Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

EECS new communication channels

Hi Chapter!

Since the new year the CSC, EES, and ICT-school has merged to the new school EECS. In conjunction with this they have also changed their communication channels. Below is a few links that might be good to have!





Election documents Extra-SM 2018

Kontakta valberedning@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Parking stickers

From the 16th of January, parking stickers for KTH Campus will be available at the Student Union Office in Nymble. The parking stickers allow the discounted price for parking at KTH Campus and are available only for THS-members. We only have a limited number of stickers, and will hand them out upon showing THS-membership card and ID.

It is not possible to pre-book the stickers.

Please note that the discount is valid only for the Q-park parking spots at KTH Campus.


Agenda for An Arbitrary-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Agenda for Extra Chapter Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.


In accordance with the bylaws §4.5 Urgencies I exercise the D-directorates authorities to in accordance with §4.9 D-rectives, also in the bylaws, issue a D-rective about the chapter members life and living.

The D-rective reads as follows:

The direction of the hands is the direction of the dab

Thank you so much for a fun year! You have worked so hard and achieved wonders! I wish you all good luck and a happy new year in 2018. I know you all will do a magnificent job!

See you in the ether! Alexander Viklund, Chapter president 2017

Agenda for The Last-DM

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

dJul-fika and hackathon at Bontouch

Are the challenges hard? Stuck on a window? Or maybe you just want to meet the creators? Now's your chance, because Bontouch are organizing a nice evening at their office with "glögg", good coffee, snacks and a nice atmosphere. Their offices are awesome. We, the creators of the dJulkalendern will be there, but don't expect any help from us - ask other people areound you!

Hope to see you there.

Minutes for the Mulled Wine-Chapter Meeting 2017

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Pepp are seeking mentors for upper secondary school girls during VT18!

Pepp are seeking mentors for upper secondary school girls during VT18

Do you want to inspire upper secondary school girls and change the picture of the engineer education? Take part of many fun events och get your own mentor from a technical company? Then seek Pepp mentor program.



Reporting from Glögg-SM

Hi chapter and interested!

Soon the report from the Glögg chapter meeting will start both on Twitter (information open for everyone) and in the facebook event.

Minutes for the Election-Chapter-Meeting 2017

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Minutes for DM-before-Mulled Wine-Chapter-Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

dJulkalendern yearly CTF challenge coming soon

dJulkalendern is an advent calendar where every window is a challenge. Do you like solving clever riddles, show your hacking skills, or how good you are at math? Be sure to compete for the title "Bäst på att Data" ("Best of Computering") and other, less fine prices.

This annual tradition begins as usual on the 1st of December, but you can already go to djul.datasektionen.se and log in with GitHub to make sure everything works and see the movie.

Good luck!

Agenda for Mulled Wine - Chapter Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Election of chapter president and vice president

Now is the election for chapter president and vice president open on https://durn.datasektionen.se/!

The voting for these offcies occure before the chapter meeting according to our statues.

Election documents Mulled Wine-SM 2017

Kontakta valberedning@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Update of the Principals decision regarding access to study areas


The acess to all study areas will be limited from the 1/12-2017.

A list of affected locations will be posted when we receive it from KTH and THS.

Extended election period

Yesterday was the last day to accept a nomination to the elections for the Mulled-Wine-Chapter-meeting. For the offices auditor(x2) and Program Responsible Student had no candidates. Therefore has another election period been opened up for theese offices.

Nomination for theese post must be submitted at the latest on the 21st of november and theses must be accepted no later than on the 26th of november.

Agenda for DM-before-Mulled Wine - Chapter Meeting

Kontakta drek@d.kth.se om du vill få tag på dessa handlingar.

Join the Baking Committee

The Baking Committee is reqruiting! Apply at bit.ly/sok-baknamnden and get all your sweet friends to apply as well 🍓

Study board meeting 9/11

On thursday SN will have our bi-weekly meeting in meta's meeting room, 12:15-13:00. As usual anyone is welcome to join.

Prylmångleriet sale

Tomorrow, thursday, we will sell patches and overalls in META between 12:00-13:00. Come and see us!

Presidents decision limiting access to the computer labs

The president at KTH has made decision to limit the access to public study areas during evenings and weekends due to them not being used for their intended purpose. This primary interpretation is that this mainly concerns the computer labs but more information will be posted.

Currently the most relevent information for computer science students is that all study areas will be accessible buisiness days 07-20. The computer labs in the E-building will be accessible buisiness days 07-22 and the computer labs in the D-buildning will be accessible all 24/7 all year round. The decision will take in effect the first of december and last one year. This currently means that if you want to use the computer labs during the weekend you will have to use the labs in D (there are other labs open but D is the most relevant for CS-students). They may open more labs if needed but we will probably have to base that need on some collected data. There is some more information in swedish in the attached presidents decision .

To collect data to back up our claim we have created a form which should be filled when all computer labs are full during weekends and evenings. (Not currently translated but with very simple swedish)


Principals Decision