Budget-SM Information
It is finally time for the semester’s first Chapter Meeting, the Budget-Chapter-Meeting! The Chapter Meeting (henceforth referred to as SM, from the Swedish word “Sektionsmöte”) is the Chapter’s highest legislative body. It is a forum where our members can propose and vote on what the Chapter should be doing, e.g. buying a new vending machine or perhaps even a new car.
No matter whether you feel like you understand the Chapter and the way it works, or if you feel like you have no clue what is happening, you should definitely attend these meetings, because this is where you and your opinions can make a difference. Attending and listening is also a very good way of learning how the Chapter works.
By-election is happening for "Ledamot för Studiesociala frågor", "Studienämndens ordförande", "Jämlikhetsnämndens ordförande" och "Öfvermatron". Seek or nominate people on https://val.datasektionen.se/
In case you have an idea, or a proposal you would like the meeting to consider and vote on, write and submit a motion! A motion, in this case, is supposed to be made up of a title, a description (a form of background, why the proposal was made) as well as a number of items (called “att-sats” in Swedish, roughly meaning “to do-item” in English). It is the “to do-items” that should, in a clear and concise manner, describe what sort of action(s) should be done if the motion were accepted. Don’t hesitate to contact the Board (drek@d.kth.se) in case you need help or have any questions! In order to generate a good looking motion made in LaTeX, that follows the Chapter’s standards for formatting motions, use our online form at https://motioner.datasektionen.se/.
Send in your motion(s) to drek@d.kth.se by 18:00, October 3rd!
We also provide you with a free dinner. You can sign-up for food using this form: https://goo.gl/forms/8bI3KrKIY8iwABPQ2
NOTE: You need to bring a valid ID, as well as aTHS ID (Mecenat card with Nymble, the THS shield as well the Chapter’s shield on it), or any other document that can verify that you are a member of the Computer Science Chapter! In case you haven’t received your card yet, you can use the Mecenat app on your phone, or you can ask for a document at the THS Reception (KårX), that verifies your membership.
See you at 17:30 in B3!