Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Summons to A New Hope-DM

It is time for this year's first DM! DM will be held on the 31st of January in room 1537 at 17:30. Read the summons here.

Apply for The Student Union's Board

Hello all you datalogs (and all the rest of you who reads this post)!

The time has come to apply for The Student Union's Board for the school year 2017/2018. The positions that are possible to apply for are Chairman and Vice Chairman for The Student Union as well as 4-6 members of The Student Union.

You can apply through following link: https://campuscompetence.se/ths/jobs

For any questions, email ks@ths.kth.se!

Recruiting D-Dagen Projectgroup

Nu har rekryteringen till D-Dagen’s projektgrupp öppnat. Ansök på nlg.bz/ddagen!

D-Dagen är KTH’s tredje största arbetsmarknadsdag där i Oktober kommer runt 50 företag från IT-branchen att samlas i Nymble för en grym heldagsmässa. För att detta ska vara möjligt behövs en riktigt grym projektgrupp. Om du vill vara med och anordna ett av Datasektionens största evenemang och samtidigt vill fylla ut ditt CV med en grymt rolig grej så ska du söka Projektgruppen 2017!

Sök på nlg.bz/ddagen! Rekryteringen är öppen tills fredag 27/1.

DEMON releases their official facebook page!

The official facebook page of DEMON is now released! Like it and you will get plenty of information about DEMON's different events. :)

Elections on Extra-SM

It is now possible to nominate a candidate for the elections that will be held on the Extra chapter meeting on the 22nd of January!

Go to http://val.datasektionen.se to see all offices that are up for election. There you can also nominate yourself or someone who you think will do a good job!

Got any questions? Contact us in the election commite on valberedning@d.kth.se, or here on facebook or irl!


In accordance with the bylaws §4.5 Urgencies i use the D-directorates authorities to in accordance with §4.9 D-rectives, also in the bylaws, issue a D-directive about the chapter members life and living.

The D-rective reads as follows:

It’s in our hearts to discover

the dreams we share with each other

‘Cause we will light a brighter day

we are your tomorrow

Thank you so much for a fun year! You have worked so hard and achieved wonders! I wish you all good luck and a happy new year in 2017. I know you all will do a magnificent job! :D

Henrik Johansson, Chapter president 2016

Minutes from the Mulled-Wine-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Thefts in META

We want to inform everybody that there has been occurrences of theft in META, mainly during lunch hours. We ask all to keep their valuables under supervision and not letting unknown persons into the chapter house. If you see something or someone ask you for help, inform them to report the event to the police and for them to feel free to send and e-mail to KTHs head of security at sakerhetschef@kth.se.

Summons to the 4th Sunday of Advent cozy-DM

December 18th it is time for this year’s last DM. It will be held in 1537 at 13:15. Read the entire summons here.



Minutes from the DM-before-Mulled-Wine-Chapeter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Budget follow-up for Mulled-Wine-Chapter-Meeting

An early christmas gift to the chapter, just in time for christmas, a follow-up of this years budget.

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Re-opening of nomination for treasurer

As there are no candidates for treasurer the nominaton has re-open. Head over to https://val.datasektionen.se to nominate someone you think would fit.

Agenda for the Mulled-Wine-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

The election is open!

The election for chairman and vice chairman is open! Voteing is simple head over to https://durn.datasektionen.se/ and rank the kandidates for "Sektionsordförande" and "Vice Sketionsordförande" ("Vakans" means that you rather see the post to be vacant).

The result will be anouneced at Glögg-SM which is also when the voting will end. Waste no time! Vote!

Agenda for the DM-before-Mulled-Wine-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Extended Nomination Period

Deadline for nominating to positions with no valid candidates in the election at the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting has been moved forward to the 24th of November.

Deadline for accepting nominations to said posts has also been extended to the 30th of November.

Tretton37 presents Ninja Nation

Tretton37 know how you feel right now. There have been long days and nights during the exam period, and you are tired and worn. Therefore we would like to invite you to our Ninja Nation for a little fun! You will be served food, beverage, ping-pong, Xbox and board games! Also our own ninja Karl-Henrik (Master of IoT) will conduct awesome workshops on how to hack a coffee machine and other stuff.

Come and just hang out with us, welcome! Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/for-all-students-welcome-to-an-evening-at-ninja-nation-tickets-29400927967

AI @ King

On November 21, King invites students to the studio in Stockholm. Get the chance to go on a tour in the studio, meet programmers and get an insight into what it's like to work at King. The evening's theme will be artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the event is primarily aimed towards master students. There will be pizza and drinks.

Time: 21 November, 17:30 to 7:00 p.m. Location: Sveavägen 44

Number of spots are limited. Follow the link below to sign up: https://goo.gl/forms/5BQxwoxO0BfZ6ZKh2