is the form to get food at the Budget Chapter Meeting! https://goo.gl/forms/lRyUZInIPufs069U2

Nomintaion for by-election at Budget-SM

There will be an by-election during budget-SM (17/10) for two positions, Öfvermatrona (president of KÖN, Konglig Östrogennämnden) and ledarmot för utbildningsfrågor (board member in D-rek handling study issues).

Nomination is done anonymously and you can nominate anyone in the computer science chapter (including yourself). Follow the link below: https://goo.gl/forms/tICqBwXsb2nfauVm2

Contact valberedning@d.kth.se if you have any questions. The nomination form will close 10/10.

Join METAspexet!

Do you like to sing or dance? Write manuscripts, design posters or craft props? Or maybe mix drinks? Do you want to join an amazing project?

Join METAspexet! Apply at METAspexet.se/sok before September 25th

Byelection KF 16/17

Oh well, now it is time for the by-election for KF!

There are three alternate member slots to be filled so there's three persons that needs to be elected.

What you do as KF-alternate member is to be stand in for KF-members in the KF-council. The council is about eight meetings a year where you similar to a SM decides on how things should be handled and what to do. The difference is that in KF people vote on things regarding THS instead of eg Datasektionen .

Do you want to know more? Please email KF members on d-kf@d.kth.se or me (THS election board representative) on pernyb@kth.se.

And here comes the registration-form :https://goo.gl/forms/nucJ3pVm4tCU4JQg1

Last day to registrate is 22th of September.

Summer-DM minutes

The minutes from the Summer-DM can be read here

Join the Equality Week!

Hi! Do you remember the Equality Week at the start of the year? Lots of interesting lunch lectures with great food all week, right? Among other things? Cool! Now is your chance to work with the Equality Week 2017! If you are interested, take contact with projektledare@jamstalldhetsveckan.se or visit http://jamstalldhetsveckan.se/ (Swedish only) for more information.

Studs 2017

This is a message for Swedish students, sorry :-/

The D-Dagen Facebook page

D-Dagen has a brand new Facebook page! Here you'll be able to find information about participating companies, all the cool events that we'll be arranging and a bunch of other awesome stuff!

Check it out at https://www.facebook.com/kongligddagen/

Application to dÅrestaben

It’s going to be a dÅre next year again and now you have the possibility to be part of arranging the best ski trip ever! Do you want to join an awesome group who loves downhill skiing and parties? APPLY NOW! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdE496ruXDW544dZg-YJyvM_eZNySHVkyjQxSKlbw-uO-UCDA/viewform

Shutdown of distribution box

2016-08-18 06:15 - 08:00 the construction company Oljibe will shutdown the power in META due to construction work.

Planned power outage

Power company Ellevio, who deliver power KTH Campus, have planned maintenance 2016-08-18, 01:30-04:00. This results in total power outage during the maintenance.

META locked in July

META will be locked and alarmed during the period July 1st (Friday) to 24th July (Sunday). This means that no one may enter the premises or storage section since even the card readers will be turned off.

KTH does this with the reason that they want to increase safety on campus and in the chapter halls during this period. This because it is not going to be that much activity on campus during that period. There are unfortunately not possible to open the hall on individual dates so it will be locked throughout the whole period.

To repeat, from this Friday (1st July) META will be alarmed and locked and if you want to get something before the 25th July you have to get it before this Thursday. I will be in the META Thursday afternoon to make sure everything looks good before the closing.

We apologize for this information coming so late, but it is unfortunately the poor foresight from KTH's side. If you have questions, feel free to email me at either lokalchef@d.kth.se until June 30 (and after that it will be Erik Dackebro responding). You may also email chairman Henrik Johansson at ordf@d.kth.se if you prefer.

Have a pleasant summer!

Agenda for the Summer-DM

The agenda for the Summer-DM can be read here (in Swedish).

Closing of computer rooms in E 13/6-1/8 and D 16/6-21/6

The computer rooms in the E-building will be closed during the summer 13/6 to 1/8. Also in the D-building the ubuntu and windows rooms will be closed during week 24-26, where the sport-room is aiming to be closed a shorter period; 16/6-21/6.

One should still be able to access files and such through u-shell.csc.kth.se.

This change happens due to the computers being upgraded in the ubuntu and windows rooms.

Are you the next Städskrii?

METAdorerna are currently looking for 2-3 medians/computer scientists who during the academic year 16/17 is psyched to take on the task of being Städskrii. Being a Städskrii means that you are responsible for the monday-cleaning in META for a minimum of 16 Mondays during the school year. As a Städskrii you'll learn new students how to clean META, teach them where everything is in the META and how the waste disposal works. Monday-cleaning takes place on Mondays (duh) after school and usually takes around an hour .

The form will close July 18 23:59 so take the opportunity!


Election-Chapter-Meeting minutes

The minutes from the Election-Chapter-Meeting can be read here (in Swedish). A summary in English will be posted at a later date.

METAspexet is looking for group managers!

Do you want to take part in METAspexet 2016-17 as a group manager?

Do you have a passion for building or painting, scriptwriting, PR and networking, economy, audio and light systems, choir singing, dancing, directing, music, costume, make up or arranging parties? Then apply as group manager now!

Apply at http://goo.gl/forms/RYYBxUEQxBYXHNVz1 or write to us if you have any questions!

Regards Felicia och Nick, project managers (direqteurer) for METAspexet 2016-17! direqtionen@metaspexet.se

The project group of Studs 2017


Me (Shayan) and Robin have got the honor to lead a project called Studs 2017. The project is unfortunately in Swedish :-( Otherwise, this news post would be about applying for the project group.

Take care, Shayan & Robin

Candy-Sunday-DM-before-Election-Chapter-Meeting minutes

The minutes from the Candy-Sunday-DM-before-Election-Chapter-Meeting can be read here (in Swedish). A summary in English will be posted at a later date.

Protokoll för Godis-Söndags-DM-innan-Val-SM || Candy-Sunday-DM-before-Election-Chapter-Meeting minutes

This text could not be translated automatically.

Protokoll från Godis-Söndags-DM-innan-Val-SM kan läsas här

The minutes from the Candy-Sunday-DM-before-Election-Chapter-Meeting can be read here (in Swedish). A summary in English will be posted at a later date.