Sök utredningsgruppen för THS verksamhetsspråk! / Apply for the THS operational language evaluation group!

A report on the THS Student Council’s mode of operation was presented on the first THS Student Council meeting for the 2014/2015 year of activity, and in relation to this report a motion to change THS primary language to English and have Swedish as the secondary language, with being able to speak Swedish as a requirement for some positions in the organization.

The THS Student Council, however, felt that there were several questions that needed to be answered before they wished to begin a transfer to a new language, such as how it would work to have a different operational language than the seat of learning to which the student union is attached, or if any public authorities have any formal demands in terms of operational language.

With regards to this, THS Student on the Council assigned the THS board to creating a group to evaluate the effects of changing the operational language of THS. The group will do most of its work during spring and if there are enough candidates the group will be started at the THS Board meeting on December 3. If you are interested in participating in the evaluation, please fill out this form.