Start-up event at Nymble Pub

Information om ett event som anordnas av Exitera – en studentförening för entreprenörskap på KTH. // Information about an event held by Exitera – a student society for entrepreneurship at KTH.

- How to turn a pear into an idea.

Have you thought about starting your own company? Or are you making small notes in your diary about silly ideas? Or maybe you already have an business idea but don’t know anyone to share it with?

No matter if you answer YES on any of these questions or just are a curious person you should join Exciteras Start-up event the 17th of February!

We will together share information about your possibilities at KTH and give you directions where to go if you want to turn something small into something bigger.

SSES, SUP46, STING, CampusCompetence, SGA and THS are some of the organizations, companies and start-ups that will show you the path to make your dreams come true.

Shorter presentations of the companies and organizations will be held and the event will end up with mingle over a beer and snacks to find inspiration. We in Excitera will also present our awesome upcomings for this spring!

First 50 showing up will get a free drink ticket. Snacks and inspiring people will be available at the event. Now we just want you to come and make it perfect.

Time: 17th February, 17.00-22.00
Place: Nymble

Warmly welcome,