Event Calendar


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Kallelse till Ett Var är Ettan?-DM
D-Dagen rekryteringspub!
BBQ-kväll i Osqvik


Hello all HaxXxers!

On monday we are holding the first hacker evening of the semester. Hacker-evenings is when we code on the chapters website and other systems. Welcome!

Study Committée Meeting 4/10

Welcome to the study committée meeting this Thursday the 4/10 at 12:15 in 1537.

Proddkväll with DEMON

Hello everybody! DEMON welcomes all of you interested to the first music production night of the school year! (whoop whoop!) Come by META with your laptop and let your creativity flow! Collab with each other, give each other feedback or just hang out with us while producing musik! There will be access to DEMON's synths, instruments and other gadgets! here are no skill requirements, beginners and pros are equally welcome!

TO TAKE WITH YOU: Something to produce music on, a suggestion would be a laptop but it's possible to produce on a tablet or even a phone!

Headphones, this is important since we don't want people drowning out each other with their sound. Studio headphones are recommended but any pair of headphones works just fine!

DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), sadly DEMON doesn't have DAW licenses to give out (yet...) so make sure you have software to produce music on! If you don't own a license there exists free DAW's to download! Otherwise i can shill for the demo version of FL Studio which have the exact same features as the full version with the caveat that any saved projects will be locked when shut down and you need the full version to unlock them again.

If you don't have all the stuff you can still come by and see if you can find somebody to collab with or just hang out and discuss music production with us! :)

GOOD TO HAVE: An external soundcard (Audio Interface) is very handy to have but far from a requirement!

WHEN: Tuesday the 25th of september 17:17-22:00

WHERE: The meeting room in META with the possibility of moving out to main META if room is available!


Tiden är kommen! Snart är det dags för DKM att resa sig från askan och ta tillbaka sitt rätta hem, spritis. Bli en del av revolutionen på RECLAIM18!


Vad? Reclaim! Speciellt för dig, Ettan! När? Lördag 22 september, 18:00 Var? META Hur? I ovve! Pris? 120:- för alkfri, 150 för oalkfri Biljett? Länken till biljetterna kommer du hitta i DETTA event exakt klockan 18:00 onsdag 5/9. Men akta dig, det kommer fan gå undan.

Sports society kickoff

On Tuesday the 18 of September the sports society will host a kickoff with "brännboll" (A popular Swedish ball game). After the games, the consultancy firm Cygni will provide foo.

Please sign up using the form if you want to go.

Preliminary schedule: ~17:30 We play games at Gärdet 19:00 We head over to Cygnis office at Jakobsbergsgatan 22 19:30 Food is served 19:30 We split into small groups that can ask questions to Consultants.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me on idrott@d.kth.se

METAspexet is having a theme release pub!

I hope you haven't missed that METAspexet is having a theme release pub on Wednesday!?!? PUB + finally-releasing-something-we've-kept-secret-for-months = can-it-even-get-any-better-NO-it-can't

This means SpexM is taking over the bar in META again and giving DKM some well-deserved free time in exam times like these!

I'll see you there! /the direqteur

Civilization V with DESC

Time: 2018-01-12, 19:00 Place: Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/xJaATpd

To relax from this endless wave of boring exams, we are gonna play a match of Civilization V. There will be secret alliances, ugly internal politics and much drama. The 12th seems to be the last date for everyone's exams and various submissions so I hope a lot of you will come (the amount of fun grows exponentially with the amount of players).

I'm going to try a new thing this time, Sprint Game Speed Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=241312465 It says that a match will take about 5-6 hours at this speed. I will test if this works online, otherwise we will play without mods and decide on another rule for who wins (congratulations to Zakul who won our last match).

Civilization V is a game that you can't jump in-and-out of as you wish; once the game starts that's it. We will start at precisely 19:00 (with the standard academic 15 minutes, ie 19:15).

Hope to see many of you there :D

Christmas food meeting with the Equality Committee

With two new Equality Committee presidents, a lot of money for food, and several important subjects to discuss, the Committee is inviting you to the only meeting of the semester! We will serve a simple Christmas lunch. Try to arrive as early as possible! Time: 12:00-13:00 Place: seminar room 1448

/Emma Nimstad & Johan Hamredahl

dÅre 2018

In English: It's that time of the year again for the Computer Science chapter's yearly ski trip to Åre, dÅre.

Every year we organize a trip up to Åre for some awesome slopes and even better company. We leave on saturday evening on Januari 13th and we'll go back on thursday afternoon the 18th. It's going to be great fun and we in the organizer group are super stoked.

We will release the tickets on Oktober 31 20:00. You will find them on www.dåre.se

Note that we will prioritise members of the Computer Science chapter, however if there are any available tickets other friends and people are welcome to sign up.

If you have any questions you are welcome to email us at dare@d.kth.se and we'll try to answer as soon as possible.

The price for chapter members will be 2200 kr and for others 2800 kr.


The next chapter meeting, the Mulled Wine Chapter Meeting, will be held November 27. The chapter meeting (or SM for short) is the chapter’s highest legislative body. This is where our members can propose and vote on what the Chapter should be doing.

Even if you already know about the chapter or you are interested in learning more about it, you are welcome to attend. This is where you are able to voice your opinions and make a difference!

If you have an idea or a proposal to the chapter, write a motion! Talk to the D-directorate (the chapter board) if you want help. You reach them at drek@d.kth.se! In order to generate a LaTeX typeset motion that follows the Chapter’s standards for formatting motions, use the online form at motioner.datasektionen.se Send in your motion(s) to drek@d.kth.se by 18:00, November 13!

We will buy dinner to everyone that signs up before November 22. The form is https://goo.gl/forms/VPWGX26cZm7W0urN2

NOTE: You need to bring a valid ID, as well as a THS ID (Mecenat card with Nymble, the THS shield as well the Chapter’s shield on it), or any other document that can verify that you are a member of the Computer Science Chapter! In case you haven’t received your card yet, you can use the Mecenat app on your phone, or you can ask for a document at the THS Reception (KårX), that verifies your membership.

The meeting will be held in B1. See you November 27!

QN Plays: Tournament in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

It is once again time for Qulturnämndens largest event, the super smah bros melee tournament! Have you never played befor or is it time for you to win this year? No matter if you want to compete, watch or play some board game you don't want to miss this legendary event!

Sign up to the tournament by sending a message to Qulturnämnden, Edvin or Ronya. It will be possible to sign up just before the tournament, but please send us a message if you know you will be playing so that we can prepare a match schedule.

See you there!

Candidate Questioning

Monday the 20th of November 18:00 will this years Candidate Questioning be in B1!

The offices Chapter president and Chapter vice-president is elected before the Mulled-Wine-Chapter-Meeting. Therefore the candidates for these offices present themself and aswer your questions before the meeting and the election closes.

Do not forget to sign up for food in this form on friday at the latest!