Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

METAspexet is recruiting stage-managers and new spexM


Did you miss your chance to apply to the student play, METAspexet? Fear not! We have two groups that are still recruiting!

  • We're looking for new members for spexM, METAspexets own partyfixers, until the 5th of november! And we're having a Freaky Friday pub on friday, the 3rd!

  • We are also searching for stage-managers, who are needed to assist the director in directing!

Apply on : http://metaspexet.se/sok/

Budget review from Budget chapter meeting 2017

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Speed Dating event for master students with Ericsson

Learn about the available master thesis projects that Ericsson has to offer and enjoy a free dinner buffet. @META, 7/11/2017, 17:30 Signup here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvMUlq1AZXccdo3ZgxL0SUOJ0BzaR522--HtnzjeR-bEMw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Chapter fair

On Thursday between 11:00 and 14:00 will the chapter fair be held!

There you can meet and greet the chapters comittees and officers to learn what is happening in the chapter. And there is a lot happening all the time. Come and find what interests you!

A simple lunch will be served!

Come and bring all your friends!

Computer Science to Dreamhack W 2017

Dreamhack Winter 2017 (DHW17) will be held in the Elmia Fair in Jönköping Friday 2017-12-01 08:00 - Monday 2017-12-04 (08:00), and the Computer Science Chapter is attending! This event is hosted by the Computer Science Chapter's board DESC (Datas E-Sports Community). Double-check that you're not having anything important scheduled then. We've booked the chapter's car for this event, and we have 4,000 SEK in transportation budget to play around with.

Buy your ticket here: https://bokning.dreamhack.se/

We're aiming to be in Jönköping ~11:00 for the opening ceremonies. It takes a bit more than 3 hours to drive Stockholm -> Jönköping by car, so this means we will be driving to pick up the participants' computers the day before. We will meet early (08:00) the following day at KTH to start our journey. If you want to arrange your own transportation that's of course fine, but the chapter won't subsidize your gas expenses.

Everyone is welcome to come alone, including significant others, siblings, friends and your beloved grandmother :) A caveat though: non-members of the Computer Science Chapter can join us in the chapter/rental car as long as there's space; the chapter's money should be spent on the chapter's members. If there are seats available they are of course welcome to ride along, but the chapter's members come first.

We have already started buying tickets :) There's a seat map here: https://bokning.dreamhack.se/?p=seatmap We are seated in Hall B rows B8-B9 to the far right.

The pack list includes your Chapter overalls (if you have it), your computer, and sleeping equipment. The sleeping area is a large hall (think sports gymnasium) where everyone sleeps on the floor, so pack according to your own needs.

Two more things: - DH Game is super awesome, everyone should be participating! - There are plans to build a 'scaffolding' to put our computers in, more info on this before december if it becomes reality.

Hype? Hype! :D This is gonna be sweet.

Minutes for Revenge of the $ith-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

New examrules!

Hello, data! With it being an examperiod we in the study board wanted to remind everyone that there are some new rules that apply during an exam. There are 3 main things you should know: 1. You REALLY need to bring an ID. Before they might have let it slide but not any more. No exceptions. 2. The time limit for how late you can be has been decreased from 45 min to 30 min. 3. Course-responsible do not have to show up during exams anymore to answer questions. If you want to know more you can read here: https://www.kth.se/en/student/kurs/tentamen/tentamen-1.311668

Elections on Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting

It is now possible to nominate a candidate for the elections that will be held on the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting on the 27th of November.

Go to the election page to see all offices that are up for election. There you can also nominate yourself or someone who you think will do a good job!

Got any questions? Contact us in the election commite on (valberedning@d.kth.se, on Facebook or irl!

METAspexet is recruiting a sale team

Hello guyz!

The spex is at it again, recruiting that is. At the moment we're looking for a sales team. metaspexet.se/spons/

/Emmeli Director of the METAspexet 2018

Agenda for Budget-SM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Budget-SM Information

It is finally time for the semester’s first Chapter Meeting, the Budget-Chapter-Meeting! The Chapter Meeting (henceforth referred to as SM, from the Swedish word “Sektionsmöte”) is the Chapter’s highest legislative body. It is a forum where our members can propose and vote on what the Chapter should be doing, e.g. buying a new vending machine or perhaps even a new car.

No matter whether you feel like you understand the Chapter and the way it works, or if you feel like you have no clue what is happening, you should definitely attend these meetings, because this is where you and your opinions can make a difference. Attending and listening is also a very good way of learning how the Chapter works.

By-election is happening for "Ledamot för Studiesociala frågor", "Studienämndens ordförande", "Jämlikhetsnämndens ordförande" och "Öfvermatron". Seek or nominate people on https://val.datasektionen.se/

In case you have an idea, or a proposal you would like the meeting to consider and vote on, write and submit a motion! A motion, in this case, is supposed to be made up of a title, a description (a form of background, why the proposal was made) as well as a number of items (called “att-sats” in Swedish, roughly meaning “to do-item” in English). It is the “to do-items” that should, in a clear and concise manner, describe what sort of action(s) should be done if the motion were accepted. Don’t hesitate to contact the Board (drek@d.kth.se) in case you need help or have any questions! In order to generate a good looking motion made in LaTeX, that follows the Chapter’s standards for formatting motions, use our online form at https://motioner.datasektionen.se/.

Send in your motion(s) to drek@d.kth.se by 18:00, October 3rd!

We also provide you with a free dinner. You can sign-up for food using this form: https://goo.gl/forms/8bI3KrKIY8iwABPQ2

NOTE: You need to bring a valid ID, as well as aTHS ID (Mecenat card with Nymble, the THS shield as well the Chapter’s shield on it), or any other document that can verify that you are a member of the Computer Science Chapter! In case you haven’t received your card yet, you can use the Mecenat app on your phone, or you can ask for a document at the THS Reception (KårX), that verifies your membership.

See you at 17:30 in B3!

Work with the Giants-event 17 February 2018 in Nymble (Apply latest 8th of October)

Planning for the next yeasr event "The future need GIANTS 2018" is in full swing and we need your help! Fill in the sign up at latest 8 October and we will return with a notice.

To info and signup: www.kth.se/form/59bbafd4effbc1cf9e42d26e

Who can apply? Swedish speaking students that identify as women, non-binay or transgender from these programs: Computer science and engineering 300 hp, Electrical engineering 300 hp, Information technology 300 hop, Computer science and engineering 180 hp (Flemingsberg and Kista), Eletrical engineering 180 hp, Electrical engineering and computer engineering 180 hp.

What is Giants? KTH:s large drive to recruit more young women to the Computer science, IT, and Eletrical engineering programs. More info on www.kth.se/giants

Agenda for Revenge of the $ith-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Apply to Prylmångleriet!

You can now apply to Prylmångleriet by answering the following form! By answering I assume that you want to join the comittee and want to know what the next step is. If you do not know what Prylmångleriet does you can contact me and I'll tell you more information :)


Closedown of META for D-Dagen

Hi computer science chapter!

During Thursday 2017-10-05 META will be used as lounge for D-Dagen and will therefore be closed the entire day.

There are microwaves available in the bottom floor of Nymble.

By-election at Budget-SM

There are now new elections!

On Budget-SM will four by-elections be held.

Go to the election page to see the elections and nominate yourself or someone who you think will do a good job!

Got any questions? Contact us in the election commité (valberedning@d.kth.se, here on Facebook or afk)!

D-Daggensittningen 2018

Nu börjar D-Dagen närma sig och vi släpper därmed anmälan till sittningen. Den traditionsenliga D-Dagensittningen äger rum på kvällen efter mässan. Vi kommer samlas under förminglet och gå tillsammans till platsen för sittningen. Alla som ska gå på sittningen ombes vara på plats i puben i Nymble när förminglet startar, d.v.s. 16:00.

Priset för studenter för denna eminenta sittning är 120kr för en biljett med alkohol och 80kr för en biljett utan alkohol.

Anmälan för studenter kommer vara öppen till och med 2017-09-26. Vi har 120 platser till studenter och det är först till kvarn som gäller, så se till att anmäla dig redan nu: nlg.bz/ddsittningen

Preliminära tider: 16:00 Företagen plockar ihop montrar & förminglet börjar 18:45 Vi rör oss från Nymble till platsen för sittningen 19:15 Sittningen börjar 21:45 Sittningen tar slut och vi går till puben i Nymble 01:00 Puben stänger

English: The Computer Science Chapters job fair, D-Dagen, takes place on the 5th of October and in accordance with tradition the day will end with a dinner for both students and the companies representants to enjoy. Before the dinner we will have a mingle at the pub in Nymble, and we ask that everyone that are attending the dinner meet up there.

The price is 120 sek for a dinner with alcohol and 80 sek for a dinner without alcohol.

Preliminary time schedule: 16:00 The mingle starts in Nymble 18:45 We move to the restaurant 19:15 The dinner starts 21:45 The dinner ends and we move back to Nymble 01:00 The pub closes

CSC is seeking paid assistants

CSC is seeking paid assistants for their SDA programme! :D

SDA (Software Development Academy) is a program for teaching software engineering to newly arrived.

See below for more information:

Earlier this year we ran the first SDA programme for newly arrived in Sweden to build their Software Engineering skills. It was a great success and the TAs were a critical component of running it so smoothly. Here's a reminder!


If you would like to be part of the second round, then please complete the following survey, or just reply to me if you have specific questions.


Once you have registered your interest, I'll share the TA Roster, used to select times when you are willing to supervise a lab and invite you to a Slack group to discuss the course as a group. Feel free to forward this to any of your friends who might want to also take part.

Hope you can help us make SDA2 another success! Ric(glassey@kth.se) and Marcus

Apply to the Business Relations Group

Apply to the Business Relations Group here: nlg.bz/apply

Apply for Studs18

Apply for Studs18

Apply to D-Dagen 2017!!

The recruitment for D-Dagen personal has finally begun! This is a perfect opportunity for those who wish to be more engaged in the faculty and aswell get something fantastic to add on you CV. There will also be an amazing thanks party for everyone involved. The application deadline is 22/9.

Apply directly at: https://goo.gl/forms/BmKDZdSQLteA1Pqp2

METAspexet is searching for you!

I hope you haven't missed that recruitment for METAspexet 2018 has started? :D At metaspexet.se/sok you'll find more information, or in this form!

If you would like to know even more about the different groups, we will have a introductory meeting the 12th of september at 17:17 in E32, where you can get more information and meet with the different groupleaders!

I hope I'll see you in the spex family!

/Emmeli, Direqteur för METAspexet 2018

Application to dÅrestaben 2018

There’s going to be a dÅre next year again and now you have the possibility to be part of arranging the best ski trip ever! Do you want to join an awesome group who loves downhill skiing and parties? APPLY NOW!