Computer Science to Dreamhack W 2017
Dreamhack Winter 2017 (DHW17) will be held in the Elmia Fair in Jönköping Friday 2017-12-01 08:00 - Monday 2017-12-04 (08:00), and the Computer Science Chapter is attending! This event is hosted by the Computer Science Chapter's board DESC (Datas E-Sports Community). Double-check that you're not having anything important scheduled then. We've booked the chapter's car for this event, and we have 4,000 SEK in transportation budget to play around with.
Buy your ticket here:
We're aiming to be in Jönköping ~11:00 for the opening ceremonies. It takes a bit more than 3 hours to drive Stockholm -> Jönköping by car, so this means we will be driving to pick up the participants' computers the day before. We will meet early (08:00) the following day at KTH to start our journey. If you want to arrange your own transportation that's of course fine, but the chapter won't subsidize your gas expenses.
Everyone is welcome to come alone, including significant others, siblings, friends and your beloved grandmother :) A caveat though: non-members of the Computer Science Chapter can join us in the chapter/rental car as long as there's space; the chapter's money should be spent on the chapter's members. If there are seats available they are of course welcome to ride along, but the chapter's members come first.
We have already started buying tickets :) There's a seat map here: We are seated in Hall B rows B8-B9 to the far right.
The pack list includes your Chapter overalls (if you have it), your computer, and sleeping equipment. The sleeping area is a large hall (think sports gymnasium) where everyone sleeps on the floor, so pack according to your own needs.
Two more things: - DH Game is super awesome, everyone should be participating! - There are plans to build a 'scaffolding' to put our computers in, more info on this before december if it becomes reality.
Hype? Hype! :D This is gonna be sweet.