Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik

No sewing circle today

There is no planned sewing circle tonight. Everyone is of course welcome to sew in the Meta anyway, but Sew-ster will be elsewhere

The punsch lunch is postponed

I'm forced to postpone the Punsch lunch as I was unable to find a serving manager who was available in time. I will try to find a new date after the exams!

Annual report for 2023

It's time to close the year of 2023. Here comes the annual report, annual record and the financials for the year of 2023!

Annual report 2023

Unfortunately the reports are only available in swedish.

Paintball with the Sports Club - Registration

Hello brave warriors! 💥🎨

Prepare for an exciting adventure in paintball! Save the date for Sunday, June 2nd, starting at 12:00 until XX:XX (up to us how long we play) 😊

Join us for an adrenaline-filled morning of paintball. Whether you're an experienced player or just curious to try this thrilling activity - this event promises an unforgettable experience!

Before you pull the trigger, please register using the form below (please note that there are only 16 spots available). It's quick, easy, and completely free, so why not take the chance to experience paintball to the fullest?

See you on the field! 🎯💥🌟

Link to registration form: https://dsekt.se/t51s

More vacant posts for by-election at Val-SM!

At the recent Sommar-VM there were unfortunately posts that remained vacant. These posts are DESCtop, Project leader for Studs and Election Committee Chairperson.

The elections will take place during Val-SM on Tuesday 21:st of May. Nominations close at 2024-05-14 23:59 and the last date to accept a nomination is 2024-05-20 23:59. You can find the election site here.

Sign up for food for the Val-SM (Chapter Meeting)!

Hello CS Chapter 🖥️, it's time for the Val-Chapter Meeting! Below here is a link to sign up for food for the meeting, crazy huh? 🤯😱 Val-Chapter Meeting will take place on Tuesday the 21st of May at 17:30. Link: https://dsekt.se/sm-mat

Last day to sign up is Monday the 13th of May at 23:59! 🍗🍽️🍝

Sommarskiftes 2024

Sommar-VM has just taken place which means that there are many newly elected officials! As per tradition, this occassion will be celebrated with the traditional Skiftes sitting!

Skiftes will be in META on Friday the 17th of May and the theme will be Spränga KTH. The sitting is scheduled to start at 19:00, but officials are welcome to join the pre-hang at 18:00!

Note that current as well as newly elected officials will have priority for tickets to Skiftes, as per usual.

Complementary agenda for Extra-SM #1 (Summer-VM)

Hi! The complementary agenda for Extra-SM #1 tonight can be found here

Cleaning party! 🧹

Soon it's time for one of the most 💯hyped💯 dinner party here at META! On May 18th, it's going down, and we METAdorerna present the theme: 🔫Cowboys🤠 VS 🛸Aliens👽.

There have been many brave cleaners during the academic year who have earned discounts on their tickets; those who have cleaned once(1️⃣) need only pay 50% of their ticket, and those who have cleaned twice(2️⃣) get a 100% discount ( == a 💸FREE🤑 ticket). NOTE: (Alcohol is not included).

TICKETS: https://tessera.datasektionen.se/events/12

❗For those who haven't cleaned yet, all hope is not lost! There will be two final Monday cleanings before the cleaning party - on May 6th and 13th, 17:17 as usual in META❗

Exam-help for P4

Hello all brave exam-study:ers!

Are you studying Envarre, Flervarre, Sanstat, Dtek, or Numme this term? Do you find it boring to sit at home and study? Then this is the right event for you!

We in the Study Committee will hold FOUR (4) tentastugor where you write a pretend exam that we have put together. If you want, you are welcome to bring your own exam for another course if you need some peer pressure to get started.

There will of course be fika!

Where? Any room on campus. We will return with more info! When? May 14, 21, 22 and June 3, at 13-17 o’ clock. How? Come in with paper and pencil and we will do the rest!

Fill in the form if you are interested to make sure you get fika! https://dsekt.se/tentastuga

See you there!!!

canceled sewing circle

Sew-ster is confused and thought it was Walpurgis night tomorrow. Apparently it's today, so no sewin circle tonight.

Sweing circle!

It's Tuesday! Which means that it is sewing circle! sew-ster will sit in the meta from 18.00, so come and join with ovve, coat or other to sew:3


On May 11th, the chapter's song leader invites you to the year's most reasonable and sought-after lunch party, the Punch Lunch! Punch Lunch is a "fulsittning" in a classic spirit with good food, punch, swedish nubbe and lots of singing (mostly in swedish). It will also become one of the chapter's most distinguished traditions! So you don't want to miss this!

If you think that the party only starts with Punch Lunch, you can later in the evening go to "Squalp" and hang out. If you think the that the Punch Lunch is enough party for a day you can stay in META for the International Commité / Equality Commités movie night which starts at 16:00!

The dress code is of course Ovve and songbook. (If you don't own a songbook, you will be able to buy it at the party.)

TLDR: Vad? lunch with punsch! När? 12:00, on saturday the 11th of May Hur? with ovve and with gusto

Filling Election Val-SM

Unfortunately our Secretary has announced his resignation from the 31st of May, so we are now looking for new candidates for the coming election, Val-SM.

Visit https://val.datasektionen.se/ and nominate everyone you think is suitable!

Regards, The Election Committee

Election papers for Extra-SM #1 (Sommar-VM)

Sommar-VM is happening next week and with that comes a bunch of elections that need election papers. They're now available at dsekt.se/valhandlingar! Get in there and learn more about who is candidating for what and why.

This time around the election papers were published a day late. We appologise deeply for this and aspire to not make the same mistake in the future.

Have a dELECTable day, The CS chapter Election Committee

The Totalitarian dbuggen is now available for sale

The Totalitarian dbuggen, the chapter's magazine dbuggen for Period 3, is now available for sale at Prylmångeleriet starting today. It will be published online at dbu.gg in a few days, but if you want to read it now, you can buy it in physical form.

Brand new exclusive patch!!

Two weeks ago we started selling the new Cerise Starships label (Designer: Nathalie Johanna Antoinette van de Werken), and there are a couple of them left. Today we start selling another brand new, exclusive patch! Come to the sale in/by META during lunch to see it...

Sewing Circle!

Tomorrow is Tuesday, which means it is the weekly sewing circle! There will also be new super pretty swing kits to buy during the evening! So pack your Overall, frack or whatever, your sew-ster will be in in Meta from 18.00

Tickets to METAspexet out!

Hello there, chapter!

Last wednesday the spex released tickets for this year's show Gangstrigaste Gangstern, eller Mord, Rätt och Dårar performing May 24-26th. This year's show will provide an awesome experience filled with action, drama and intrigue. It will of course also be funny.

More information and tickets at biljetter.metaspexet.se

Open Groda-meeting today 15-17!

Hello! Remember the open meeting with Projekt Groda today? Come and have some fika and talk sustainability and climate wit us! You'll have the chance to hear what we've been up to and bring all your own ideas, complaints and thoughts. Come it'll be fun!

The location is D33 and time is 15(.15)-17 There will be fika!

The PPP-patches have arrived!

Hello [EVERYBODY WHO ATTENDED PPP]! The patches for the sitting arrived late, which no one informed about - BUT a patch was included with the sitting ticket (yippie), and they have finally arrived!

We (Lovisa and maybe more DKM-are) will sit in META between 12.00-13.00 on Tuesday 23/4for those who want to come get their patch!

NOTE: Only those who attended/paid their PPP-ticket will get a patch!

Thanks <3

VPR-event and tickets!

Hiiii! The ticket release for VPR will be outside of META during lunch Thursday (18/4)! Don't miss it!

This year MKM is in charge of the pub so for practical questions please refer to them!❤


Now that a person / a thing / a phenomenon / something else that you think is a good example of qulture of 2023 has been chosen, the patches will start selling tomorrow (Wednesday) during lunch!!! (in META, as usual)

The Qulturmärkning closes tonight!

This is your last reminder to vote in the Qulturmärkningen of 2023 before it closes at 17:59. Link is here: https://dsekt.se/-hxp. A list of all chapter members who did not vote will be put up in META. The sale tonight has unfortunately been canceled because our supplier says they can't produce and deliver the patches in one minute. We have told them that they will deliver the patches before tomorrows sale :) So come to META tomorrow to buy ~~Jens Falk~~ the winning patch!

Ticket release for AW with MPYA

Today, at 16:00, in the Facebook event http://nlg.bz/MPYA, we release the tickets to the School's Out for Summer AW, exclusively for Computer Science and Media Technology students from KTH and LiU! 🌴☀️

Sit tight at your computers - the tickets will go fast!