Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

Leap Year Chapter Meeting

On the 18th of february a chapter meeting will be held in E34 at 17:30.

At the chapter meeting, the board will, among other things, handle contracts for renting Hugoteatern.

All chapter members are welcome!


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

Go to Finland with project Hello World

Hello dear chapter! Project Hello World here!

The computer science guild from Aalto have invited us to their annual bal Muistinnollaus (Memory Reset)!

It will be held Friday the 28th this month.

I had privilege of attending this bal last year, and let me tell you, it certainly is a night to remember! They welcomed us whole heartedly and treated us to a top notch party!

If you are interested to attend this year, then contact me on Facebook, by mail (jespel@kth.se) or in person in META!

Apply for the project group for D-Dagen 2020!

APPLY👉👉 👉 D-Dagen Project group 👈👈👈APPLY


What is your role at D-Dagen? We are looking for people who wants to be a part of a super fun project and get experience with roles and tasks including setting up a Fair, Sales, Economy and Partttyyyy! You can read about the specific roles we are looking for in the application link. Get hands-on experience and be a part of a large project, develop your talangs and boost your CV by being a part of the D-Dagen project group 2020. It will be super fun!

THS Comradery Scholarship

The THS Kamratstipendie (comradery scholarship) is handed out every year to good comrades among each and every chapter. The award is not only eternal glory but also a token sum of money.

Do you know someone who's been a good sport, a great friend or simply amazing?

Of course you do!

Fill out your candidate in the form and keep you fingers crossed that your friend will be one of the selected few.

The form closes 2020-03-16T19:00

Regards, D-Rektoratet

Nomination for Delta of Honor




This is a reminder to nominate section members to the Computer Science Chapter's finest badge of merit; the Delta of Honor. The recipients will be presented at the Audit Chapter Meeting in March.

The form closes at 2020-03-16T19:00 Sincerely D-Rektoratet.



On tuesday february 4th META will be closed as it will be used by Medias Branschdag. If you want to heat food there are microwaves in other buildings such as Nymble, V or U

Election documents

The election documents for the extra chapter meeting are now published.

Applications for Project Pride 2020 Group Executíf are now open!

Project Pride was started last year, and it was one hell of a party, so this year we're making it even better! But to make that happen, we'll need an amazing manegement team. That's why applications for Project Pride 2020 Group Executíf are now open!

Deadline for applying is the 31/1.

The decade's first D-directorate meeting

On January the 23rd a D-directorate meeting will be held in room E32 at 17:30.

At the D-directorate meeting, the board will, among other things, decide to close META on the 4:th of Feburary due to media technology's industry day.

All chapter members are welcome!


The summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

New date for Extra Chapter Meeting

New date for Extra Chapter Meeting is set to January 28th in L1 instead of January 23rd. In case the meeting gets postponed, the meeting will be held on January 30th in L1 at 17:30.

The Summons can be found here

Elections at the chapter-meeting

The nomination period has begun. Nominate at val.datasektionen.se

Extra chapter meeting

On January 28rd a chapter meeting will be held in L1 at 17:30.

In case the meeting gets postponed, the meeting will be held on January 30:th in L1 at 17:30.

On the chapter meeting we will, among other things, discuss postponed errands from the Mulled Wine chapter meeting. The meeting will also have an election for several officer posts.

All chapter members are welcome!


The Summons can be found here

The agenda can be found here

The protocol can be found here

The management audit report can be found here


In accordance with our statutes §4.4 Brådskande ärenden and §4.8 D-rektiv I hereby issue a D-rektiv.

There is no acctual meaning to experience interesting things like challenges if you can not experience them together. It's so much more enjoyable to be together!

Thank you to everybody that has been part of the chapter during 2019! A special thank you to al the wonderful functioneers who have developed and worked for the Computer Science Chapter during 2019, it has been so much fun to work with you. I also wish continued good luck for the coming year, you all will do a fantastic job!

I wish you all a happy new year!

I'll see you in VIC — Ävelin Pantigoso Velasquez, Chairperson of the board 2019



Now on Monday it is time for the dJulkalendern and we want you to join us.

For those of you who don't know, the dJulkalendern is an advent calendar for computer science students, where each window is a CTF challenge. Every weekday in December at 12.15 until Christmas there will be a new challange and the goal is to solve it as quickly as possible.

What you are competing for is the title "Best at DATA" and also a mysterious prize.

Collaboration is allowed so grab a friend!

The first challange is released on Monday so be sure to be ready! https://djul.datasektionen.se/

Good luck! 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆

Election documents

The election documents for the mulled wine chapter meeting are now published. Please note that these can come to be edited further later.

Vote in the elections

The elections for chapter president, chapter vice president, and treasurer are now open. Vote at durn.datasektionen.se

Sign-up for candidate questioning

The 21/11 at 17.30 the election committee will be organizing an event where you will be able to pose your questions to our potential future ordförande, vice ordförande, and kassör. If you want food, please sign up before sunday, the 17/11.

Project Hello World needs help!

Hello! Project Hello World here again!

(First a quick reminder that you can still sign up for the projects first expedition! See my previous post below!)

In order to make this project a success I’d like to ask you the members for help. When we arrange a reception for our friends from Finland and other places it be appreciated if we can help out with some accomodation. Myself I only have single couch unfortunately, hence I will need your help! If you might be interested in helping the project to host these kinds of events, please fill out the form below! The form is non-commital and is only used to show that you might be interested to help out. I will primarily ask those who filled it out for help.


Dinner party in Helsinki

Hello everyone!

First, thank you for bestowing upon me the trust to lead the project Hello World on Budget-SM! 😊

We have already received an invitation to Tietokilta’s party Välimuistinnollaus (lit. cache reset) the 7th of december! Tietokilta is the guild for computer science students at Aalto university. Välimuistinnollaus is a fine dinner party with a more relaxed twist that celebrates the 33½th birthday of the Tietokilta. The evening will include a cocktail party, dinner, and an afterparty. Next morning one can attend sillis (kinda recovery party) if one would like! The dress code for the evening is black tie. Sillis is more appropriate to attend in overalls.

The plan for the expedition is to travel there and back by ferry. Our friends in Tietokilta has kindly preliminary offered to accomodate us during our visit. The expedition plans to depart on the afternoon of the friday the 6th and return monday morning the 9th. Except the dinner and sillis will no meals be included. Travelers are also expected to arrange their own transport in Helsinki. It would cost approximately 900:- to join the expedition, or 800:- if you do not want to go to sillis. (The price may fluctuate a bit due to the price for the ferry. The stated price is however the best estimate we can give today.)

If you are interested in going with us, sign up in the form below no later than next wednesday (the 6th of november)! There is unfortunately a limited number of tickets available, so sign up immediately to ensure you get one! I can from experience promise that a party at Tietokilta is an event worth remembering! 💃



WHAT? Party at Tietokilta (We but Finns)

WHERE? Helsinki

WHEN? 6th dec - 8th dec

DRESSCODE? Black tie (+ ovve for sillis)

PRICE? Ferry ~400:- + party 35€ (+ sillis 8€) ≈ 900:- (800:-)

(The price may fluctuate due the price for the ferry fluctuating.)

Apply for the Baking Committee!


Do you like sweets? Do you like hanging out with nice people?

Then you should apply to Baknämnden! You attend the events that you want to attend and it doesn't need to take up much time. You apply using this form.

Interviews about ADC for KTH's quality evaluation

UKÄ will visit KTH on the 25th of November and wants to interview students who have taken the course Algorithms, Datastructures and Complexity (DD2350). They specifically want to talk to students who took the course in 2018.

The interviews will be held on the 25th of November at 14:45-15:30. If you are interested please send an email to: sno@d.kth.se

Elections at the chapter-meeting

At the chapter-meeting the 28th of November a number of elections will be held. Nominate at val.datasektionen.se. Nominations are open until the 7th of November.

META closed during the day on the 14th of October

META will be closed for a couple of hours today as there is builders working on the roof inside of META, therefor META will be closed during the day but should open again in the after noon.

Closing of META

During the 10th of October META will be closed as the premises will be used for D-Dagen. Microwaves for heating food are available on the ground floor in Nymble or in U.

Election documents

The election documents for the by-election at the next chapter meeting are published. They might be updated later.